Tuesday, November 30, 2021


 Annoyance - II


A process may be defined as a long, systematic conditioning to yield a mature product.

Short of this, the product will be defective. Defective products cannot be marketed; at best can only be under-sold. As is known, quality determines the acceptability of any item. I learn that some drastic step has been introduced to the students of PG level and above to face a mandatory paper on “communication skills” by the MK University. Apparently the step looks positive. Honestly it is degrading in the sense that shamelessly these candidates were admitted to graduation by the very same university. If the university is honest about it, an even more stringent step is called for. Never allow inadequate performers to pass any examination. It is common knowledge that product quality depends on the quality of components. Quality efforts must begin from the lower end and not at the apex. Any such tuning at the top amounts to bringing cosmetic looks. It would only fade because quality has to be an in-built property. It can not be added to a finished product. We are clearly worried that our product is already “finished” and we like to keep it alive until it is “sold”. With the quantum of recalcitrance witnessed in many youngsters especially for communication, I can only pray the Almighty.” please help them” since teachers cannot do much to it. Another dimension that has complicated matters is the unjust belief that, developing the communication skills is the domain of the language teachers. It is wrong by the very perception. Every form of knowledge is transmitted by communication. As such, teachers at their individual levels should focus to provide the nuances of communication in their branches of knowledge.  A mere working knowledge, for a strategy like teaching is not enough. Use of appropriate terms to convey the idea is communication. It need not be high-sounding or long winding statements. Precision is called for. Class rooms turn dull because expressions are mundane. The teacher uses the same words in a set pattern. If some variety is used to bring changes in words or modulations, student will look up for freshness. Teachers need to exploit the human desire for variety. It is also a mark of zeal on the part of the teacher for lively presentation.. Teachers must avoid believing that students do not understand. The truth is they do not listen to the mundane approach. For any progress exposure is vital. Teachers can bring the exposure opting to use better expressions. Minor difficulty is always an invitation to learn. Students will catch up. Constant familiarity to better usages will work wonders, eliminating the “fear component” in the minds of learners. This is essential to face the real life situations. Many senior teachers also take to base line satisfaction in their approaches.

Over the years this has come about among teachers, largely based on their desire for “popularity” through friendly approaches and relaxations that deprive the learning of its seriousness. Some degree of complexity always introduces seriousness. Without seriousness, the tendency to exert and acquire skills stands ruled out. Please never be sympathetic on matters of evaluation of learning. Our sympathetic accommodation of their inadequacy now will land them in distress. The society needs a different profile altogether. Grooming has to be merciless.     Sympathetic evaluation unfailingly leads to pathetic evolution.

Any stringent approach to teaching and evaluation can mend inadequacies and render long- term justice. If every teacher tightens up, the student community would come to terms to pick up the lead. Teachers need to recognize their social responsibility. Any teacher who fails to correct mistakes is the biggest accident on the society. My suggestion is to carefully plan our teaching schedules to drive our subject matter through better styles of communication, instead of blaming it on the students’ inability to comprehend. Many teachers do not seem to realize the long term inadequacy we are planting into the wards. Teachers must become communicators from the status of “Readers and Dictators” of notes.         

Equally dismal is the profile of many “Doctoral Degree holders”. Some of them are weaker in communication than their students. Shamelessly they would be defended that, “those people have very good knowledge and only thing is they can not express”. If hidden knowledge is enough for a teacher, it would be a greater philanthropy to recruit DUMB SCHOLARS as teachers. Certainly they would not perpetrate improper usages.  Therefore my suggestion is all doctoral title aspirants [with the exception of those on Indian languages] must qualify through a National level communication screening before they can submit the theses. The concept of proportional idiocy has been firmly entrenched by such abysmal performers. It may appear that I launch a tirade. Yes, for a cause dear to me. I do not visualize effective teaching sans communication. Whoever tries to lend excuses on this fundamental requirement is an example of the oxymoron- honest cheat, to say the least. Quite often it is an attempt to defend inadequacy. To convey the value of optimal adequacy over that of abysmal inadequacy, a casual reference to Thermodynamics is useful. [Energy is neither created nor destroyed. It can only be transferred. No energy transfer is 100 % efficient, but it is accompanied by loss in transit.{‘Knowledge’ can be substituted for Energy to clarify the situation}  What is transferred from a donor to a recipient is always less than 100 % as per the law of nature, one can give only less than what [s]he has.

So, an inadequate teacher can give even less than what [s]he has.

 Poverty in teaching does not deserve amnesty. All efforts of social justice would stand defeated if we are not giving the best education to our children. Where is the justice in giving them a bad training? That is why I insist that every teacher has to be absolutely adequate in content, dedicated in approach and inspiring by performance. Though it is a tall order to look for all round brilliance everywhere, certainly any attempt to improve deserves   support and appreciation. Better late than never should be the basic approach towards positive improvement. If every individual takes upon self a vow to improve who can prevent it?

The scenario and what can be done?   Honestly, teaching is a pleasant exercise only if we know how to go about it. People prefer to compare themselves with those whom they personally rate low as teachers. This is not merely a stupidity but a serious impediment to genuine progress in the profession. If we ever desire a personal evaluation, why it should be by a comparison of the kind said above? Either we rate us against established quality performers; or by a dispassionate self evaluation every semester to see how “improvement” is perceptible in every aspect of teaching.  Are we comfortable with every classroom situation in our daily routines? Ask yourself the question –Does autonomy provide me a cover of safety? If brought under the scrutinizing dispensation, would I be of the same comfort? These need not be answered in any forum. Let them be answered with in.  If you honestly feel cool of yourself, probably you are on the right track. If you feel discomfort with in, your introspection must be carried further. Ask self as to why you are uncomfortable? It may be for shirking work or for incomplete attention to classes or for digressing to spend the time instead of utilizing it or for being biased to gender or a mixture of these. I am absolutely confident that every teacher knows for self the stature [s]he carries among colleagues and students. But, my suggesting this introspection is to develop a sense of responsibility by self awareness. It is very difficult for anyone else to run over our ego. Every individual can do it because the individual is conscious of the good and the bad. Despite this, if they do not show signs of improvement, it is largely because of the feeling that “I am not the lone errant”. Would it not be a genuine pride if people say ‘you are the best’ instead of you are one of the bad teachers on our campus?

To Continue                                                  Prof. K. Raman

Monday, November 29, 2021



 After some careful thought, I chose this title. I never choose titles that disturb the mind.

