Saturday, March 1, 2025



Conversation is an informal activity. Indeed it is a subtle act of socialization, without a declaration to that effect.  It  provides enough opportunity to grasp others’ points of view and style of expression. But, the opportunity rests on the group into which we enter. Obviously, people from different settings make a better team than those formed by members of a like setting and age. Strangely, members of different age groups or social settings do not come together easily.

So, one has to consider mingling with members of slightly higher age, as to be in a position to learn faster. There will be restrictions precluding the chance; an attempt to get into such groups is wiser than staying in peer-rich grouping. Though a little degree of freedom may have to be foregone, keeping company with elder groups can help learning expressions faster.

It would be better, if such a group is comprised of persons from different language backgrounds.  The spirit of the suggestion is to look for opportunities of learning different forms of expression, as each language has a culture of usages. These reflect in the framing of statements and in the art of employing the vocabulary.

If we happen to get in touch with voracious readers, chances are we can find more avenues of learning, spread over an expanse of knowledge domain.

So, the idea of ‘conversation’ is not chatting; rather it is an occasion to learn better ways of expressing ideas. In the final analysis, we are clearly perceived if our ideas are laid out with ease and comfort. 

The general trend of indifference to finer aspects of expression is an impediment to ascension, as in official circles, talent of expression counts the most. Those who have managed to stay abreast of language skills [in any language] are the most sought after and are held in esteem by the authorities. Those who have not equipped themselves with such niceties, tend to brush aside the skilled ones; but inevitably turn to them for help on hours of demand.

Therefore, occasions of conversation must be utilized to learn and cultivate sophisticated expressions to perfection. Conversations carry the innate advantage of warding off inhibitions that shroud all formal interactions. Formalized schedules are far less permissive than are conversations.



  CONVERSATION Conversation is an informal activity. Indeed it is a subtle act of socialization, without a declaration to that effect.   I...