Tuesday, March 7, 2023




Bounce lighting turned out to be a boon in Wedding photography or other similar occasions when the persons involved do not share ‘like’ skin colour. By ‘straight lighting ‘ one of the two members in a couple may get more light  than necessary, while the other may need more light . With flash ‘on camera’ position it is not easy to use enhanced ligght output for one of the two. . To escape the prospect of true ‘BLACK and WHITE’ images of persons, it is better to spread the light ‘even’ over an area instead of a strong beam and uneven light around the central area. An ideal technique to ‘ease out’ the situation is ‘BOUNCE LIGHTING’

As the name suggests, the light is ‘bounced off’ a surface instead of sending off a straight beam from flash light to the subject direct. So, bounce is an indirect way of lighting the picture area. There are different styles of bouncing the light.


The photographer tilts the flash head upward by 45-50 degrees so that the kight hits the roof and spreads downwards casting a diffuse light over the area. As a result the area gets lit with no harsh shadows around. However , the bouncing surface ought to be colour neutral .olour neutral surfaces do not reflect colours ; so,white or light bluish ceilings are better suited as reflective surfaces.



In some houses , the ceiling may be rather low about just a foot above human height . In such places bounc may deliver a heavy light instead of a real diffuse light . At such close regions, the flash head is covered with a pure white cloth that permits the escape of  diffuse light in place of too bright a beam of light. If the ceiling happens to be at a height, bouncing on such high ceilings would be counter productive, with no useful light reaching the subjects below.


In those situations it is wiser to use reflectors to divert light on to a larger area after THE LIGHT hits a white surface . Card boards 10 to 12 inches wide ,8inches tall can be used as reflectors . In all these cases the flash head faces the surface on to which light has to be thrown and not the objects on the scene.


With the advent of better Cameras, Films and Flash light, employing of additional gadgets was ‘respected’ as a sign of advanced workmanship. Irrespective of the personal command over the adoption of a facility,all photographers –Big, Medium or Small field at least 2 umbrellas as light supporting gadgets. Any umbrella has a parabolic face along the inside. Lighting umbrellas have shallow face to give off more reflection. Thet are conveniently mounted on a tilting head held on a solid foot hold .The tilting head permits convent orientation of the umbrella so as to throw required light over the picture are . The central shaft of the umbrella has a flash holder to clip the flash head facing the parabola’s shallow face.

Irrespective of the kind of bounce light, generally they are served by slave sensors which respond to the key light from the camera position.

In the final reckoning what matters is apt orientation of light with correct Exposure compensations necessary due to Diffuse lighting.Yet lighting is a challenging domain calling for clear perception of lenses, flashes, exposure preferrable for the kind of film etc.

More to follow


1 comment:

  1. You have explained the importance of light in photography very well. I have seen in many marriage halls and photo shops umbrella is used for improving light.



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