Within the domain of B&W film
processing at least two other items deserve being referred to. These are film
process for 1. PORTRAITS and 2. SKETCHES
made of black ink drawings to depict certain details in plant or animal morphology
[external organization].
PORTRAITS require revealing features / facial
organization , the nose bridge, eyeballs, eyebrows and the typical features of
jaw and chin. All other features are less important while the general plan of
the ear lobe is ‘diagnostic’ in forensic studies. So, film processing of
pictures meant to serve interests of portraits are different from those of
general ‘record’ of events or group photos. In portraits tonal continuity and
playing down of skin blemishes are far more important than presentation of
vivid details . It means that the negatives there of, ought to be cool soft and sharp on EYE BALL.
SKETCHES do not require revealing the
paper texture or structural inadequacies on the surface. All lines, dots,
slender hairs , curves and contour shapes need to stand out as line drawings
rendered in jet black against a plain white background. It means exceptional
contrast is a priority over everything else . These typical ‘demands’ are
achieved through the play of right formulations of developer and not by other
criteria. How they are achieved can be explained.
Any portrait is a facial record of a
person that seves to recognize him / her based on features typical to that person. So, position and clarity of
Eye ball matters the most in a portrait. So, the best zone of focus must be the
eye ball itself and all other details shall progressively get weaker [less
sharp] ; however the aspects of general texture and winkles typical to the
person may just add to the picture value. But, the focus need not prioritize
anything other than eye ball. In order that all such features represent a facial
spectrum in skin features , a soft
working developer does a grand job over that of any standard developer. There
are well kniown portrait formulae which make use of Metol with very little or
nil Hydroquinone –named Metol-Sulphite developers with traces of other
adjuvants including the Alkali.
sketches are scientifically drawn using some black dye like Indian ink. On all
such occasions, the final product requires to stand out from a plain back
ground. In other words, the picture has only 2 tones- Black and White with no
intermediate shades or grey . So, the picture is highly contrasty. The need to
satisfy Contrast is achieved by a developer formulation rich in Hydroquinone
–alkali combination with little or no metol. Such Hydroquinone developers are
shortlived . So, they are prepared just an hour before work and used to neaer
full potential and discarded after use. Old [partly exhausted] developers do
not yield absolute contrast .
So, using a common formula of
Developer for varied picture requirements is like settling for a common recipe
to make a variety of ciliniary delicacies.
Alas , with no films within easy
reach, a demonstration of the suggested strategies looks a distant dream,
though personally , I have tried several formulae to make assertive statements
on the theme.
More to follow
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