But when the subject matter for perusal is highly disturbing, this is the least inconvenience that I can offer to my readers. On the very face of it, annoyance grips every one when we talk of education at any level. All stakeholders are annoyed. They are: students, parents, teachers, administrators and managements. But they do not share the same type of concern on the issue. Each entity is annoyed over a specific domain. Therefore, one has to address the underlying causes that need being looked into. Once it is done, it should be possible for us to consider approaches that may soften if not solve the problem outright. From the point of view of consumers, the problem is intricate. All parents insist on their children becoming Engineers or I T Professionals or Doctors and none else. It is a parental desire in utter disregard to the finer issues involved. Students for their part also do not gather the techniques of learning. As for teachers the scenario is badly confused. Teachers are of two types- those inclined to do their best, those not much concerned. The latter variety is steadily on the increase, possibly because there are no regulatory curbs on deviants. Administrators have no clues as to what reforms or revamping have to take precedence over what.  Managements are confused over providing higher education of the type that holds prospects of long term stability and sustenance. Some of them are keen only on monetary prospects than on model or moral codes. With such a vexing complexity the scenario is annoying. Given the limited domain of a teacher, I may not be able to dwell at length on every component. I hope to consider issues from the points of view of students and teachers. Sincere efforts will be necessary to resolve the knots that generally occur.

Going by the common saying “We reap what we sow”, the focus should be on teaching and then on learning. On different earlier occasions, I have considered the functional aspects of the two processes. I do not intend repeating the same ideas. I feel that some positive orientation of our attitudes to the two processes would do some good to the system as such.  Teaching–learning is a functional complex. They are complementary and mutually influential. As ever, the elders [teachers] should strive to lead with one clear understanding that what we do now is for the future. It includes a very important consideration. Our student may turn out to be a teacher for our children. So, now sow what you prefer to reap. I have clearly seen the hand of nemesis in the life of some teachers of our own times. I do not prefer to name them for obvious reasons of decency. Even in hotels we find the note “This holy task of feeding the people has been bestowed on us by the Almighty”.

Teaching can not be any less. Some of us have been chosen by destiny to be teachers. How can one be indifferent to this line of thought?                                             Obviously we have not thought of it.

With this backdrop, I try to share some of my perceptions to spell out some strategies that can help us to tide over the so-called impediments to good teaching and ideal learning.

Teaching and learning are interactive processes:

There is no exclusive teaching in the sense that every session of teaching is also a learning process. The converse may not be true. What I intend saying is this:  A teacher, while attempting to teach, learns to fine-tune the message to suit the audience or at least a vast majority there of.  There are no pre-set standards. Please consider this: Every singer has to identify the “sruthi” to render the song. There is no specific “sruthi” for a lesson or chapter. But the teacher sets his or her “sruthi” for every session by feeling the pulse of the audience. The amplitude over which a teacher can operate depends on the nature of the lesson, the receptivity, the time over which it has to be done and so on. There are no quantified data for these parameters. Yet the teacher silently sets self to the most appropriate frame within which to effectively operate. The statement may look vague as only the broad attributes are suggested. In simpler terms, both the bottom limit and upper extremity to teach are broadly fixed by the teacher. An alert teacher does not fix any permanent frame limits for all occasions, even for the same batch of students. Instead, there is an effort to widen this frame so as to provide greater information based on how well the lessons are received. Those teachers who always cater to the bottom line requirements are either not inclined to strive or cannot do better. They take recourse to dodgy excuses. Often they cite the background of students for not going all out in their efforts. Honestly, this contention is a matter for serious dispute on two counts. 1. If their background is weak, it should all the more be a reason for strenuous efforts. I am certainly confident that students perceive our efforts and in turn try to catch up. 2. The best of Scientists and lofty thinkers have all been products of rural origin. Proudly or sadly the urban population has only enjoyed the fruits of such contribution. There is no dearth of ability to understand. On the contrary making them understand is the business of teaching. Unfortunately teaching has become a business for some. Not being aware of the right approaches to learning, parents and students flock to such coaching classes for mustering high scores.  [It is no different from preferring a beautification parlour to ways of healthy living through appropriate food habits]

For every stage of life we feel the need for coaching [need to visit the parlour for every occasion] Short-cut methodologies do not provide the strength to live on.

Education- what to pick up?

Education is for an ideal way of living and not for just crossing stages in life. Unless teaching strategies establish the right supremacy, the day of dissipation is not far off. Teacher is the pivot and the fulcrum. It should be clear that any teacher is only as good as [s]he strives. Students should recognize that they are at the right [st] age to learn. Later stages of life can only be utilized for tuning your clarity and performance. Tuning always implies that something is ready and organized. A defective machinery or engine or musical instrument can not be tuned. These objects of physical organization require being kept ready. That being so how can we imagine that we can learn things later. I have seen some students running to pick up ‘spoken English’ upon being called for an interview. Even if somebody spoke of English, they used to run away imagining that they are quite secure or they can secure the skill in no time. Systematically they are unfailingly discarded after every interview. So, students, please be clear that NO AGENCY EVER WANTS TO RECRUIT SOME ONE WHO FAILS TO CONVINCE THEM OF  THE ABILITY  TO COMMUNICATE, EVEN IF THE WORK DOES NOT INVOLVE PUBLIC INTERACTION. The top management looks for personnel who can handle situations even if their PRO is away on some other mission. Kindly do not imagine that your PG degree or a Doctoral TITLE WOULD PUT YOU IN GOOD STEAD Instead it may put you at the backyard. In some recruiting agencies they have a new interpretation for the present day degree holders. “Qualification reflects the scale of inadequacy”. They imply that persons of higher qualification are more inadequate

[Proportional idiocy?]. Another way of looking at this perception is, the greater the qualification the higher the expectation of quality. Many a time I have seen youngsters saying “I know this, that, 7 computer languages and I have a PG diploma in communication” Many of the people are mere PG dilemmas if you open a discussion on any topic including those on their attainments. So, dear student please remember that you have to learn rather than possess degrees, diplomas and titles. Not one of them can speak for you. The crux of the issue is education is the stage of foundation. Bad foundations have the risk of collapse any time. Mere biological growth cannot help you stand erect in the society of professionals and competitors. [More of it later] Please note that learning is a process helped by another process called teaching.

to continue     K. Raman 

Sunday, November 28, 2021




To get over the evil impact of inferiority is not impossible. All that is needed is honest introspection. Before any feeling grips us, we should try to understand the efficacy of our performance in our field of work. Necessarily local comparison alone is possible. If we fare well in this rating it is for us to strive to improve on it. If we are deficient, we should shake off any inhibition. Let us try to locate our follies; either in comprehension or in coordinating of steps or in the levels of execution. Seeking help on these from our immediate environment would certainly help. It is here that people fail to confide and resort to cheaper tactics of “lowering the reputation” of others. In fact a small request to them in clearing misgivings would help the growth of both besides fostering healthy relations. When the other person is more competent it is a signal that we are less competent and can not outwit him / her. Conceding to the merit is a route to avoiding failure.


When one realizes the inadequacy of self, he or she fails to accept that greater efforts can help acquiring skills / competence. This is because, the individual wrongly believes that

‘I am as good / even better than the other’. It is a blind faith since over the years the person has not seen really bright people. They tend to believe that they can win acclaim in public esteem. When they fail in reality, they are blindly angered. Anger knocks off

unbiased analysis. They fail to distinguish real merit from that of assumed wisdom. They do not accept that ‘we need to learn more’. Anger overshadows analysis and ruins the scope for betterment.  The question is “Is inferiority a complex?”

