Friday, December 31, 2021


 The Computer - V

WISHING YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR  at the outset , let me proceed  .....

A major advantage to everyone , is from the analytical ability. Using this, a quick judgement is arrived at opting for the safest course to pursue. Instant decision-making is also possible on matters of ‘not-so-significant’ value as in travel reservations by alternatives if need be. These are some instances where the human brain has a distinct edge over all other systems.

The offshoot:

All the advantages that we enjoy from computer have given rise to ego inflation among a few persons. Some persons who have familiarized themselves with the nuances of using the computer, seem to nurture the belief that they are ‘super humans’ with supremacy over others. I have noticed this trait amongst some of the computer users, in an obvious display of ‘can you do it?’  The mere familiarity of an operation should not drive us lose balance. Let me drive home this point. All of us have seen Drivers of massive Locomotives in railways. None else but the trained drivers can handle them. Several carpenters apparently without a formal education, precisely calculate wood requirements, exactly cut wood pieces and meticulously execute the job to perfection. Not without purpose I consider carpenters here. Carpentry is an art that does not permit mistakes in measurements or improper ‘cuts’ of wood. Once wrongly cut, the whole piece does not serve the intended purpose. With all our education we can not imitate the elegance of a quality carpenter. They are not enamoured of their skills of brilliance. Those handling live elephants, massive locomotives and excellent craftsman are absolutely humble. They can also afford to get bolstered by the thought that ‘others can not do what I can’. Not one of them seems to suffer from ego inflation. Now the question looms large as to why among the people, only some show this aberrant behaviour. There is no obvious answer to this anomalous attitude. One probable explanation could be that the qualified people readily succumb to ego than those who have excellent skills without any formal education. Such people remind themselves of the fact that in this world of competition we need to survive at the mercy of people and we need their patronage always. The qualified [wo]man fails to take cognizance of the fact that “I am yet to be equipped”.  [S]He revels in the thought of having acquired a degree in a modern field. The ground reality is such people have miserably failed to pick up basic human skills for calculation,  communication and logical interpretation of ideas. Of what use is any gadget-wielding person if [s]he can not address daily issues in life. Ego does not help any growth. Any qualified person’s ego is the surest sign of inadequacy. All good achievements are genuine products of human brain. I do not believe that a few individuals can think high of themselves while they are mere users of a facility.

The situation of their inadequacy too often surfaces when we see them work. They are just not 'equipped' in the true sense, as they are equipment-dependent. They rely on the ‘spell check’ facility in the system even for common terms. What is pitiable, the system is designed for American usages. It makes American spellings, while the general form of writing in the East is in the British style.  Many of them do not feel ashamed of such abysmal “attainments”, while taking delight for their prowess of ‘using’ a system. To look for top level abilities of ‘constructs’ –grammatically perfect and elegant in nuance from these persons is as much as asking for the moon.  Having not been under any classical training in such rudiments of communication, they are just blissfully ignorant and painfully arrogant. He who knows not –knows not, knows not is the best fitting description of these qualified novices. When   would they acquire the right software for themselves is the question that God alone can consider. Unfortunately in human brains, the wares –soft and hard are mutually inclusive with no scope of secondary installation. Had there been something it may be progressively amplified. But, nothing new can be added without the risk of its getting rejected by the inability to sustain. The ability to grasp has to be by a systematic training that provides the scope for expansion. Ego and belief of ‘having already achieved’ would stall any progress. Those pursuing programmes based on immediate utility should desist the temptation of looking down up on others ‘as of no consequence’. In an era of knowledge dominance, assumptions do not lead but steadily mislead into irretrievable fall.

In the beginning I had made it clear that, I am neither a computer professional, nor one with any formal training thereof. Naturally, some of my understanding of computers may be incomplete or unfounded. All such lacunae may be brushed aside as ill conceived. Any amendment to improve the conceptual veracity is most welcome.           Prof. K.Raman

Thursday, December 30, 2021


The computer -- IV

The system would keep playing them one after the other. That such a system based on mere electro-mechanical operation served with fidelity prompts me to reckon it as a computer in its own right. The relevant reference is to suggest the value of human brain as an unparalleled equipment. At all stages of evolution of science and technology, brain has held the centre stage. Quite a few ideas run parallel between computer and human brain; but it is a disrespect shown to human brain to regard computer and  human brain as comparables.

The superiority of brain:

Perhaps, the lone item that confers value on to human forms of life is the brain itself. All the achievements of mankind can be traced to the efficacy of the human brain. After some early training, brain picks up all nuances –told and untold. From this plane one may have to consider computer in the light of human brain’s profile. Human brain is the best processor that one can conceive. A processor sequences the input to ‘derive’ the picture or the inference thereof. So far as a computer processor is concerned, it may receive a large volume of data and appropriately codify it for a final statistical position. Provided that the right software has already been installed, the extent to which data can be processed can vary. So long as the system does not come under any ‘snag’, a computer can offer the best services devoid of human errors arising from fatigue or digression. Also, high quality scribing, page after page is possible from computers. These are domains of ‘perfection’ that computers can sustain over the years. But, it has to be borne in mind that any computer can ‘handle’ jobs for which it is ‘informed’ by virtue of the software installed. Besides, a computer can condense data into compact modular information for further application. There are certain domains like ‘manipulation’ of genetic products to derive the ‘most ideal’ proteins by combining precise amino acid sequences for bio-remediation of disease. To manually attempt all the permutations and combinations, it would be tiring and time-consuming with the prospects of human error. A ‘pre-informed’ computer can do the job with greater precision to arrive at ‘molecular modeling’ of proteins. The real advantage lies in the rapidity with which a large number of hypothetical designs can be derived and their efficacy under defined conditions can be ascertained using ‘pre-informed’ computer systems. Like a trained Sniffer dog, computer can identify a product or process, if the necessary data input and their processing schedules have already been ‘installed’ in the system. Obviously, all such inputs have to arise from the human brains of Scientists while the soft ware thereof has to be developed by technocrats to evolve a fool-proof sequence of ‘proceeding’ with the work. All the same the electronic gadgetry in the processor should match the job profiles like memory, storage, retrieval and security aspects of accessibility limited to lawful users and sharing in networks through appropriate safeguards and so on. These do involve human brains from hardware engineers who systematically strive for increasing the ‘capacity’ while downsizing the equipment size for comfortable portability. Devices like the ‘pen drive’ have absolutely revolutionized the concept of ‘passing on’ of information, as the gadget can be carried in a pocket much like a nail cutting device. Certainly it is the human brain that has designed, developed and amplified the omnipresence of computers. But, now let us look at this.

