Saturday, December 30, 2023




For the day’s topic, I intend surveying the territory of spelling for just two words – Mesmerise and Metabolise which are infrequent in use though frequently debated for the way the two words should be spelt.                                                              As ever unanimity over the preference of ‘S’ or ‘Z’ is just ‘non –existent as in MESMERIZE /MESMERISE and as in METABOLIZE/METABOLISE.           One may  be genuinely concerned as to if these alone are the terms causing concern. Honestly, there are any number of words that seem to cross swords between the patterns widely categorized [or is it categorised?] as British / American English.  Consequently, different countries adopt one or the other form –perhaps having been under some ‘conditioning’ by the ENGLISH-English or the American English. With the world divided over the preferred practice, it should not haunt us anymore; but those of us using computer for day-to-day communication –the self appointed editor-the computer steps in to underscore in red –all terms not in conformity with the American tradition. Though there is option to set the language mode, on and off the system turns autonomous enforcing its ‘line of thought’. At best the user can plead “IGNORE’ and never for once tell “Do what I say”. To see the screen with liberal red underscores at times destroys the person’s pride and composure over ‘spelling’, a judgment that poses a threat from the inanimate. True, we are used to this unbridled interference ; yet a challenge is a challenge- an unfailing irritant .

By and large the fitment of   “Z” in a word is an American attitude to spell a word. Let us heave a sigh of relief, that the Americans have not outright thrown “S” from the alphabet series. Lest, the computers should dictate us to spell “MEZMERIZE”/ “MEAZLEZ” for MEASLES and zo on [sorry-so on ].

Extensive labour seems to have gone into studying the spelling practice for the words under consideration- MESMERIZE / METABOLIZE.

In fact, several nations are presented for both the forms of spelling and the general average % thereof. Readers may use the information with the assurance that both versions are in use and thus , none is wrong .

Just read on

                               MESMERIZING                                     MESMERISING

USA      %                           95                                                          5

UK                                       42                                                        58

INDIA                                 78                                                         22

PHILLIPINES                     95                                                            5

CANADA                            91                                                            9    

AUSTRALIA                      37                                                           63

IRELAND                           39                                                            61          

NEW ZEALAND                46                                                            54    

JAMAICA                           100                                                            -0-      

                                METABOLIZE                                       METABOLISE

USA      %                       98                                                           2

UK                                  39                                                           61                                                                                  

INDIA                             64                                                           36      

PHILLIPINES                 96                                                             4

CANADA                        95                                                             5

AUSTRALIA                  38                                                           62 

IRELAND                        41                                                          59

NEW ZEALAND             35                                                          65

Such is the general trend in spelling the words chosen for the day.


Prof. K. Raman 



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