The answer could be Yes / No, depending on the individual displaying the attribute. One interpretation is the individual knows that he / she can not really compete for a place of pride. Therefore, he/she resorts to lowering the image of others instead of raising that of self. In this case the individual is gripped by INFERIORITY AWARENESS. However, some people do not recognize their own potential and feel can not match the requirement. This type of attitude results from the long history of family background and a general lack of exposure in handling situations of a larger dimension. Such persons need careful counseling to enthuse them into greater efforts. Such persons do not believe in maligning others. It is a dependable signal for identifying them. They should be helped to get over their feeling of inferiority complex. Generally they are amenable to reason and they do not believe in growing taller by beheading others. Often such people are docile and withdrawn. They can be identified for their merit / abilities and nurtured to shine better. Therefore it can be summarized that Inferiority complex is curable but not inferiority awareness.

The other extreme:

At the other extreme are the persons with “Superiority Complex”. Unlike those of the “Inferiority awareness” group, these do not reckon others as a cognizable entity. Since they think they are the most knowledgeable, they expect all others to tow their line. Other than this they do not deem it fit to talk about others. Given the occasion they would not hesitate to snub anyone in unmistakable terms. It is more to utilize the chance that they indulge in this act. They do not resort to denigration of any one because they are personally convinced that none else can compete with them.

On occasions they may carry things a little too far in a zeal of displaying their alertness. This can be mended by leaving them alone unless there is absolute need for interaction. Other than such “display” these persons would not like to be caught by lesser mortals and thus keep their steps clean. Though their attitudes do pain others they do not mastermind plots to denigrate others. We can reconcile to their pranks with one solace that the person is superior enough and no wonder the situation favours them. It is any day better than the calculated tarnishing indulged in by the more incompetent people. The moral in these observations is that “Any display is not welcome for the general population at large”.

.                                                                                               Prof. K. Raman.

Saturday, November 27, 2021





Having looked at so many facets of human life, it is logical to consider the issue of human mental complex. Generally complex is considered more a notion of self than of its being true or real. As two extremes of the phenomenon, we come across persons of inferiority complex or of superiority complex. To some extent, it is debatable if the notion is imaginary at all. To strengthen my observation, I have to draw the attention of readers to the ground reality that most such persons entertain the idea based on what they feel of themselves. Therefore it need not be an outright imagination. It could rather be more an amplified assessment. At a later point we may consider the issue from a different plane. Let us evaluate the outcome, as it tends to disturb the people around as much as it does to the individual. The mental complex is a nasty item, as the sufferers behave more like introverts and seldom discuss a matter in all entirety. On the contrary, their assertions in public and in private are contradictory. It makes our life that much difficult to bank on their honest stand on an issue. Letting down others is the outcome of this nasty trait. Of the two forms of complex, the one from the feeling of inferiority is more widespread and harder to handle.

In most situations, a feeling of inferiority develops when persons try to interact with others without appropriately organizing themselves in concept / content / context. Another dimension to this feeling comes from a general inadequacy in the ability to communicate / convince others of any contention. Inevitably time and again one has to recognize the need to communicate. Even in informal situations, the trait for effective communication takes a lead role in determining the level of social acceptance of any person.

 Organizing the process of thought is a vital component of any communication irrespective of the language employed. Invariably, it proves a hurdle if one tries concealing his / her inadequacy in this front. The actual disorder in a person afflicted by this feeling is he /she primarily believes that “I am at par with everyone else”. It is justified only in terms of biological growth and not based on mental prowess. Obviously such people are oblivious of the range of spread of information and the vast expanse over which a person can acquire grip and authority. The malady can be traced to their pattern of upbringing in their early childhood. Such persons who have sustained themselves in the company of lesser mortals assume “equality” that is truly non existent. When they come to a different situation of competent competitors, they feel miserable: but put up a brave disposition and try to preempt. How can an inadequate person preempt others? Truly, they can not accomplish this even in their remote dreams. They resort to maligning others with whom they can never compete.


Once such a feeling of inferiority enters one’s mind he / she does not attempt to mend the mechanics of knowledge acquisition. For them it is easy to denigrate others. Soon they locate their ideal foils of inadequacy and form a conglomerate of incompetence. This incompetent bunch tries to spread the notion that “X” is bad and that he /she should not be trusted upon. Such persons initially taste ‘victory’ since for them life’s mission is to see that no one enjoys greater acceptance. They keep on sustaining enormous vigil trying to highlight the follies of better people. They would not hesitate to fabricate items to portray better people as bad ones. Such tendencies are rampant among people who would stand comparison in public esteem. Instead of raising the level of competence in their work, they stoop low and resort to substandard missions of character assassination of people of higher quality. Desire being an insatiable entity, persons of such desire try to project themselves as saviours of humanity from the clutches of people whom they consider “bad”. In this effort, their judgement of people forms the basis for portrayal.


All aspects of life- good or bad have providential blessings. The bad efforts of such incompetent persons soon bring the perpetrators under the silent scan of public analysis. 

In due course, the very members of the incompetent circle start suspecting the credentials of one another as they suffer from the mental block of intolerance. All the bad remarks that they employed to describe their “chosen targets”, boomerang to themselves with greater vigour. Slowly, they lose credibility and value as respectable individuals. They are left discarded. Over the years they have lost the ability for neutral assessment and feel neglected. The imaginary castle they built of ruining the image of more competent persons stands in ruins. Still they do not deem it fit to get out of the feeling of inferiority.

Instead they try to look for new groups of people with whom they can start “denigrating” interpretations. The most damaging impact of the feeling of inferiority is its effect of murking the ability to see the obvious. Besides, it systematically erodes the peace of mind as every attempt of denigration lands the person in a greater mess of failure. Only the brave accept the failure while the incompetent live in a ‘make believe’ world and look for other means of ‘carrying on’ the mission. They would never learn their lessons. To Continue                          Prof. K .Raman  

Friday, November 26, 2021



Continuing from,        “Is age a serious constraint?”

It may not be so, provided the individual stays focused on to this desire. Always let us remember – “The mind is the master of any situation”. So long as the desire is intact, it will drive the urge to achieve and the impact will deliver the goods.

Approach:  The most fundamental requisite in this exercise is to clearly recognize that memory is always a product of understanding. This facet of the issue has to be thoroughly imbibed by any one who wishes to “cultivate” a good memory. Certainly, it is achievable through proper efforts. It is vital that we do not forget words whose meanings are clear to us, while we are unable hold the words that we fail to decipher. Let us steadfastly cling on to this idea as the cardinal principle of developing and enhancing the ability to remember. The dimension of memory as a phenomenon is astonishingly high. Sadly, we are just availing of a fraction of this mammoth ability in us. Definitely people would relish being rated high. By systematic approach, one can tone up the mind to be alert by exercises of recalling items and words and their meanings in contexts.