Analysis: No computer can right way indulge in analysis unless it has already been provided for such a facility. Besides, the extent to which it can ‘analyse’ is also constrained by the limits of the software used for the purpose. On the contrary, human brain is not constrained, as it can ‘derive’ inferentially by analyzing the utterances on an occasion. Unlike a computer that goes by the input, the brain tries the veracity of the input, quickly assesses the prospects of any motive behind, and side by side stays watchful for any falsehood from the eyes of the communicator, without letting the opposite person know of the instant scrutiny ‘on’ with in. Besides, the brain automatically throws open all the ‘files’ of the opposite person for all the antecedents and history of deeds and misdeeds. All these happen without any obvious effort on the part of the recipient while maintaining the looks of cordiality. All minds generally begin with suspicion and only later try to analyze thoroughly all the claims made. No statement from any stranger is taken up for process until the recipient is convinced of the safety of handling or at least the support that one can bank on, in the event of a crisis. Unlike a computer, the human brain has limitless potentials for ‘reading’, ‘retrieving’, remembering and analyzing the whole range of things familiar or strange. Effortlessly, the human brain can recall things of the distant past and associate it with persons and events. Problem-solving generally happens with human brains by a clear perception of the criteria involved     To continue      Prof. K.Raman 

Wednesday, December 29, 2021


The computer - III 

The Human brain:  

Any computer is just a product of human brain. Substantial progress in several contiguous areas of computing has made it possible for us to use computers in so many areas and in numbers. But, in order that a computer serves the requirements of a specific job, it is imperative to have the right software in place. It is an understatement in the sense that the term “soft ware” is an all-embracing key word. Truly, it refers to all the functions which together constitute an ‘action’. An action may have several steps to be carried out in a sequence. This would require that the computer can ‘prepare’ or ‘process’ the data to yield the final product. The process suggested may involve many mathematical operations. The crux of the issue is the ‘designer’ must have precisely conceived of all the steps in proper sequence and designed the software for a fool-proof operational efficacy. How does a soft ware solution provider grasp these requirements of the user is matter for us to clearly understand. A lot depends on how intimately or pointedly the issue is analyzed for software assembly preparation.  For a number of routine schedules “ready made” software are available. For special situations like manufacturing units, Hospitals dedicated to special treatments of specific ailments, Institutions following definite protocols of operation, Universities catering to a range of items of study through a large number of colleges require “dedicated Software”. This means that a specially -designed software with some scope to “accommodate” for exigencies needs being “developed”. For this, a team of ‘Software providers’ repeatedly interacts with the workers of various wings of the organization through an organized questionnaire. The effort tries to locate the interactive probabilities and identify the prospect of coordinating the input from different sources to arrive at a ‘consolidated picture’ for decision-making. It is a real task, as it involves picking up every minute detail of work, understanding the “weight” to be given to a task, keeping track of the need to telescope the information from the lower end to the top . It is an ideal example of a brilliantly coordinated ‘team work’ irrespective of the size of an organization. As it is, ‘software development’ is a conceptual exercise that tries to ‘understand’ the structure of the work in steps involving transactions of minds and money. Accordingly provision is made for data entry so that the vital information is consolidated for a “ready-to-use” style. The job involves “programming” the task through the special software. Without programming, no computer can “handle” the task. Once programmed, the system can not deviate a bit from the schedule. Therefore, the software should provide for minor deficiencies of the user and still provide the right backup without messing up the data. This is precisely the domain of ‘user-friendliness’ in computers. With my limited capacity I have attempted to suggest how computers are made for definite jobs. Since the whole exercise is a brain-based endeavour, only the best of brains are sought after resulting in intellectual dominance in this domain. There are other attendant social maladies that have come about in the society. I shall look at them at a later point. The computer boom in India started in the eighties. But, way back in the 1960s we have seen a module very similar to a computer in being ‘user-friendly’ and obeying the command.

That was the Juke Box, widely popular in all major restaurants of Cities and towns.

The Juke box:       Though dating back to 1960s, these have indeed been computers in my understanding. They were in use near 47 years ago in places of congregation of youngsters, like the restaurants and snack bars. These were real attractions and as such amplified the sale potential of those places. A juke box would hold some 20 grama phone records of popular hit songs of the season whose list is available. Each item can be played by touching a button after inserting a 25 paisa coin. Any number of persons may opt to hear songs by the activation of respective buttons. The instrument would play the songs in the sequence in which they were commanded. A 25 paisa command is valid for playing only one surface of the record. Songs held on 2 sides can be heard by 2 insertions of 25 paisa coin. It was a real ingenuity of keeping customers. They customers would legitimize their ‘stay’ by ordering a second course of coffee or snacks, while waiting to listen to songs. The instrument had such a reliability that people unhesitatingly inserted coin after coin even up to 1 rupee in a session. To make matters clear, in those days, A-class carpenters were paid Rs 1.25 to 1.50 per day of work. My point here is a Juke box was as much a computer accepting orders and executing them in sequence if payment has been made. The system had a memory of retaining at least 20 requests in correct sequence,

to continue     Prof. .K. Raman     

Tuesday, December 28, 2021


The Computer II

Using these facilities and gadgets should receive due importance in all curricula.   

All leading schools in the country have launched computer study as a part of education. It looks logical, to train small children in the basic aspects of using the computer so that, later in life they do not stand at the mercy of someone else for such items as making entries of data and retrieving them at times of need. I believe it should be an advantage for everyone to be equipped of such skills. Empowerment in any form is welcome and institutions must catch-up with contemporary trends to stay abreast. Sans these skills one may have to seek atonement from higher ups and help from those of the lower cadres; both these acts of mercy can not ‘carry us’ for long.

The success of computers:

Technology has really come to our rescue in the form of computers. But, for a technology to take firm roots at user levels, two things are essential. These are cost and user-friendliness. It is common knowledge that computers have systematically plummeted in cost – both basic and add-on facilities together spoken of as multimedia gadgetry. Besides, with the advent of Windows as the major option for users, there is very little of any cumbersome step to be adopted. Any “unknown” step can be sought to be learnt from the computer itself by “clicking” on to the right icons provided in an unobtrusive lay-out. The cursor placed at an icon, activates the system to tell us as to what effect can be commanded from that icon. Literally it is a self –explanatory function, provided the user chooses to muster essential information on the utility of each operation. I am myself a case in point in the sense that my basic education in Biology and a “non-mathematical” orientation in all aspects of my life as a teacher have not hampered my efforts to use a computer. Had it been that I have had some training in computer using, I would have stood greater benefits and earlier too. At least at this retired phase of my life, I am able to use the computer with greater felicity thanks to the user-friendly design in structure and function.  The lone caution that any user has to keep in mind is not to “quit” the system abruptly, but to come out after “closing” every window leaving no scope for error through any unclosed window. To escape from the prospect of “sudden shut downs” from power failure, every data entered needs being “saved” by a specific touch of buttons. These are the essential requirements for any one to enter and exit the system. A little training in the basics would place us in good stead to make the appropriate use of the facility.

