Friday, July 8, 2022



If there are some domains which do not call for credentials, they are Idiocy and Lunacy. At least this is what I recognize of these two features which are held in low esteem and high ridicule. That these are being laughed at by ‘saner looking’ persons is itself proof my contention. With no provocation one easily turns near lunatic or a tentative idiot. Undoubtedly, there is nothing of a temptation in anyone‘s desire to be either an I or L. Yet effortlessly persons cross lines to enter the territory ridiculed by them. The contention that the line of segregation between sanity and lunacy is very faint stands clearly established from these happenings.

Substantiating the contention seems all too simple Yes; let us draw our inferences from a variety of observed facts.

Look at our National scenario. Come elections to country’s parliament, we notice how political opponents come together to fight a ‘common enemy’. The very idea of a common enemy is an item of ridicule because in daily life we do not speak of any common enemy. There may be enemies. How can someone be an enemy to most others? This is just an effort to ‘agenda setting’ by narratives to suit their contentions. Mind you—contentions are driven by scope for gains and seldom by conviction.


What should we call people who toe the line of stupid campaigners? So, the stupid preaching generates fair following indicating that idiots are led by lunatics or vice-versa. Who is who is again another wafer-thin line in this dispensation.

We are a bunch of idiots on most occasions. Carefully consider the previous case. Individually, everyone nearly echoes sentiments that we need a set of good rulers. But, when and where it matters, voters stand divided on non-issues. If political outfits can cash in on ‘emotional’ or sentimental mindsets, are we sane?

If not, do we not qualify to be called ‘insane’? Right away the judgment can be that whoever follows idiots or insane preachers should be insane themselves no matter what avocation they pursue for living.

If you want additional instances of responding to emotive appeals, my kit is full. Sheepishly towing a political gimmick is the first step to irreparable idiocy. Lending lame excuses for our wrong execution of franchise is confirmation of our willing to be ‘IDIOTS’. Delightfully we are idiots succumbing to varied proclamations and promises and ‘bandwagon idiocy’ is not easy to eradicate. It can be raised to a full scale by fanning emotions or promises contrary to truth. Our looking forward to bigger promises is nothing short of moving from idiocy to lunacy.  Do you need additional evidence of minds slipping into ‘idiocy’? Once a retired judge remarked that an actor may be pardoned, for, he had donned the role of a social crusader in movies. [What is this to equate movie portrayals with personal disposition to law of the land by the accused?]

Mere delays in pronouncements are being turned into grounds for mercy for even heinous crimes /criminals. Is trying to defend the indefensible an act of sanity? Under such circumstances, the law abiding look ridiculously insane. So, a set of happenings can push any one from sanity to insanity by judicious play of emotions. Never be complacent; one day many would stand bracketed under ‘Idiots’

Prof. K. Raman

1 comment:

  1. In our early days during summer we go and sleep on the terrace to get more air. But our parents use to advise that on full moon day we should avoid sleeping on the terrace.The moon light is supposed
    to induce a brain hormone that may alter your behaviour. That is
    the reason for the derivation of the word lunatic.
    Even in some animals like Palalo worms they swam on a full moon day in September of the year.
    We call it as lunar cycle.
    In politics we come across with many lunatics.They may have number of degrees obtained in several universities, but if offered money they may behave as idiots.
    A good example is Mr. Vaiko.
    We have heard his speech before and after election.
    Another peculiar thing I have observed is people from area nearby Kalakad in Nellai dt may behave as lunatics. In that district lunatics are called KALAKAD.



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