Saturday, March 9, 2024



It is well nigh impossible for anyone to claim unfamiliarity to the term ‘gravity’.

‘Gravity’ is explained as the natural force that draws any object dropped from a higher plane to the ground.  Well, Issac Newton has been credited for the plausible explanation that he offered to explain the process of objects’ “falling to the ground”.  Our planet is itself a witness to the process of gravity –named earth’s gravity. If so other planets can as well exert a similar force that may be referred to as Moon’s gravity or any other similar act by a defined planet. However the force exerted by moon and that by earth differ in force they exert [or simply –the gravitational pull]

It is time that we learned a few items of grand significance to understand how important the role of gravity is.

From the standpoint of ‘development’ in bio-systems- plants/ animals, the earliest of recognition of poles is related to the planet’s gravity. If the plane from where gravity acts is not perceptible, the developing structure is guided by either light or the point of sperm entry to the egg. One of these serves  as a ‘marker’ to determine stem and root [plants];head and foot [animals]. This ability is described as “polarity recognition”, even for appropriate development of the embryo [foetus].                                   

Be that as it may, consider the state of an adult in terms of polarity. Any one getting up from a deep sleep lacks clarity of perception, moving in a wrong direction looking for the rest room. If some light is available, the person readily becomes-direction-conscious and is not confused. An act of body-balancing during a fall or imbalance in orientation of self is always corrected with reference to ‘gravitational pull’. Without gravity and our recognizing it, life may prove rather difficult .

Gravity –being understood to be exerting a force of ‘attracting objects’, certain expressions in languages have been formulated too.

 A specific term in this context is ‘GRAVITATE’. The term means ‘moving toward something or getting attracted'  by something.

Of late, people are gravitated by shopping centres /TV programmes than even by movie houses.   

  Research funds in Universities are gravitated towards projects related to human welfare.

It is opportune to recall that “Gravity’ does not merely refer to the ‘a force of attraction’ by planet[s].

The term ‘Gravity’ has several contextual meanings [connotations] as well.

PLEASE UNDERSTAND THE ‘GRAVITY’ OF THE SITUAION means the seriousness associated with some event or act.  It may also mean the ‘intensity’ or severity of a problem.

Another similar term is ‘GRAVE’ –an adjective.

Grave refers to a precarious or hopeless condition and is expressed as in “We are in a GRAVE situation”.

“GRAFFITI”[noun] is another term that refers to writings or paintings on walls; it somewhat resembles gravity by spelling .

Let us be clear of the ideas presented.

K. Raman .


  1. In animal cell during development
    besides animal pole and vegetal pole it has axial gradient. Some of the ions may increase from vegetal to animal pole or viceversa

  2. Dr. K V Precisely, that is what raising a baffle as to the signals behind recognition of polarity. Even in experimental nullification of gravity by placing zygotes of certain algae on rotary platform , several internal signal triggers seem to take priority in offering a guidance to pole determination. Fascinating is the nature's design for unforeseen exigencies,.
    Thank you



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