Thursday, December 22, 2022



These days every operation receives wider appeal / acceptance if floated under some corporate banner or establishment. I do not understand the public patronage for things associated with corporate label. It is the closest parallel to “COMPUTER SAMBRANI” .it is quite perplexing as to what have computer and sambrani mutually to do with each other.

At a time when several operations were brought under the rigid regulatory practices typical of computers, people seldom questioned the relevance of computer in a specific activity like making of toilet cleaners, talcum powder, designing of fabrics and even car engines of late stand the benefit of designing and fault detection. Much of these owe themselves to a knowledge domain respectfully christened as “software” solutions. Well the process is highly demanding in the sense that every minute step in a process ought to get properly linked through step-wise progress to preclude chances of arriving at erroneous  product or delivery schedule.

From a layman’s understanding [as that of mine] every step reckons as to ‘where to go next’ through precise choice of flawless options. The rigidities associated with them are so very perfect that even political outfits prefer to organize their functioning on corporate styles.

In simple terms, an organization functioning on technical expertise of critical components like Finance, adminstration, marketing, customer care and continual support to the client is ‘Corporate in character’-or simply it is a total package addressing all components that customers look for –including redress if need be.Thus corp[orate firms manage to make the best appeal through captive presentations  or high pressure advertisements  that promise ‘the best’ at the least cost input. They may hide several  charges leviable upon a service rendered and such claims abruptly pop up wnhen the user is irretrievably committed. So, it is a cut throat strategy of killing pleasantly., like serving a glass of dirty water served in a contained wrapped in a spotless white towel.  The charges levied are so politely abstracted  from us  that the whole methodology looks abstract , leaving no impression of ‘arbitrary levying’.



  1. Have you heard of computer paint?
    If you want a particular colour to paint your house or any material give that shade to the paint shop . The shade is marked in the machine and that will mix paints accordingly
    But sambrani is for madasambranis

  2. While information Technology has made our complicated lives easy in the present times through " AI - Artificial intelligence " with data inputs , the human brains have an edge over it in critical areas.

    Psychologists, caregivers, mostly engineers, human resource managers, marketing strategists, and lawyers are some roles that cannot be replaced by AI anytime in the near future.



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