Procedure:    Daily life provides for a variety of occasions to learn from. Every moment we may find chances to learn. It may relate to forms of speech, words, presenting a problem to a public servant, streamlining fellow beings in a queue and so on. Just observe how others make use of the opportunity in a situation. We will notice different scopes of presentation as adopted by different persons. Always be an observer in any public gathering, keeping all your senses alert to receive. Avoid entering a conversation unless absolutely required. Direct participation in a conversation robs of the chance to receive from other sources.  

 Once some new expression in any language is noticed, try to get the correct meaning and mentally repeat the word and meaning 3 or 4 times and immediately consider how it can be suitably used for a definite occasion. The next day try to recall the precise meaning and the word and styles of usage. Let it happen for at least two days. Soon, you would notice that your ability to recall has improved. With every additional opportunity, it would also be clear that the recall time is coming down rapidly. That means all windows are ready to open at the slightest hint. Now, consider how some of your “good” teachers deliver ideas in classrooms in a systematic sequence. Try to pick up some of the nuances in arranging the thought. It is advisable to understand alternative meanings in a contextual usage; repeat the procedure of storing them in memory. Unless the meanings are understood, words are likely to evaporate. Proper repeat practices help a lot and some 10 minutes a day on these is a worthwhile investment. Memory comes to our rescue if we have earlier ‘helped’ our own memory with the right meaning. At best, it would be a small personal help done to self. Can’t we afford it considering the immense scope of enriching our own memory? Those who are shy of gathering the meanings from other sources will have to face greater shame, no matter how big an office they hold by designation. Mustering the correct usage is a step to mastering the requirement. Ironically people are ready to invest on every conceivable channel for “learning” without understanding the broad nuances of learning. Still, if you are not clear or convinced please consider this: Can we afford to memorize the working of mathematical problems without “understanding” the purpose of each step. Once the steps are clear, remembering is nearly automatic and simple.

 Most people seem to believe that by repeated recitation we can reproduce matter in the examination by the popular strategy known as “mugging up”. It is the worst habit in  ruining our capacity to learn, as it spoils the most important requirement- ‘the comprehension’

Without appropriate comprehension, nothing can be “achieved” except the ever-expanding fear in tackling situations. This is the reason behind all “tall scorers” faring poorly in competitive examinations where comprehension holds the key. Learning by rote and from notes may help “vomiting” in examinations but never in digesting the facts. Vomiting is a sign of indigestion and any sensible person should feel averse of it. Good memory is not in repeating the words. It is in understanding the concept –no matter how complex the concept is.          

Summarizing: Memory is a faculty given to every one to organize self. But, like every other biological function, use or disuse determines the efficacy of the faculty. It is for us to train our skills to recapitulate. Training does not mean “repeating” words and sentences as given in some source. It is actually how well we have understood the statements for their meaning. Unless the purpose of the statements is clear, it is bound to confuse the thought. Confused minds can not succeed. The apparent early success from memorized learning is not real, since, often these persons do not make it to the top as their learning is defective. Memory turns a sharp entity only if all fundamentals are clear and we are conceptually thorough. If we desire genuine progress, we have to cultivate “understanding” and memory is a product of clarity in understanding Memory is a faculty amenable to shaping, conditioning and retrieval. These help in organizing our skills for presentation in any forum. These facets are interrelated; so, efforts need to be in place.

Good Luck                                                          Prof. K. Raman


Thursday, November 25, 2021






Quite often we encounter situations when we suddenly feel that we are unable to recall something vital for that occasion. This is not unusual or seriously bad in human life. But if the phenomenon turns a routine, one may face a serious debacle in life. What causes this? Is there a way out? These are frequently raised questions which do not elicit ready or easy answers. Obviously memory is a faculty whose amplitude varies between persons and as such any common answer may not help every one for every occasion. Necessarily memory needs being cultivated through simple exercises which put mild pressure on mind to ‘draw’ from the store. To cite an example, it is like locks and keys routinely used versus those that are rarely used. The latter version fails to open up even after strenuous efforts. Like all gadgets, memory also serves us right if we put it to use. A number of questions is attendant in analyzing the issues involved. Earnestly I do not visualize giving any major suggestion. However, I may try saying what could be done to improve and one can improve on the improvement further.


Like all human acts, memory needs being honed. Honing the memory is a simple exercise of a regular or habitual training. Mind is the faculty that registers events, utterances, happenings and retains them almost ad infinitum. However, it is not as if this ability is of uniform relevance to all instances of life. On the contrary, the most enjoyable and the bitterest experiences in life get deeply entrenched and effortlessly so. To drive home this point, one can consider how often we recall jocular pieces we have read somewhere. We lose track of from where we gathered the item but not the item itself.

Likewise, all items of light reading and “not-so-important” ones stay fresh in memory. It is quite paradoxical that, we tend to forget things that we should not.  Less relevant details stay etched in memory.

This is the general trend in any average person’s attitude to memory. It cannot be permitted to take deep roots, if we desire regulating our faculty for long term advantages. Repeated practice or indulgence in a routine constitutes conditioning. It also implies that, like the body the mind can also “take” a certain load. So, it can be gradually raised to higher limits. Interestingly, memory does not suffer fatigue. No one ever feels tired of remembering things without any specific obligation. But, people cry hoarse of having to remember “so much” for an examination.

Things that are well understood stay anchored. Examination material is forcibly thrust in to the head without a clear understanding. Therefore the message turns volatile and the memory for these fades off with time. Jokes and stories are understood during the reading session itself and do not invite a second reading. This is the essential basic criterion which determines the capacity for retention. At this juncture, I reiterate that there is physically no limit for retention. Simply recall how many people, places, phone numbers, initials of friends’ names, movie songs / sequences we remember, without any obligation. Only when it comes to ‘holding’ material for examination our memory seems to shrink. Could it be real? The obvious mistake is, we have not taken the right approach to “conditioning” our ability to retain information. Can we do it now? Is age a serious constraint?

To continue              Prof. K. Raman


 Vaccines in human life


While humans believe and boast of independence, they are the ones in dire need of support for their basic living and progress. No other species –be they animals or plants need being defended by others for basic living. One such defence for humans against diseases is the vaccine. Vaccines are not curatives, but, they can arm the humans against potential infection by triggering the latter’s immune system to a state of readiness to identify and eliminate specific disease-causing invaders – the pathogens. The pathogens are either bacteria or viruses or fungi. Of them the most rapid to spread are the viruses; thus any fast-spreading event is described “viral” in social par lance. Therefore, any virus-induced disease can quickly spread among human hosts.  The present pandemic – the COVID, is a case in point.  Literally COVID transcends all barriers and for over a year has crippled world economy, even as it robbed off millions of life. Such catastrophic situations render humans vulnerable to death. 

While antibiotics can cure us of infectious bacterial diseases, they are of no avail in viral and fungal infections. Also, vaccines are essential to ward off crippling disorders and deadly situations. Maintaining a human population protected from fatality is a matter of high priority.  In the current COVID-19 pandemic, institutions had to race against time to evolve a life-saving protective like a vaccine. As per W.H.O’s report some 200 vaccine candidates are under preparation on a global estimate. Some manufacturers availed of existing strategy of attenuated viral sources; some others availed of a new strategy of mRNA-based vaccine formulation.

