Monday, October 17, 2022



Though a common term, “record” denotes different ideas as understood /implied in a context. To be honest, the varied uses of the term are quite baffling, if only, we devote time to recognize the wide range of applications for the word “RECORD”

Record [Noun]. In its noun form it is pronounced ‘Rekud’ where ‘O’ and ‘R’ are compressed to take minimum time

As such, it refers to a ‘body of data’ relating to events like rainfall, crime, sports events, academic information and similar other items. In short it is a history of any activity of the past. So, a ‘record’ is an authentic official copy pertaining to a specific aspect as in Medical history of someone.

Another implication for ‘record’ is a ‘stored voice or speech in a reproducible mode stored in a gadget or in a phonograph or as a visual image in a video. Thus ‘record’ may indicate a physical package of stored data as voice or image.

Other usages:

‘For the record’ means for information of the public

“Off the record” means a piece of information not to be made public as of now

‘On record’ means that the piece of information is a recorded fact.

‘RECORD’ [Adjective]

A ’record’ may also mean an unsurpassed act of performance or occurrence as in ‘Record rainfall, or Record gathering for a concert and so on.

‘RECORD’ [Verb] The word is pronounced ‘rekaard’

In its verb form, the term refers to a process of doing something as in

Jot down, note down, or mark evidence [record or register evidence]

Example: Please be sure to record statements of all witnesses on the scene.

Thus the term ‘record’ serves to satisfy different functions in the process of communication or transfer of information between groups separated by space or time.

Prof. K. Raman


  1. Thanks for the information that how the word Record is used. I still remember Prof.KRN pronounced this word as Rekud

  2. Surprised at the author's profundity of knowledge in English language. Taking a very common word , he has analysed its implications in various contexts with telling examples. Kudos to him.



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