Tuesday, August 16, 2022



Needless to state-- as to what the title pertains to. It ably fits two important entities -The Almighty and The Air. Given my limitations to embark upon such a theme as ‘The Almighty’,  my option narrows down to ‘The Air’. The Indian  Medicinal system and religious faith accord a divine status to the all pervasive and describe it “Vaayu”.

Our familiarity to the medical status of ‘Vaayu’ looks clearer than what we know of the divine entity -“The Vaayu” . In any case the prefix “all pervasive” fits well to the medical entity; this is because, ‘vaayu’  which refers to any vapour or gas can spread itself to anywhere as its spontaneous attitude. Our perception of ‘vaayu’ as an internal component in human system reveals a like -behaviour by its ability to diffuse into every possible space, narrow or wide and between muscles and bones. Consequently, at places ‘vaayu’ may get trapped or arrested. Such confined gas tries to escape by constant effort by expanding. However, the felicity with which ‘vaayu’ manages to enter a space seems rather effortless, while, its freedom of escape from the ‘trapped site’ looks distinctly low The trapped gas keeps effort of ‘escape’ causing spasmodic pain in certain places. This is due to muscle being compressed by expanding gas and repeated effort of gas expansion causes spasm or repeating waves of pain. Application mild pressure over the area of abdomen showing spasm may help to ease the gas pressure. Some massaging can help too.

If the gas origin is traceable to select food items, avoid eating such food stuff. Use of warm water containing a pinch or two of ajwain or omam can relax the spasm and expel the gas. Another home remedy can be tried with Cumin [jeera] also boiled in water can help to get over the severity.

Use of asafetida powder [Hing] in buttermilk can also help to expel gas. Those who are not used to Hing, may use Garlic in relieving gas pressure.

GAS or ‘Vaayu’ is all-pervasive in the sense that people of all age-groups get to experience ‘vaayu’ as an uninvited visitor who fails to find his way out.

Prof. K. Raman



1 comment:

  1. Our elders advise us not to speak while eating since gas will also enter our alimentary canal. This gas may escape freely through the mouth leaving space in the stomach to eat more.It is also treated as a signal that you have eaten stomach full. Alas! If the gas goes through the exit point (ie )the anus, and the rectum is infected with coprozoic bacteria , this little amount of gas can throw away all people nearby.
    In chemistry lab when we use pipette ,air bubble may cause interference.
    Imagine this Vayu is capable of anabolic as well as catabolic activities. Without oxygen animals and without CO2 plants can not survive.
    The Pamban bridge iron girders were made to bend by this vayu .
    Cyclones can do havoc



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