The design:

What astonishes the mind is that computers have been designed to handle varied requirements of jobs, each with precision and dependability. Does it mean that all computers can take care of every kind of job? It is not really so. All have the basic facilities for storing, editing, locking up messages and retrieving them at our will. But, when it comes to specific jobs like booking of tickets, and connecting the various wings of an office, “networking” has to be provided for. This means that different computer systems are to work independently and yet ‘receive’ messages from other terminals. To conceive the magnitude of the task, recall the reservation of train tickets on an all-India basis. Specifying the “job profile” of a computer is the preparatory domain of a task force called Soft ware solution providers. The range of tasks for which a computer can be employed is determined by its ‘brain’ designed by the hard ware engineers. Some of these aspects are expressed as memory, storage capacity, Random access and the processor efficiency. If we consider the jobs to be ‘done’, the whole system has to receive and respond in proper sequence, executing the commands issued from time to time. Stated in simple terms, a computer has to be ‘ready’ to perform a task with the necessary software installed. So to say, depending on the volume and the complexity of operations at the user-end, the hardware requirements are determined and accordingly the cost of designing varies. This is what goes in the broad name of “features” of a computer. Truly it is the ‘ability’ of the CPU [Central Processing Unit] or the tower which takes care of the entire range of processes and processing entrusted to a system. How quickly a process is carried out depends on the processor efficiency. Any optimum range processor is quite capable of handling a variety of jobs. In fact, on a daily basis, only a fraction of this is put to use except by commercial professionals. Even among them, greater volume of specific “routine” is carried out and only on occasions additional features are availed of. Like the human brain, what is put to use in a computer is just a fraction. 

To con tinue          PROF. K.Raman

Monday, December 27, 2021


The Computer


After some dabbling with the machine called computer, I deem it fit to look at the system that has come to stay. Before I am mistaken as any knowledgeable about computers, let me make it clear that I merely look at the facility for its universal presence except in toilets. There is just no place of public congregation that is free of any computer. Apparently even those not known to make use of a computer “at that place” still make use of some “computer-aided technology” for surveillance of customers and those in that garb. All billing squarely rests on computer. All major hospitals have established their data bases to keep data of ‘patient information’ so that retrieval of medical statistics is both quick and space saving. The second part of the idea relates to “maintaining documents” without stockpiling of papers and their deterioration over time. Look at how in a country of the magnitude of ours plagued by all deficiencies, the railway reservation of travel tickets from any point to anywhere has become quick and dependable. Truly this must be the biggest of networks serving on a national scale. How smoothly this transformation came about is beyond my comprehension. Obviously anyone opposed to automation on the plea of dislodging labour can not convince any one of the desirability of human skills over that of computers in this vast network of railways. How faithfully all terminals receive, register and transmit the information to appropriate follow-up action irrespective of the time and place of origin of the message, is a marvel. It has truly transcended the limits of geography, language and such other cultural barriers. Certainly the human brain is supreme notwithstanding the stupidity of the very humans. This is a domain for us to ponder over “Divine Grace” that empowered us with mental skills and defused them effectively by providing all other scopes of ruining it. Is it Nature’s act of balancing? Somehow I am unable to keep off the territory of the act of “balancing” in any effort of analysis. Any marvel carries a moral behind and computers are no exception.

Computers are ubiquitous:

Air, mosquitoes and now computer share universal presence, though the items 2 and 3 require human presence. Of them, item 2 traces the humans and item 3 is willingly ported by humans. Ubiquity of the three now appears beyond the average human skills of survival without these. Some may contend that “I can do without a computer”. Yes, it can be more a display of self confidence than of the ground reality.

Any situation like job seeking, grievance redress or communicating to the higher authorities of the land require letters being cast in neat and legible form inviting attention by such strategies as “bold font”. “Italics” or “underscore” as the case may be. These are best done by a computer than by any loyal self esteem. Besides, churning out any number of copies with the same fidelity is beyond human skills. Can we scribe 56 copies of an appeal, each addressed to a different agency and still maintain the fidelity of readability? Let us agree with the point that “our skills” are supreme to the extent of “thinking out” but not necessarily in “laying out” or scribing them with utmost elegance. A sensible user has to make use of the facility and should not denounce it in an attempt to show off as a ‘skillful’ person. Too often, computer illiteracy is a reason behind such proclamations “I can do it without a computer”.   It is a situation, where every job seeker is required to be a computer-literate, at least to the extent of “enter, access, use, print and then exit”. Short of these, the scope of employment looks rather bleak. For select positions as teachers it may not be a rigid requirement for now, but soon it may spread into this arena as well. All forms of communication have come to rely on computer-aided support systems. It is logical that persons get adapted to this new trend to acquire wider acceptability in places of work.


Practically every form of work till recently performed by human effort has come under the domain of computers. Most banking operations of daily nature, ATM transactions, electronic transactions, credit cards, Debit cards, Master cards and all such facilities have avoided the carrying of cash and have eliminated the physical risk associated with ‘cash on hand’. All designers of fabric, equipment, automobiles and gadgets utilize computer-designing as a route to saving time/ cost and improving the performance.  Booking of tickets for travel by train or Air can be done from homes through the internet.

The Internet:

Perhaps the biggest value of using a computer accrues from the ‘reach’ to classified sources of unlimited knowledge from websites of varied sources. The spread of information has reached the state of “instantly global” value. Updating of message is that much updated. All we need to have is the mind to stay updated.

To continue                               Prof. K.Raman 

Sunday, December 26, 2021


 Honesty not a --- V

But when an issue of ‘acquiring wealth beyond the known means’ springs up, only the individual has to face it prostrating before every higher up from the length and breadth of the country. All the bravery on display all these years vanishes in a flash as the individual can not bank on the collective wisdom since all of them are under a silent surveillance. Their houses and “hideouts” are brought under vigil for unearthing the fortune acquired by hook and crook. Like new widows, they have to stay indoors with no immediate prospect of light or life. One may raise the argument that how many of the corrupt have been booked? The number may be really low. But what meets the eye is not real. No collective intelligence can match Nature’s justice. Nature inflicts punishments for the errant, life long and beyond well into posterity for generations. Always let us keep in mind, we may be smart, but nature is smarter. Law of nature is such that, distribution has to occur. Distribution does not mean dividing the material “possessed”. Rather it would be the share that one has to take in the form ill health, perpetual medication, children struggling in studies and in life with broken marriages, living in AC rooms devoid of natural air, unable to stir out for fear of public gaze after falling from grace. Not a member of the ‘group’ chooses to call on a person under scrutiny. The legal battle drags on for generations until the whole family is dead except the servant maid who stays in the palatial house built for posterity from the wrath of the public. Any uncontrolled desire brings forth uncontrollable misery. Despite these probabilities people prefer to ‘venture’ into all methodologies of acquiring “quick wealth” as if the whole life is provided for this lone endeavour. What is worse, children from such ambience have scant respect for money, as it appears a free-flowing commodity. They fail to recognize the value of labour, but quickly pick up all the nuances of spending. Money carries the value of empowering a person. Therefore the rich believe of enjoying a “power”. Among the children and adolescents the risk is more as they tend to venture unexplored areas based on hearsay. Nature’s correctives may bring in “balancing” the ill-gotten wealth by pledging the children’s future. A person wedded to monetary progression loses sight of even the spouse and children.                                                             

Adolescents unattended to, with a liberal flow of funds are on the edge of a volcano having tried things that the adults do not dare. These are the real dangers from plenty at the wrong stage. It is not my effort to suggest that money can render only bad. My caution is that money should be earned by genuine labour if it were to be accorded its right value. Easy money does not evoke a sense of respect. Besides, money received as gratification always comes with curse. Curse can never be ignored because it is also a product of vibration from a disturbed mind. If it is hard to recognize the truth, please consider as to why at every key stage in life we seek the blessings of elders, the learned and the ripe old. We need to be under the powerful influence of good vibrations. If good vibrations can render good, the bad vibrations can do their part as well. Too often people wrongly rate these values as of no significance. All senses get blunted if we are under any intoxication. Money is a powerful intoxicant in the sense that it can work from outside by a mere thought. How can one be a balanced person so long as [s]he does not consider these influences?  On a materialistic evaluation, honesty may look inadequate and apparently unproductive. But, it renders value to life, based on moral courage and conviction of purpose. In the real analysis the honest lead a life of purpose punctuated by contentment. Nature does reward them in a manner fitting their stature. Stature is what a person achieves by righteousness. Indeed it is a pity that all these ideas need being reiterated to members of our own society though we are the global pioneers in the concept of leading a contended life.