Attenuated [inactivated form of a virus or weakened virus or parts thereof] virus –based vaccine delivers a set of proteins   [antigens] typical of the infecting pathogen. The host is tuned to develop specific antibodies [against the pathogenic antigens] which can destroy the viral assembly and protect the infected person from the prospect of fatal reactions. Vaccine developed using inactivated virus does not cause infection. Yet, their spike proteins [resemble those of the pathogen] act as antigens and trigger antibody production in the host. The host comes to have ‘memory’ of the virus .Along with antibodies, antibody-producing memory cells are also formed in the host. Such memory cells remain for a long time. Any later infection of the host, by the same pathogen, triggers antibody production by memory cells. Antibodies are very specific to antigens. So, vaccines can protect   only against diseases caused by specific pathogens and those by closely related pathogens [antigens].

A number of vaccines developed have relied on attenuated sources as a reliable tool in vaccine formulation. [The history of use of human Adenoviruses in vaccine development started in 1953].The antigen component in the vaccine mimics the pathogen and elicits antibody response from the host and also promotes the formation/ sustenance of memory cells in the host. Any subsequent infection by the pathogen fails to cause disease as the pathogen [antigen] is effectively neutralized by host antibodies. 


Wednesday, November 24, 2021


 Some people -III

The nagging brand:

People of this version are basically duty-conscious and demanding that their duty-conscience be recognized and acknowledged by all. Being conscious of their duties they are also thorough with the provisions of rules governing the work. They do their jobs well with a self-styled notion that others are not as good. There is a clear degree of self aggrandizement in them. Their state of awareness for the provisions of law is simultaneously good and bad. Such people are fond of “officializing” issues by serving a notice on the authority through proper channel, calling for an official solution to a problem that is neither official nor permanent, like a tentative change of venue. They would all the time keep telling the authority that “I do not mind the dislocation while,

“I still prefer “your” committed statement on this”. They would try to establish their credentials for perfection, recalling how they gave a similar letter on 23-09-1988, to the then authority, still awaiting a reply. Obviously, their intention is not to get a solution but to reiterate their claims of perfection and unfading memory. They are mothers- in -law in their own right [irrespective of their gender] to use an Indian expression for vividity. People who generally nag any one should remember they are rated as casual nuisance.

The versions of characters presented are not the only ones in our ambience. There are more forms and varieties. Another brand is the “Petitioner-Anonymous” to be called PA for brevity. Very rarely they achieve anything. Yet, they take upon themselves a mission of making petitions. Too often, authorities “know” the author. If not, the author’s confidants make it clear to the authorities. If someone desires setting anything right, the best course open is to meet the authorities and apprise them of why a specific solution is sought. I am more than confident that agencies do respond to sensible suggestions, if they are convinced of the honesty behind a suggestion.  PAs create the impression of their being cowards and spineless, taking shelter under anonymity. Even if the utterance has truth, anonymity is the easiest technique of tarnishing the veracity of the statement. On the contrary, any statement owned by a person suggests both honesty and conviction. Except on matters of bomb scare and malpractices in examinations, all anonymous petitions and their authors [or at least the suspected authors] evoke a permanent sense of contempt, quickly ending up in the dust bin. The content of such letters, the references to sequences of events on an issue faithfully betray the anonymity. Besides, the author[s] can be easily “spotted” from the way they go about suggesting the “arrival” of the petition. How can an unconnected person ‘detect’ from unopened mails the floated petition, except by very authorship? Quite often they have been unfailingly spotted. All of them [detected] have received only scant respect from the powers that be as mere scandal mongers. Even some issues have been neglected because of the authorship suspected or detected. Anonymous petitioners are not anonymous as their identity is clear from the sides they take on an issue, the instances quoted and the characteristic defects in usages in the petition. The authorities to whom they ‘claim’ to have posted letters literally “expose” the author[s]. Such authors do not avoid the temptation of verifying the fate of the petition which confirms the authorship.

Other than sensation, anonymous petition [ers] do not to bring about any correction. Once known for making anonymous petition, a person has to carry the tag of a ‘third rate character’ for the rest of the life. In the larger interests of any system, such persons should not be shown any importance.

Each human character is educative in value, so long as we stay free from their influence and learn to “read” them. Yet, we have to sustain equanimity and avoid ill-treating them. To read a “character” one has to detach self from the emotional perceptions that associate with an issue. Besides, neutral disposition helps us to gather differing views on a subject for the sheer necessity of “total information”. Without total information, it is not ideal to arrive at conclusions. At least for the sake of our taking honest decisions, we should cultivate tolerance of all “characters” irrespective of their [f]utility..

To continue                                Prof K. Raman 


The go-betweens:

These are a special category. They take delight in making others believe that they can get ‘anything’ done. These are the most dubious in the sense that they try to project “larger than life” images of self and keep dropping names in an effort to suggest wide contacts. Actually they may have some lower level “contacts” at class IV or III.  Through them, they get to know the names of the top brass in that organization, and keep dropping them through conversations. Because of geographical familiarity with the place they would rapidly move through the corridors and connecting anterooms.

These strides tend to suggest the “value” of these persons, though strictly they do not wield genuine influence as claimed by them. One thing about these “characters” is their silence when confronted for violation of protocols. They would pacify the officials by an unconditional surrender. At such instances, they would scrupulously avoid dropping names and carefully extricate themselves from further embarrassment. Some of these “characters” make money by promising to ‘do’ things quicker. By sheer lower level contacts, they get the jobs done at the least expenditure. Then, they would painstakingly brief the beneficiaries of how they worked through the tough protocols. This display makes the beneficiaries much indebted. A number of people fall prey to their claims until they realize the futility of the trust placed on them. For any failure, they would invent reasons and continue dropping names.


