Thursday, January 4, 2024




In my understanding, the language is the medium of conveying an opinion; every opinion has a mood within as its basic component. If so, where does the mood reside in a statement? Undoubtedly, it is the VERB that indicates the mood. If the term ‘mood’ looks impoverished, one may take it as referring to “emotion”. It just follows that emotion is a product of mood and at times vice-versa.   Having said that how does one go about ‘making use’ of the tool [verb] in statements to precisely express an idea.

Quite a few options occur for presenting the opinion.

Write a letter is a statement that can be employed to signify specific mood as   in

Write a letter [Instruction]   2 Do write a letter [request or appeal] 3 I say “write a letter”   [an order or command]                        

Other different emotions can also be brought out:        As in ‘Indicative’ situation  1 The kid is active [healthy] 2 The boy is shouting [angry] 3 We learn science [progress]                                                       

Indicative mood may also suggest ‘assumption’ or ‘supposition’

If it rains I shall stay back. [rain is assumed ] If he is a culprit, he ought to be punished [someone is doubted and punishment is demanded]

Imperative mood

Imperatives cannot be disobeyed nor ignored as in ‘Stay here, till I come’

Read the second paragraph on page 12.  Such imperatives can be used only in second person as the person involved should be in the place.For first or third persons imperative mood may need an auxiliary verb like ‘let’ as in let me wait, let us wait further or let us go and so on.

Subjunctive mood

Practically terms suggesting Subjunctive moods have nearly disappeared in the present day style of English.

earlier expressions I be, you be, we be, They be ,He be were used to relate to the past tense like I was, You were, They were, He was, She was in the past tense Emphasis was expressed as I were, as in If I were you, I would have dismissed him from his post.

However, in the current pattern subjunctive moods are more related to some wish or prayer like wish as in

God save us. God bless you are somewhat prayerful appeal to the Supreme.

Thus, verbs have been used in appropriate patterns to signify the mood of the statement.

Prof. K. .Raman  

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