Let God help restoring our balance before Nature rescues the society from disaster.

Prof. K. Raman 

Saturday, December 25, 2021


Honesty not a ----  IV

 But, certainly there are persons who adhere to values even on the face of adversity. In fact, for the honest, adversity is not an event, but a routine. A little elaboration may be ideal here. Seeing the darker side of honesty is not my endeavour. But it renders the right value for our analysis to clearly perceive that honesty is externally surrounded by hardship while the character of the person is an example of hard core determination. A while ago I had hinted on adversity. It is adversity all over in all places – office or house. Everywhere the person is rated low as “incompetent” of making a fortune. The individual is snubbed as “dry cow” or a sterile fallow for not towing the line of materialism. What is it -an honest courage, looks “impotent” in the perception of the wrong-doer. The kin of the person do not respect the value of values. They feel let down by the person while every one else flourishes. Every assessment seems to have a ‘material yardstick’. But the one adhering to principles stays undaunted for [s]he has a fire of sustenance with in. Not succumbing to worldly pleasures is more pleasurable than suffering in search of material pleasure. To keep off the path of material comforts is no mean feat. All of us know that bad habits are easy to acquire and sustaining upright stature through hurdles every day calls for the courage of warriors. I call it courage because the individual truly functions as an individual with none to share his feelings. On the contrary, any “error” on his or her part would be blown disproportionately, locating an occasion to snub the person. Fully conscious of such prospective tribulations, person sustains honesty. For them, mind rules the desire unlike the converse among the dishonest. It looks an inconvenience invited. But it is a product of desire. What determines this preference?  In spite of the common trends of times, some persons choose to adhere to values. Right from the days of early upbringing, these persons would have come under the style of living with in the means. Besides, they would have witnessed the esteem held for honest persons in the society. Such a scope for children to observe the scale of honesty and the attendant austerity in life have vanished. We can not hope to inculcate “good faith” by sheer preaching of morals. Moral attitudes are imbibed better if those are practised by elders. There are a few households which have survived the onslaught of cultural debacle, clinging on to values with the faith that one day their plight would change for better. In spite of hard living trying to make ends meet, they have sustained values, cordiality of sharing comfort and discomfort alike, besides their respectability of character. Hitherto, we have considered materialistic outlooks ruining our society. It is relevant to consider here that dishonesty is not always associated with acquisition of wealth. There are many avocations like teaching with little or no scope to make a fortune. Based on this, some people try to suggest that “Morality is an instance of lack of opportunity”. There are many [though a microscopic %] who stay moralistic in an environment that favours and nurtures corrupt practices. What matters is the conviction to one’s cause.  Even if the ambience does not provide for ‘wealth acquisition’ dishonesty is visible. We can not ascribe it to “money” as a luring factor. Apparently honesty goes with rigid schedules of adhering to values, processes and protocols. A dishonest person considers convenience more than anything else. Therefore, even in an ambience of ‘no scope for acquisition of wealth’ dishonesty creeps in. With all the inconveniences that go with honesty why people choose to be honest? Fundamentally, mind is the determinant of choices. It is like choosing between penance and penchant for comfort.                                      

Not that the honest deny themselves of any comfort; rather they are comfortable without chasing the shadow of material prosperity. In fact the honest are more comfortable on matters of accountability, sincerity of purpose, utility to the system and to the society. Their honesty right away wins the pride. With any “authority” they need no compromise. They are ‘inconvenient’ only to the colleagues and not to any administration. All the dishonest people put together can not rattle the iron will of a single honest person. Honesty is a virtue acquired the hard way, beyond the purview of judgment by dishonest individuals. Is an honest person successful? For all non-materialistic considerations, an honest person is successful. There is no fear of “facing” any one including the Almighty. The Almighty knows too well that the honest are worthy products of His creation. It is only the lesser mortals who denounce the honest, for they can not match him or her in utility or conviction. Greasing the palms of officials and a display of obvious subordination to even lesser mortals is a punishment that the dishonest have to endure all life, besides running errands to the household of the officials. There is just no pride in these acts of obeying the disobedient, while denouncing the merits of the honest. The honest “live” in respect and the dishonest survive in comfort fearing the prospect of inquiry any moment. Many dishonest assume safety, only from the numbers of their clan 

To continue  Prof. K. Raman

Friday, December 24, 2021


Honesty not a bed of Roses.... III 

I strongly feel that people have taken to wrong methodologies on the faith of reaching a target; but it eludes. All the apathy and curse of the poor can not go unanswered. When the real day of judgement comes “collective thinking or conditioned mind” can not salvage us, since only individuals are to answer for their [mis]deeds.

All activities are enjoyable only if happiness pervades the society consequent to our deeds. None can ‘imagine’ toturn prosperous by unlawful acts of fleecing the society. It is a matter of time before the wheel turns a full circle and stops at a critical step inviting public attention. Much confusion has come about from the belief of materialism as a route to comfort. It is far from real. Means must justify the end in all cases involving public interaction.                 

Moralistic attitudes must be inculcated in the young minds not as a mere philosophy but as a genuine approach to help the society. Does any corrupt practice help the society in the least? What pleasure can a person hope to derive causing mental hardship to others. Our people should bless us in abundance.                                                                 

If not, at least they should have no reasons to curse us. Nemesis is automatic and can not be kept off by collective wisdom. God’s grace has to come through affection from people. Indulging in corrupt practices and propitiating the Gods are contradictions in terms. At best it is a “wrong belief” that, like men Gods too can be gratified. If we can not be of value to the immediate society, of what value is any pilgrimage?


Honesty is not an attire of convenience for us to wear when we “find” it suitable. It has to be a way of life and not a matter for occasional display. It is not “how one should appear” rather it is what one should practice. Though philosophically it is an explanation, there are hurdles to the practitioners of honesty. It automatically raises the question why one should agonize self trying to be honest. Apparently, the question looks logical until we come to terms with the real issues connected with this. For every step in life one has to consider the prospects of effects –long term and short term. An effort of such a kind requires an “in-depth” consideration of all related aspects. Honesty is a product of strong will. It calls for rigid adherence to procedure and processes. One major feature of practicing honesty is the exercise of discipline in every step of any operation.

It calls for a uniform schedule of sticking to standards on all occasions. The entire process has to be applied to all persons with whom we deal, lest we should appear biased in attitudes. This is at the operative levels of any process where persons happen to interact.