By their very attainments, these are very average people. But, they have very polite approaches. They do not intend being polite but appear so, by virtue of their calculated utterances on anything. They intend eliciting information without obviously looking so. The mere effort to elicit the information has its origin in “doubting” others. They are afraid of raising or facing straight forward questions. The first thing they would do to any one is to make a loud and clear morning’s wish. There are at least two varieties of these people. One variety is intensely in doubt of being totally neglected. The other too is in doubt with varying degrees of it, in relation to the personal priorities to an item. Those with a higher intensity of doubt ensure that we ‘receive’ their morning’s wish. For this, they would intercept while we are walking and come to a point blank range before saying “Good Morning Sir”. The intention is, a morning’s wish shall be registered even if a degree of indecency creeps in. If someone objects to this style of interception, they would not hesitate to tender profuse apologies and rather take it as a route to get closer to us by explaining the well-meant “Good Morning” with no mala fide intentions. At the end of it they would wind up with one more Good morning signaling the cordiality achieved. Those of the lower category of the Doubting Thomas are careful not to irritate any one. They would choose to meet the person concerned only when none is around and “beg” for favour while systematically reminding the authority of their [Doubting Thomas’] contribution to the system. Every now and then they would indulge in typical “Ego appeasement” of the authority by chosen words “You know it best; I need not apprise you of anything”. This is a Shakespearean style of outwitting us. My contention is, if the authority does not require being apprised, then why this very exercise except to be sure that ‘our case has been presented’.  An interesting part of their behaviour is to ensure that none except the authority knows of this interaction; therefore they would hurriedly vacate the scene with a faithful murmur “see you later”. Much to their chagrin, at least a couple of persons doubt the Doubting Thomas and raise nagging questions with that individual. Always the doubting Thomas has a stock reply “I will tell you later”. In the process the person effectively inflates the ego of such inquisitive people. Each of them feels [s] he has a special niche in the mind of the doubting Thomas. If they individually meet “DT” later, each one gets a different idea of totally unconnected things. On a second reference DT tends to forget what [s] he told whom and a new cat is out of the bag. All DTs have the common syndrome of very high self esteem and an earnest belief that the system has not accorded them the due recognition. Much of this is a mere notion and the DTs do not dare raise their claims in any legitimate forum. Another hall mark of all DTs is their uniform attitude of not accepting responsibility while craving for recognition.  What generally works to the advantage of DTs is the common acceptance of their polite utterances with their agenda hidden deep underneath. Their agenda is to win the widest appreciation of appeal while enjoying the status of the most acceptable. By their very nature, they are not outspoken, hesitant to spell decisions and any utterance is soft- worded, carefully drafted to connote humility and cordiality. Strictly speaking, people do not relish unduly soft utterances and do believe that aspirants to authority need to be clear in conviction and honest in implementation. Any one playing soft merely intends “reaching” the top. For them, decision-making is a task of sorts, as they revel in being polite than being purposeful. Therefore DTs can not contribute from positions of authority. With DTs at the helm of affairs, disputes become common place, as they tend to play cordial with every one. An administrator need not be cordial in utterances, but has to be neutral and selfless in the execution of rules. Generally, DTs prefer to be “friendly looking” to all and will certainly run into rough weather as administrators since they can not please every one all the time. The interesting point is, all the appointing authorities like their soft nature as employees, but are hesitant to provide them the positions of authority. Hitherto, I have suggested the shortcomings of DTs. They are simultaneously harmless and useless. It is for others to be alert about the Doubting Thomas of any type lest we should run into confusions. The DTs are afraid of rubbing any one on the wrong side and do not believe in asserting their positions. Have the cake and eat it too is the attitude of DTs, without revealing an iota of this broad agenda. On a promise of “between us”, they share anguish with everyone, stating their “feeling of not-being recognized”.

To continue                                             K.Raman

Friday, November 19, 2021


 Some people 

The caption is quite broad and therefore vague too. Why I chose this? I have no genuine defence. Yet, I have embarked on this merely in an attempt to bring in some typical characters that we encounter in our daily life. I have employed the term “encounter,” as some of them choose to interfere with everything that goes on in public places and keep pronouncing judgements on anything including bullion rates. For them ‘knowledge’ is a domain not given to anyone else.  So, they assume to have a rightful duty of airing their views as a pronouncement for all to learn from. Many people enjoy these pranks as a means of passing the time. It is taken as a sign of serious deficiency of information among the public. This thought possesses them and they “assume” all “rights” for themselves. They are also fond of dropping names of high profile personalities as if they were next door neighbours confiding top official secrets with them every night. Once they realize that people are attentive to their utterances, they start narrations that can never be verified.

Some of them:

Invariably, they choose to play their craft in queues where people have already formed an orderly file. As if an official nominee, the person would walk along the line surveying the persons by a slanted look, implying that all of them are lesser mortals. Some in the line feel the person plans to intrude and raise an objection renting the air without referring to any one. But, ‘our man’ knows the clarion call and politely tells “very good, this alertness is what the country needs; don’t worry, I shall not violate rules, see I am 3 feet away from the line” He does not stop anywhere, and keeps moving up and down and occupies the tail of the queue after a clean survey. After a couple of minutes some lady comes to see if any one can help her buy the ticket. Our man proclaims ‘do not sympathise with any one. I remember how Shri. Rajiv Gandhi was wiped out in a bomb blast’. People turn curious and ask for his narration of some key points on the incident. He repeats what we have known from newspapers. 

Someone asks “Sir, how did you manage to survive in the blast?” Our man says ‘I have to thank my stars for that blessed call of nature, which took me off the place barely 3 minutes before the catastrophe. From then on I am very alert of new comers.’ How do you spot a new comer?- asks a neighbour. Our man triumphantly declares “it is very easy if you know face reading. I can tell what sort of a man you are”. The neighbour feels unmanageably embarrassed, because he is guilty of some minor vices. Thereafter, the neighbour drops into silence, seriously praying God for the counter to open before any encounter opens.. Now, our man tries to probe the neighbour, for which all replies come in monosyllables. On getting his tickets, the neighbour vanishes putting lightning to shame.

The disturbing brand:

We encounter another category of “the knowledgeable”. These people take delight playing on the nerves of others. They are the most despicable category for the damage they inflict to the morale of people. Often they are well dressed and look convincing.

Such “characters” can be met in hospital corridors when we happen to wait for the doctor to arrive or for our turn. Sitting next to a patient, they would ask for the kind of ailment that [s]he suffers from. Most patients do not know the ailment, except to name the part of the body where the problem occurs. Our “character” would ask “Did you check for hyperacidity? One can not rule out peptic ulcer. From what you say, it could be Duodenal ulcer as well. What antacids you have been taking?

 The patient is baffled by the sheer terms of reference. Instead, he visualizes the character to be a medical professional and asks “Are you a doctor?” For a change, the character stands the interrogation. His reply is a question-“Do I just look a doctor? I am a Dean”. The patient had learnt somewhere that the Dean is the highest position in the hierarchy of Medical units. He stands up in utter reverence. Without giving any useful reply, the Dean moves over to a new entrant and pronounces a judgement that the person appears to have respiratory disorder. The new man, unable to comprehend the technical jargon trembles in fear and asks what sir, it is reshfirachury ---? Our Dean tells it is a breathing problem. The new man replies, “No sir I have a cough”.  The dean suggests, ‘it seems more complicated than what you think’. Now, the first man tells the second that the advisor is a Dean. Together they develop the idea of getting treated by the Dean. At that suggestion, the Dean pathetically tells them that he is a Dean in some college and has nothing to do with treatment. Both of them denounce the man’s uncalled for intervention, as they have lost their priority for calling on the doctor. Sensing danger, the Dean runs off to safety.                     To continue                          Prof. K.Raman

Thursday, November 18, 2021




Of the human faculties, the ‘hard to locate’ reservoir of limitless information is the mind. Yes, it can hold finite ideas of infinite volume. At no point, it gets saturated. It appeals to be an entity of expansive potential, storing ideas in the faculty called memory. Biologically, what territory of the human body constitutes the mind is elusive to say the least. Despite our inability to locate the mind, mind locates and recalls information that we may have gathered in some distant past. Ironically, we need not exert ourselves to cull out information that had already gone into our ‘heads’. Since brain holds control over our mind, items are believed to be ‘stored’ in brain. Be that as it may, the mind power is different from that of brain power! 

