Saturday, November 11, 2023


 ENGLISH –16  

                            HAPPY DEEPAVALI  TO  ALL

Cognate with the day, today’s central idea revolves round CRACK the root word for Crackers.       I am afraid- friends may have to patiently traverse the write-up despite its quagmire-like presentation. After all, it is an attempt to portray the utility of the term in conveying several meanings. Plagued by a plethora of sounds from cracker-bursts around, frequent phone calls, callers on to your house, going through the assemblage on ‘CRACK’ is no mean feat. Let us look at the utility aspect beginning from ‘crack’. The term ‘crack’ enjoys several values as Noun, verb, Adjective, Phrasal verb, Idiom and so on. At the end of it the user may look a crack –[s]he not being able to readily crack the meaning in a context.

The tradition in English language for defining or deciphering a term is to begin from the noun. So, adhering to the language’s tradition, we too begin with the word.

CRACK [Noun]

Crack refers to a faint line that appears on a surface, as a result of ‘hurt’ or pressure. However the segments adjoining the crack need not fall apart.

Another effect of ‘crack’ is to snap; it suggests, a quick cut on an object by excess stress from bending some items like a scale or something else brittle in nature

Crack may indicate the act of ‘hitting something to the floor’ resulting in ‘Smash’.

Crack can imply ‘fracture’ especially of hard parts like bones as in ‘he fractured his left thumb’.

Fracture may mean break in some part. Break can also be used to indicate ‘intermission ‘ as in Lunch break ;so, a break divides a session of activity into two parts / segments.

‘Crack’ may also mean failure as in “The project cracked by a long chain of problems; it means the project failed [cracked].  Another example: Their marriage cracked

Crack is a common reference to persons of weak mental health as in “Our Manager is a crack”

Another meaning of crack is to suggest “making attempt” as in  He is ‘cracking’ the exam.

Crack is a reference to powder / dry form of cocaine

CRACK [Verb]

As a verb ‘crack’ has different applications in communication.

CRACK [V] is used to express ‘break open the nut’ or use a nut cracker to open the shell.

Crack -as used in Computer working means “to gain illegal entry to information in a computer by cracking the protective code

Crack may refer to strenuous attempts to solve a problem as in he cracked his head against the wall.

Crack may indicate ‘making of thunderous/ loud noise as in letting off ‘crackers’

Crack may also suggest   decline in voice quality –as the narrator gets emotional and suffers by cracked voice. 

Crack can also refer to the act of making a funny remark or letting off a joke [crack a joke].

CRACKED [Adjective]  that describes the state as in cracked mirror or cracked thumb.

CRACK IN ITS ADVERB FORM  is used as “Cracking” novel ogr game which is exciting or engaging  

IDIOM == Crack the whip

Phrasal verb: Crack down [destroy illegal hoarding or destroy nefarious activity.

Prof. K .Raman


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