Workers: Any one who strictly implements the prescribed procedure has to study the case for all its details and prepare “case briefs” for the authorities to consider the facts for disposal. An honest employee prepares the document citing the relevant criticalities involved. The really honest person tries to provide precise file notes for clarity. In the process, the person embarrasses those who take advantage of every case of disposal as a means of furtherance of personal prospects. The honest man suffers in a corrupt environment, being unable to serve by conscience. Such honest persons are looked down as hindrance to rapid “progress” of the kind that those corrupt people desire. Therefore, such honest persons suffer social boycott in places of work. If the person serves on lower rungs, there is no prospect of a transfer for him/her to some other place. The regularity of transfers is more for higher positions. If the person serves at higher positions, [s]he may seek not a mere transfer but may opt for shifting to another segment of the government, to get rid of the daily agony. In many places the very “colleagues” of the person arrange to shift the individual to a place safe “for themselves”.  The honest person is an “unwanted nuisance” for the practitioners of corrupt manoeuvres . Apart from denouncing honesty, the corrupt ones resort to snub the individual in all possible modes. The upright person looks odd for those who resort to clandestine strategies of wealth acquisition. Even on occasions of general celebrations, the honest persons are sidelined. When it comes to solving of a critical issue, “the unwanted nuisance” turns an essential tool. This is a situation that the reader has to critically consider. The person hitherto ignored as of no value is shown a “consideration” as his or her help is vital for the system. Any average person would avail of the occasion to “show” the others their places. But honesty does not permit the ego to raise its ugly head. The person displays equanimity of sorts and helps the colleagues to tide over the crisis by an appropriate analysis and solves by honouring the dictates of rules and conscience. In the present scenario, for many, the honest person may look to be a fictitious character of my fertile imagination.            TO CONTINUE                                            Prof . K. Raman  

Thursday, December 23, 2021


 Honesty not a bed of Roses   II

The suggestion looks a little far fetched in the sense that the man should have prima-facie assessed it himself. Instead, he considers his friends wise, though they are otherwise. There is more conceding than considering judgments. Unfounded notions get planted in the minds of people who can not think. Much of the communal disharmony can be traced to this “succumbing to notions”. Yet another fall out of this behaviour is the inability of persons to cross the geographical boundaries of a region. For many, seeking jobs in other regions of the country looks a formidable task because, for daily living they require a circle of friends for counseling. Ironically they arrive at a decision by a common understanding than by analysis. This is quite evident from the voting pattern in elections of any magnitude. What I intend looking at is, the way people get guided by someone else’s thought. In the process several inadequacies come into play.            


The most fundamental component of inadequacy is the lack of genuine enthusiasm to think and analyze issues on the strength of facts. Consequently, taking opinion from others looks an easier and convenient proposition. So long as consultations are with better thinkers, the idea is healthy. But, often the counseling is among the equally competent, with no prospect of any superior opinion emerging. Most of them believe that it is wiser to take a collective opinion for a decision. Such of those who are not confident of analytical thinking, imagine that they can ‘jointly’ think. A general observation in all such sessions is most of them are silent in the belief that silence signifies thinking. A few of them invariably identify a common enemy. Then they suggest a “Safe Strategy” that would keep the enemy at bay. None ever raises the veracity of the claim, because they are under the grip of “conditioned thinking”. The purported enemy and the strategy have no logical link. Yet, all agree to the suggestion, because all are gripped by the thought of the enemy. With so many on their ranks, they need not fear the enemy. They are mentally overwhelmed by the “faith” that the enemy can think. This is the line they adopt for their strategy of survival. Is it necessary at all in a democracy? For the ones who can think, it all looks childish. Except in trade union situations, collective working does not help much, since it will be hard to extricate one’s self from group psychology.  Some who have a slightly different preference have real tough time, not being able to sail or segregate by an open deviation.   


Having been brought under “conditioned” thinking, they compare their position as against those of their “opponents”. Truly there are no opponents. Yet, the prospect looms large, effectively keeping them together. They function as a group, having forfeited their individuality. Over a time, they fall to a set pattern of activity, meeting in a common place, discussing their financial positions and varied options of borrowing and such other items relating to personal prosperity. This is about the time that, they realize the apparent prosperity of corrupt officials and their bosses. They come to believe that given the conditions of work and pay, prosperity is a distant dream. Conditioned thinking results in the popular belief that prosperity means property. As a clan, they have lost sight of values, good, bad and the prospect of nemesis. Unwilling to analyze, they tend to assess things based on appearance of persons and their glossy life in comfort. They go only by desire and not the desirability. Honesty and adherence to values can not help material comfort. Honesty involves hard labour with only mental rewards. These are the common notions which favour tendencies of dishonesty. People who have taken to the deviant path of material acquisition would not admit of their being dishonest. Instead, they cite examples of others who are prosperous. They would raise the funny bogey of argument that “we are not earning without working”. Strictly speaking, for the “work” that any person does in official capacity, wages are given as required by provisions of law. The contention of “earning for the work done” can not hold water. But, the commonality of this errant behaviour has come in handy for defending the social malady.  The irony is the very same people feel cheated if some other public servant seeks gratification for obliging their urgency. Now, the philosophy of “earning by working” is not applicable to others. Any corrupt practice has a chain reaction. It tends to percolate down, water down the quality, besides harassing the economically weaker. All the theory of social justice and the concern for the downtrodden has no place while seeking gratification. Cruelty and humiliation are heaped on those who are ‘unable’ to oblige. Look at the shambles we are in, causing misery to our own people by blind efforts of material acquisition.

TO CONTINUE                    Prof. K. Raman

Wednesday, December 22, 2021


                                         HONESTY- NOT A BED OF ROSES



If there is an item over which the country has to repent, it is the present plight of the honest in sustaining honesty. Slowly, people have succumbed to temptations of materialism in utter disregard to values. I know I am crying in wilderness. If I take shelter under “fear of non-acceptance” I would be dishonest to my conscience as much. Not for disowning dishonesty that I try to dwell on this all-important domain. I am afraid that the honest are fast dwindling in number such that they do not even hold the status of minority. They appear aberrant in the visionless eyes of the society. My calling the society visionless is a genuine rating of our people, who have taken to an imitative culture of material acquisition. Our value system has been deeply eroded with no symptom of stopping anywhere. Besides, the younger generation is bound to deteriorate because, attitudes of materialism nurture corrupt practices. When “want” rules the mind the mind does not want rules. A mind, not kept under self check would rapidly succumb to desire the undesirable; it would try justifying injustice and at last would take solace in the thought that “I am not the lone errant”. It is interesting to note that people of positive virtues prefer to stand taller, distinct and alone. But those of bad traits claim “company of numbers” and at times prefer anonymity. Obviously, materialism does not enjoy the blessings of conscience. This is one instance where people have ‘conquered’ their mind [if conscience is a part of the mind]. Truly, the evil has conquered them and it is the zenith of stupidity to imagine that wealth can command everything. Undeserved wealth can confer vanity - the first step to deterioration of culture and peace of mind.  