Mind is an ever-acting system that can work independent of the body. Indeed it is a marvel unparalleled.  It is a marvel, by virtue of its ability to assess even as it stores information in a codified form. The component of assessment relates to identifying the element of facts from those of fiction or fabrication if any. In doing so, the mind recalls silently, all experience of the past in determining the veracity or otherwise of the utterance. Fallibility of judgment arises either from poor discrimination or from taking statements for granted. Yet, the value of mind is supreme, as it relates to conscience-the guiding spirit. On occasions, persons overrule the conscience in a bid to achieve what they perceive as important. Such overruling moments are perhaps the items of conflict between right and wrong, driving the individual to take a position. 

Often, on such intricate moments, materialistic considerations drive the judgment in favour of this or that. Also, it is unfair to suggest that all decisions are materialistic, since a number of decisions do emerge from moralistic considerations. But, without mind nothing can work. However, an inexplicable factor coming in the way of decision-making relates to grooming from childhood, as ‘taking positions’ is based on the value system to which the individual adheres.     

Prof.K. Raman

Wednesday, November 17, 2021



 Most people know of lamentations of a soldier. But, why lamentations should be for soldiers alone? Possibly it could be for anyone. Anyone who works hard may lament, for workers alone lament and the few who seldom work too lament that their wages are low.  Lamenting appears to be an aspect of human life. Why people lament – is something that none can appropriately explain. Still, the process is integral to human life albeit its variance in degrees. Indeed it is quite interesting that the cause of lamentation is as varied as the variety of lamentations themselves.

Is lamentation a route to relieve monotony in work /workplace?

Lamentation may not help in mental relief, since its origin in a person owes itself to one’s thought process; being so, the scope for relieving monotony is far low to that of re-living monotony in the same act.  Interestingly, lamenting is not a product of age. Even children beyond the level of grade 5 or 6 begin the game of lamentation; yes it is a game in the sense that it involves the members of the society around us. I do not intend suggesting that members around us are responsible for our predicament. Yet, in a way unforeseen or never conceived, someone causes a ripple which unfailingly expands and ramifies into zones of one’s activity leading to discomfort though not dislocation per se.   A number of items –big or small can silently provoke lamentation; in fact its dimensions are varied. Some instant samples are - score in an examination, inability to complete work on time, dissatisfaction over our work by superiors, complicating our work schedules by inserting extra inputs which may necessitate revamping the entire data analysis, even as the administration fails to recognize the burden and the risk of error in view of the complex data base and so on. While the items so far listed pertain to pressure from work, even non-work criteria may prove cumbersome creating a mental block and destroying peace in pursuit of routine.     Using personal conveyance we rush to work hoping to make substantial progress to the target.  Right at that point our route to workplace is clogged by irate crowds that a relative of one of them died in the hospital, from improper treatment. The crowd of laymen lay siege to all modes of transport and insist on meeting the district Collector at that place of commotion. Would we not lament that our higher authority would not buy these explanations? What a world we are in. After, straining every nerve, a worker [be it of any cadre] would be taxed with more work only to lament again. None ever seeks to know why so much work was left unattended to. But, they readily thrust it on the task force under their care or control. The cycle repeats itself all over again.   

Prof. K. Raman 

Tuesday, November 16, 2021




       One of the fine arts of human efforts has been photography. As on date, people have come to a stage of technology–based imaging. The present concept of imaging is by a digital process that has eliminated the need for equipment like film, dark room, technique of processing and above all a rigorous training for capturing the situation. There is nothing wrong if things are made easy for the user. But, the revolution in digital electronics has wiped out a whole range of skills which were acquired through systematic training and incessant practice, leaving thousands jobless and redundant. Myself, being  one  trained on all these  intricacies and nuances , feel for all such persons who have been literally orphaned by technology. I realize that quite a few, making a livelihood through small investments have been dislodged too. A MAJOR LOSS FROM THIS REVOLUTION HAS BEEN THE VERY AUTHENTICITY OF A PICTURE. It may require some extensive survey of the steps involved to substantiate my concern for authenticity in a picture. The most basic feature of authenticity is, reproduction of an image in “as is where is” basis. The present day computer-aided digital technology provides enormous scope for modifying a picture. The modification can be in terms of facial features, eye lashes , additions or deletions of identification marks that are typical to an individual. These can be exploited by crime-lovers / criminals to escape detection. With such a facility, falsification becomes quite easy. What do I mean by this observation is, one can plant a totally new background and create an alibi.  On the positive side, one can “put on” rich garments/ ornaments that [s]he has never seen, can go under a different hair style without a slight change in personal appearance. The freedom to change and the non-availability of any “negative” version of the picture make a dangerous combination that can help cheating to a very high level. In critical investigations photo evidence may not stand the scrutiny of law since there is no reproducible image store other than at the origin.  In conventional photography, the “negative” of any picture is the master record and evidence seekers insist on the surrender of the negative to ensure authenticity of a picture. The digital system retains the primary image as an electronic “memory” and the camera may have to be surrendered for fool-proof analysis of a crime. Also, generating of  additional copies requires appropriately equipped printing facility. The camera has to be given to the printing unit for deriving the picture from the digital memory. Being under the control of electronic design , images like 24 x 20” can not be readily made unlike in the conventional mode by enlargement.

What were the earlier rigidities that were to user’s advantage?

The most significant advantage was that photo images were tamper-proof, in the sense that the image was faithfully reproduced as was “held” in the negative. Artificial manipulations of features or surroundings would “show off” as insertions. Legal battles could be won, using the negative as concrete evidence. With the negative in hand it was possible to command any number of copies of varying dimensions even as big as 30 x 24”. Being shot through high resolution lenses and with thorough bred skills, pictures were razor sharp and rich in details. Except if recorded using real high resolution optics, a major casualty of digital reproduction is sharpness itself and resolutions are not brilliant. Digital system has wiped out the need for conceptual perfection as the system works in low ambient illumination. Users’ inadequacies do not come to the fore and everyone passes for a photographer. In the conventional mode only the best workers could make the best pictures.                 

Enormous regulations could be exercised in film processing and printing in the old mode. The most avid workers chose to process their films themselves to ensure absolute quality control. Due care began right from choice of camera , film for the occasion, film speed , process of negatives and quality printing on ideal paper. At every stage care was bestowed as  in a labour ward of the hospital. Quality control was integral to every step especially in chemical formulations, adherence to temperature schedules and dark room protocols. Pictures were thus composed [but not “created”] rather faithfully to give the very best reproduction. Equipment had to obey the worker and now it is the other way round. With the technology in vogue people may seldom realize the worth of workers who had perfected the art so much painstakingly for the sheer pleasure of work. I sincerely wish one day the world turns to them for help, because the perfection that a genuine worker looks for is beyond the scope of gadget-based approach.                         