Indeed it is a funny situation of trying to identify the origin, Origin of what?-Honesty or dishonesty? Honestly, it appears that we should trace dishonesty for its origin and the probable correctives there for. Being honest or otherwise is a product of desire. Desire is a product of judgment. Judgment is a synthesis derived from values. Values are based on preferences of “good”, desirability, neutrality and obeying one’s self conscience. In simple terms, honesty or dishonesty is governed by the mind. To stay honest, all the components leading to judgment should perpetually “regulate” the mind. It is a complex paradox. Honestly no one chooses to be dishonest; but only a few are truly honest.

To recognize the paradox, some analysis is essential. A cluster of processes within the mind determines the overall disposition called attitude. Attitude, in practical terms is an “arrangement” of how to go about one’s activity. It may relate to our work, social interactions, observance of protocols and adherence to codes of conduct in all activities. This “arrangement” helps our assessment of persons as “serious” or ‘relaxed’ in our perception. Based on this, “like-minded” people come together in common acceptance of one another. Much of the conditioning of our minds is seriously influenced by the attitude of “group psychology”. Being in a group, does not imply that everyone is towing the attitude of all the likeminded. Some among them are capable of independent assessment of the views of others, in determining the acceptability of suggestions. Such members “escape” from the prospect of “bad or improper conditioning” of the mind. Others who simply accept others as providing ‘guidance’ may slip into social influence even on matters of functioning in their offices. “Group influence” takes a stranglehold on decision-making and the style of ‘leading one’s life’.   Many subscribe to the concept of moving with the tide, irrespective of “right or wrong”. This attitude of moving with the popular notion implies inability to think critically. Also, they believe that the majority should be right. It is more convenience-based than conviction-guided. Repeated adoption of this methodology slowly suppresses the ability to think and analyze. Even for responding to a Questionnaire on some product assessment, these people elicit information from their “trusted” friends. The irony is, not one of them makes a clear statement on his or her own. Instead, they prefer to sit together for responding to an innocuous product–market survey, ending up in ‘conditioned’ responses that rarely serve the purpose. Such people render themselves easy preys to the whims and fancies of a select few in the garb of “collective thinking” though honestly it is a collection of the thoughtless. In the Indian scenario, the situation gets compounded by such men prevailing on their women folk to tow the particular viewpoint by suggesting that “I have consulted all my colleagues”. The lady ascribes wisdom to her husband and does not for a moment raise the question “how better are your colleagues than you?”    

         TO CONTINUE                    Prof. K. Raman

Tuesday, December 21, 2021



Why this frustration? -II

For purposes of study 

Provide the best facility- yes, only the essential facility and nothing more. It promotes a clear idea of effort, simultaneous chances of failure and the need to make appropriate attempt.  Such grooming helps the child to face-up tentative setbacks and failures. A child fended and defended all the way never faces setbacks; but, imagines that ‘only success comes’ in life. Parents have a greater responsibility to prepare a child for all eventualities rather than ‘providing’ a scaffold of support in all stages of life.  Inculcate qualities of righteousness. Make the child realize that [s]he has to fit into a larger social canvas as worthy citizen –rich in values of honesty and sincerity. Providing all comforts without imparting the value of genuine effort would badly backfire at the slightest discomfort.     

Suicide would only end the life, but not the misery

Persons resorting to suicidal attempts right away ignore the pains of the kith and kin. The assumption that death would relieve themselves of the misery is only a presumed solution as the misery gets faithfully transferred to all those for whom the person mattered all these years. That is why suicide is branded an act of cowardice. It just needs a moment’s courage to render the person an eternal coward.

So, facing odds and controlling emotions to limits is the life-long exercise for which fighting qualities and competitive mind sets are essential. None can survive by mere external help/support. These principles must be a part of grooming , if we desire a life of dignity and achievements by personal hard work.

Life is for an honourable existence, no matter how tough it is. Spirit of fighting is living by itself.                                        Prof. K.Raman




Monday, December 20, 2021


 WHY THIS FRUSTRATION?                                                                                          

                       A range of occurrences around us drives anyone to try and pinpoint the possible causes which exercise a firm grip over the minds of many. The frustration we try to figure out here pertains more to the present day youth than ever before. If elder minds seem to feel of being ‘neglected ’, the young mind seems to drop into despair that ‘nothing works my way’.   What tempts to draw such an inference is the spate of incidents    frequently reported in media –print / visual.   Indeed, the element of despair is vivid and it transcends descriptions of wealth, social status, health, gender, levels of education, means of living and comforts at home and the circle of friends enjoyed by a person. Let us painfully recall the number of victims of suicide among school children [5th – 8th standard],  students in High schools/ Higher secondary schools, from prestigious programmes  of study like Engineering, Medicine, Internships in profession,  Young Doctors, Nurses, Police personnel at middle or lower rungs of hierarchy, young house wives, sometimes newly-wed men. Most of them prefer to end their life in a fit of despair – a state of clueless confusion.

T        The   scenario

W   While some employees say [Police personnel] of work pressure, most others readily succumb to     unknown despair; they present a picture of thoughtless gloomy confusion over reasons that are more amusing than annoying. A number of youngsters pursuing higher studies choose to die for a single unsuccessful attempt in a paper of study. Does it not appear stupid? Some students resort to murderous elimination of another person over petty altercations like occupying a specific place in bus or train. Literally, a cultivated hatred between groups of youngsters turns public places like buses/ trains or platforms into a war zone with boys wielding unwieldy weaponry like swords, long sickle, crow bars and the like. It makes a dreaded spectacle of imminent explosive outbursts putting to jeopardy the safety and tranquility of general public. Over the years the malady has taken roots in larger cities where people of different descriptions co-exist. It is a puzzle as to how young minds display unethical brutal instincts        [eulogized as masculinity in movies] more so while in pursuit of tertiary education.  Such exhibitions are indices of mere biological growth sans analytic skills of mind. Too often such boys seem to believe that they receive attention and a fearsome respect as ‘leaders’. In the process, they turn subjects of ridicule and citizens unworthy of employment. Mindless aping of celluloid presentations unfailingly ruins such minds which are drawn to the hair-raising extravaganza of bloodshed and smashing of men and material on the way. It is a syndrome of inept analysis and defective justification of ‘might is right.’  Killer instincts are no better than self defeatist suicides.

Sc   School children appear still worse

So   Some children jump from the top floor of the school building to end life, if reprimanded for poor performance in examination or for inattentive attitudes to learning. Some students scribe statements implicating the teacher for one’s own hasty decision to end life. [The poor teacher has to earn the wrath of the administration and the society for a well-meant verbal reprimand]. Some parents overwhelmed by affection to their child, resort to manhandling the teacher, ignoring the relevance of the advice given by the teacher.