In conclusion, it is essential  to make it clear that, I am not a reactionary to criticize all that is modern. My lamentation is, a hard-earned skill and a whole lot of task force have been rendered redundant. Already quite a few of our skills especially those involving manual dexterity have been lost / given up in favour of  rapid mass production methods. All such methods have helped quantity in time but not in rugged quality. At least these habits may be nurtured for their value of human skills.       

Prof. K. Raman

Monday, November 15, 2021


 The Path - VI   [ At The Madura College]

If someone takes to the concept of negatively availing of the ambience, it is a reflection of the individual’s short-sighted character. If some one were to say that I would work only if monitored, it implies that the person is irresponsible. Honestly, it should be taken as good faith reposed in workers. My simple observation would set matters right. Certainly the College has been genuinely proud of some brilliant teachers / workers in all departments. Who asked them to be brilliant? Certainly none. It can all be summarized in one sentence Each worker did what [s]he could. [Work / wander / gossip] It is unfair to blame the system

Did any one ever suggest us to be lackadaisical in our work? At best one can say there was no reprimand. But, integrity to our duties / work need not await any signal. Those who value their self respect do their very best and others merely squander the wonderful opportunity to prove their worth. Stated in a different way, every one proves his or her worth. The inference is inevitable and infallible. I make the observation to drive home the point that at the level of collegiate teaching, responsibility is very high when trust is placed on us.

To recall my ambience, I too began as a nervous starter, for I had only the confidence but not the experience of handling the live-wire situations of class rooms. Very early in my career, I tried to ascertain why some teachers are more respected. I realized, they always mean business and they do not digress.  It can happen only if the teacher is equipped. The department of Botany had excellent reference material even 50 years ago. Vivid counseling was available from Prof. Sriganesan and Prof. Krishnan. They told us how to go about. We took it as a real blessing instead of displaying stupid inadequacy before students. That way all of us gained a lot from senior Professors. Quite some nuances of teaching specific intricacies of plant development, I have learnt from Prof. Sriganesan. He would precisely peg our doubts and offer the most convincing solutions.                                                         His knowledge was wholesome and he was endowed with fine skills of depicting even complex structures. The most astonishing facet of Prof. Sriganesan was his forthcoming attitude to help junior teachers. For the mere asking, he would pump out voluminous information with consummate ease as if conducting a magic show. He was a model teacher and no wonder he mesmerized all his students by his skills of teaching. With the simplest of words he made the deepest impression of any concept. Undoubtedly we were lucky to have had his counseling and wiser counsel prevailed on our seeking his help. Soon, we recognized the advantage of being knowledgeable and the alert amongst us went about genuinely equipping us in every sphere. The strongest base for successful teaching is absolute clarity in our understanding. It is well with in the reach of any one who honestly wishes to teach. With so much to gather from the ambience, I wish our people make the best of it. After all, the place has to echo the vibrations our great predecessors and it is for us to pick up the right leads. I am reminded of the saying, if there is a will, there is a way. I am sure, if some people regroup their efforts to satisfy the current needs of advanced teaching, certainly they can achieve it. My belief is some lead is needed. I am sure the presiding deity Goddess Meenakshi blesses the institution to forge ahead into luminous radiance in the days ahead. But for the radiant legacy, the institution could not have sustained for so many generations. Am I not right?

Thanks for your patient patronage             Prof. K. Raman   

Sunday, November 14, 2021


 The Path - V

[ At Annamalai University]

The irresponsible would perish there because it had forums for all political ideology. But, some managed to stick to the intended goal and some were distracted in to politics. Academically it was not a challenging place.. Fortunately, we had a good Professor in K.Rangaswamy Ayyangar who taught us Botany, through genuine English. I had some very good friends who were all from outside A U for their PG studies. With my PG degree in June 1967, the search for a job began. By 18th June or so, The Madura College had called for applications from eligible candidates for the position of Demonstrator in Botany as well as for other disciplines. An interview was held by the fag end of June 1967. The then HOD Prof .Krishnan after the interview, politely told me, excuse me “You may not get the job, for we have decided to accommodate an old student of ours”.  I thanked him for clearing the air and told at least I had the experience of an interview. I rushed to Madurai railway station to catch the Shencottah passenger to Nellai where my father was then. My father was lamenting “You would have performed  badly.  Who will give you a job? You have lost a chance etc, etc.” After some 15 days, I had a call letter from The Madura College to join them. I was confused as to how it could be.  There was no confusion in the letter. Now, my father insisted on locating an auspicious day to join work. It was on 24thJuly 1967, I joined the department of Botany as a Demonstrator.  I had a new orientation here under Professors Krishnan and Sriganesan. The very first day of my joining the college, I had a funny experience in the evening. A group of persons boarded the bus and I too got in. I bought my ticket to central bus stand [ 10 paise ]. Moments later, the conductor pointing to some one at the rear said the person insists buying a ticket for me. I told the conductor in the negative. At the bus stand the person wanted to know who I was. I told him of my joining the college in the department of Botany. With contorted lips and a contemptuous look the person left the scene with a band of followers. 

I went in to the town looking for some reasonable accommodation.  The next morning around 11 am Prof. Krishnan called me. I found also the person who entered in to a conversation with me the previous evening. Prof. Krishnan politely said please show respect to seniors. I could not make out anything, coming as it did from my HOD with in 25 hours of joining the dept. I told “I don’t understand what you mean” Prof. S. Krishnan was shell shocked. The other person started recalling my refusal of his ticket for bus travel. Then also, I stood my ground saying- Why should you buy my ticket. He shouted “Don’t be stupid”. I said, “I am not”. He got more furious and asked “You mean to say I am stupid”. I replied “No Sir, But I leave it to you” Silence descended in the hall. It was none other than the most respected Prof. K.R. Narayanan of the English department. But what worked me up was an unknown person exercising his control on me when we are mutually strangers. What must have irritated Prof. K.R.N was my rebuttal in English that too by a raw appointee, yet to begin life as a teacher. I had no special value for him because I was blank as to who he was or what his profile was. Then he asked of my native place and I said “ Srirangam”. He retorted “Now, I understand your arrogance”. I laughed off saying “I am yet to show my arrogance sir”. But for this altercation, we both had very high regards for each other till he died on 2-05-1985. Quite a number of acquaintances I have had and I cherish them for various reasons. Space may not permit my narrating every one of those. They may be mentioned in passing. Still it would be a task. I was blessed with a fine team of colleagues in all the departments of the college. Working in The Madura College is a delight. No where under the Sun one can aspire for the ambience as obtaining in this system.What I intend saying is this. There is just no regimentation of any kind. People may speak ill of that.

To continue                           Prof.  K. Raman 


  P B SRINIVAS   3 பி பி ஸ்ரீனிவாஸ் -3 வாழ்க்கை படகு படம் பலருக்கு ஒரு வகையில் முதல் படம் , விஸ்வநாதன் - ராமமூர்த்தி முதலில்...