Se    Self –designed woes of the adolescents

Y  Youth of either gender of the advancing teen age suffer the surge of hormones; emboldened by the unrealistic presentations on the celluloid or small screen serials, these boys and girls on the verge of ‘to be men and women’ succumb to lust euphemistically christened” love”. They too dare their families, opt to elope   and get stranded in frustration. A large section of such ill-conceived decisions get s irrevocably entangled in a labyrinth of hopeless isolation.  Yet another despicable behaviour of young men is, resorting acid attack on girls who turn down any proposal for wedlock. In a large number of such instances, the boy is driven by desire rather than by desirability or parity by a theoretical belief that marriage needs just two members of opposite gender. Professed equality in society is a far cry from stark reality. Instances of both members ending life [instead of choosing to live] reveal thoughtless suicidal acts; indirectly they suggest of their not being fit to live. Inadequate strength to face life reveals itself from such hasty decisions, leading to nasty culmination of life by fear.  Some parents too express despair by resorting to ‘killing’ such of their children for rejecting their advice. These are instances of insane decision impelled by agony of dented pride in social and family circles

W    What to look for?

T  The under current in all the instances reviewed is, boys and girls have not had the training to recognize the possibility of ‘failure’ as a component of life . Though we cannot get to investigate every situation of woe and despair, we can sympathetically consider such Ill-conceived decisions of “non-starters” to end life. Yes, most of them are non-starters who have assumed that every workable option has been eternally exhausted. This is precisely where ‘mental organization’ commands relevance, which is conspicuous by absence.

      Get the basics right

It       It is for everyone to recognize that life is a game of effort and endeavour. Nothing in life comes for the asking. Both these criteria imply that desire has to be matched by effort.  This idea has to be deeply etched in the child’s mind. Children are our progeny; their comfort is our concern. So, please allow the child to ‘strive’ to get things.  Stop pampering the child. For everything the child desires, inculcate the idea that [s]he should make earnest effort. Keep reminding the child of duties and responsibilities as intimately linked to honest effort and the rewarding experience

W    Where do we go wrong?                                                 

 I   In our eagerness to shower affection on the child we overstep limits blunting the child’s natural instincts of learning ‘friction, failure and fight’ as components of life. We groom them as prince or princess, little realizing that such a child cannot face simple reprimand or tentative setback in life. Our disproportionate affection makes the child physically fit but mentally fickle. Fickle minds can never face difficult situations. Having lived a life of unstinted pampering, suddenly the World sinks under the feet and [s]he deems it fit to die at a mere reprimand by a teacher or for a failure in one paper in higher study or when a trusted friend deserts. Pampering destroys the natural abilities of a person to take on situations. Who but the parents have shielded the child from harsh realities of life?  

C  Child grooming

Gr  Grooming the child is not feeding the child of physical diet; it goes beyond into domains of learning by experience. Never step in - to side with your child when children get in to altercation. Leave the child to organize self in a competitive or combative mode. Better we inculcate practices of cultured disposition to others. By rushing to help the child, we curb the natural instincts of ‘adjustments’ and the need for self dependence. Also, furnishing the child with facilities like scooter / bike/ music systems, advanced gadgetry like higher generation phones readily cause unhealthy diversions. The child chooses seclusion to attempt viewing amorous displays intended for adults. Parents should never be facilitators of access to immoral outlets. Facilities beyond the point of essentiality have negative impact through temptation.  

To    To continue                                              Prof. K. Raman





Sunday, December 19, 2021

The ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’

                   The ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’

Our times have witnessed some expressions that have been accepted as ‘welcome’ was reference features. One such accepted term has been the ‘haves’ as against the ‘have-nots’. The phrase ‘haves’ implies those who are economically prosperous or financially well off; so, logically the ‘have-nots’ are economically weak and financially poor.  Such a definition slowly resulted in a neo-order in the social context. Thus, the ‘haves’ have been viewed as dominant, imposing and depriving all others of their legitimate share in education, employment , opportunities and other social processes of wedding , business partnerships and so on. Parallel changes resulted in ‘have-nots’ receiving greater care and instant attention, whenever they came under distress from disorders of climate or loss of life from any form of apathy. Political pundits deem the ‘have-nots’ as potential volcanoes which can explode, setting off electoral debacle for those in power; the ‘haves’ cannot bring down a political dispensation, as they do not cause a ripple to any political arrangement. On the contrary, all political outfits   carry their begging bowls on and off to the ‘haves’ and the latter merely oblige, lest should come under harassment and humiliation of different dimensions. I do not wish to portray the ‘haves’ as a body of the virtuous. But, they cannot carry any fight against the establishment. Thus, the ‘have-nots’ and ‘haves’ are truly different in achieving their ends. Truly we notice occasions turning   ‘have-nots’ into ‘haves’ in being vociferous for dealing with the authorities.

Another expression that frequently floats from speeches is “Be positive” and “don’t be negative”. It is easy to tender such verbal advice with utter disregard to the other man’s true predicament. But many take delight offering vague and hollow expressions of advice – as above. How often staying positive helps is a matter for genuine concern. Also people wish to be ‘negative’ and not ‘positive’ under the Covid pandemic.  Equally, corona demands our being ‘have-nots’ instead of ‘haves’. Who would prefer + state for self for corona? So, all expressions need to be carefully weighed for the context of their utterance.              Prof. K. Raman

Saturday, December 18, 2021


            MY  GURU - IV

                 Having been groomed by such a colossus, my taste for                      quality teaching stays alive to this  minute. I deem it my                   duty to tell the teachers and students that quality is a                        product   of  hard  labour and its omnipotent value can                    never  be  undermined.

His image:

I feel that the campus “conduct” of the professor offered an object lesson to our generation. He never appeared in common places unless absolutely essential. He could be seen in the departmental staff room correcting records / answer scripts and in the staff enclave of the college canteen at defined hours. 

He was a highly respected person and had innumerable friends among the staff. But, their interactions were in their circles. This all the more enhanced their dignity in our esteem. On all occasions, the professor was punctual and participated in organizing various programmes and events in the college. These aspects of the professor indicate his attitude to work, culture and helping tendencies.  With so much of value from this professor, the institution in general and students in particular gained. He had to retire in 1983, because of an order of the state government which stipulated 55 as the age limit. This was later revoked by the government. It was certainly a deprivation to the students and not to the professor. He had definitely given his very best to generations of students and would have certainly been of value for a few more years.           

My Thanks Giving:

Persons who have not had the fortune of knowing my guru would have at least formed some idea of the Professor. Every day I remember and revere him; for he showed me, the approach to genuine quality and the way to conduct one’s self on and off-campus. 

On another facet, I owe my gratitude to the Almighty. For all my reverence and appreciation of the Professor, I could not gain admission to P.G Zoology. I had a 2-Major programme for my B.Sc. I could make it into Botany P.G. at Annamalai University. I went to Mysore to seek his blessings.     I stood before Prof. T.R.B to painfully telling him that I could not make it in to P.G. Zoology.

He just gazed at me, and asked “So, What next?” I murmured, Sir, I have a selection card for P.G Botany. Then he turned to me and said “Take it and do very well. Congrats” I took it as from my god for all my life. Later, as a teacher, I did my best to stay aloft in my career. The Professor had ably taught us all the intricacies of learning Zoology.

When I had to pursue higher studies in Botany, I tried to adopt his approaches. As a teacher I emulated my guru and his teaching methodology. God provided for me to emulate. Had I been in Zoology, would I have unwittingly imitated him? Oh, what a save?  Now, I am able to clearly recognize that great men and their steps should be emulated by honest effort.  Genuine effort always rewards. My beloved guru, I am sure that the spirit of your mission continues.   For all his scholarship and abilities, the Professor stayed simple to his last day,that kept him all the more venerable. Such great people are not common. He passed away on 06-12-2017 when he was 94 + survived by 3 daughters, a son and grand children. I keep praying the Almighty to keep him in Divine shelter, for, his has been a life of the noblest of missions.  The present write-up had already been made in 2006 and the printout was sent to him. His reaction was the most unexpected. He rather reprimanded me saying “Why do you do all this? I have not done anything great. Whatever I did was expected of a teacher”. I stood my ground saying “all my observations are genuine, without an iota of exaggeration”.  After 2-3 days he called me [phone] and said “pardon me, if I had hurt your sentiments. After all, ours is a decades-long relationship. Keep touch as ever”.     I keep cherishing those wonderful days that triggered my desire for quality efforts, seeing his dedication and zeal to work.                                                                                                     

Gratefully                                     K. Raman     



Friday, December 17, 2021



The most significant advantage that accrued to us was that we retained in mind all the details. Preparing for exams thus happened on a daily basis for all the papers taught by Prof. T.R.B. In order to fill gaps in the notes, the lunch intervals were quickly utilized. That also helped us to sort out any lacunae in our understanding. It was an excellent training in our late teens- to listen, comprehend and write – all in one stroke.

By the time we were in the III term [the last 3 months of the academic year], we acquired our skills of rapid writing, grasping the vital points.

Soon, some 40 plus students in our class turned prolific writers who enjoyed the exercise. Now it helped us to go for quick, refined and vivid expressions. Truly, it was a magnificent transformation for us to face harsher situations in later life. It almost became a second nature for us to decipher the intricacies of language and the subject effortlessly. Automatically our abilities to assemble information reached a standard and using English was just fun. It is a clear case of how any visible quality can motivate and meaningfully help youngsters. By any assessment, it was a unique exposure from which we gained a total training. I am quite sure that it would have been a dismal failure, had it not been for the sheer brilliance of those lectures.  Another impact was our desire to opt for lectureship in our own lives. At least, 6 of my classmates turned effective teachers and all recall their gratitude to Prof. T.R.Balakrishna.  Needless to say I have been a rich beneficiary of this impact from my guru. How much of this, I have transmitted to my students is a matter that time alone can answer. Certainly, we sustained rich motivation.

His [Prof. TRB’s] planning of lectures:

After I took to teaching, I realized that my guru had meticulously planned his lectures. He never spent time to explain. He lectured and we understood. It was a single event and to be precise, a simultaneous happening. I do not remember an instance where he had to repeat a statement. Such was his perfection in marshalling the idea. He never took time for framing sentences. Statements used to flow in a torrent. The vocabulary was so neat / perfect that, no explanation was needed. Replacing words in his statements was not any easy nor called for.

Obviously, enormous preparatory repeats he should have gone through for a perfect delivery     

For two reasons I believe so. He delivered the details in perfect sequence. He never sought to explain using alternative expressions.  Thus, he could cover substantial areas of syllabus in reasonable time. He could pack information of real high quality that proved valuable in our higher studies. His approach to teaching was clean and sophisticated. All his references were   from authentic sources.  Occasionally he used to pinpoint conceptual errors in some popular authors. All these he did in passing through the lecture without undue stress. He had the highest priorities for content and delivery. He was a wholesome teacher, absolutely articulate, lifting the student to higher styles of learning without diluting his efforts in the garb of being comfortable to the student. He could impress his students on day one itself and possess them forever. Once exposed to that pattern of teaching / learning, students would not prefer any other style. His contribution to posterity is of a very high order. All his students would have certainly employed these methodologies in their daily teaching and kept the culture alive.  All his colleagues and authorities held him in high esteem and for us undoubtedly he was God-incarnate. 

To Continue                         Prof/K.Raman

Thursday, December 16, 2021



One thing that has been haunting me is, neither Prof. T.R.B nor those widely 

respected as brilliant teachers, have been honoured with the best teacher award. I 

am not detracting the merits of the awardees; but by any reckoning these unsung 

Professors were second to none. I shall try to present all the facets of his 

personality as a teacher and leave it to your own inference on my rating of him. 

All the features of my portrayal of Prof. T.R.B are from my deeply etched 

memories of the person.                                                                      

How I vividly recall them after 60+ years, is testimony to the impressive spells he has taken us through in every one of his lectures.

His disposition to work:

On all occasions, he entered the class at the stroke of the bell and took a central position at the teacher’s desk. The first thing he would do was to record the day’s attendance for the students. Once he began his lecture, there was no let up anywhere. We, the students used to be in rapt attention with all our senses focused and glued to his mesmerizing delivery. He made it a point not to carry any readable material except what he mentally possessed. This was a gesture that signaled caution in to us that he is totally equipped for the occasion. He had mastered the art of lecturing. I reserve more of it for later. He never digressed from the course content. I specifically bring it here just to break the belief that deviations would help to avoid monotony. There was no moment of dullness or monotonous feeling, though he stuck to his topics.  He was so thorough and comfortable that he perfected the nuances of delivery. I feel that the audience suffers in writhing pain only when the teacher’s delivery is laborious. On the contrary, with Prof. T.R.B’s lectures, deprivation was felt only when the bell sounded the end of the hour. Being a professor of Biology he had to depict diagrams. He did those with consummate ease without stopping the lecture. His understanding was so clear that he could draw diagrams in a right to left sequence / orientation, as against the common  

left to right pattern. In everything he did, he was perfection-personified without revealing the efforts he should have put in. He had a rich vocabulary, penetrative looks, a captivating voice, an immaculate modulation and an accent in English that rarely brought out his nativity. He was an embodiment of virtues that make a teacher the most sought after.

His lectures:

At a very impressionable age, I first saw a lecturer who could truly lecture. We were all gripped by the sheer style and ease with which he took the whole class by storm. Our initial response was one of disbelief, since many other lecturers used to take pains to explain things. But this man was so much endowed, that his lecture itself was sufficient to clearly place all facts in the most palatable form. Every lecture was a feast and all of us would throng to attend his classes. After a few lectures, we realized that we need to gather his information in a form that can be used for facing the examinations. We always felt that asking for “notes” from this giant would amount to denying ourselves the pleasure of listening to excellent lectures. We started discussing with our seniors as to how to get our requirement for notes without disturbing his lectures. There were no clues. We assembled our notes by a simple understanding among the class mates who used to be seated in a row. [His lecture was quite spirited and packed with updated information.] Each boy had to write 3 or 4 sentences and elbow the next man to start. It was done in a regular sequence and every day we assembled excellent material that had no parallel in any single text book. Diagrams had to be drawn by every student of our group. This training gave us enormous training for listening and writing as simultaneous steps, with ease.

To continue                                       Prof. K. Raman                                              


  TM SOUNDARARAJAN-38 டி எம் சௌந்தரராஜன் -38                    POSTING NO. 1225  திரு டி எம் எஸ் அவர்களின் குரலில் வெளிவந்த பாடல்கள் ...