Thursday, March 6, 2025



             Updating is a step in ascension. Without it, slowly we stay where we were, as things progress upward. The tendency of ‘staying contended’ on items of information is a reflection of reluctance.

One of the factors behind ‘reluctance to update’ is from a lack of focus, essential for professional outlook. Often, excuses of ‘adequacy’ in the present form are fielded suggesting ‘efficacy’. Inadvertently, workers are left behind, as technology advances rather incessantly.

The scenario is frightening in the arena of education. While industries can resort to automation to replace unskilled workers, education would only stagnate with outdated teachers unwilling to update.

This is a silent crime perpetrated on learners. Groomed by such ‘outdated’ protocols, the students fail to gather more recent information and stay mediocre in terms of ‘advancements’ in their domains of study.

When such students take to teaching, the cycle is repeated but, for an ‘odd’ conscious teacher who tries to live up to some higher level, the ambience is suffocating.

But, the mediocrity around such ‘odd teachers’ is so overwhelming that the latter  are specks of microscopic dots, few and far between to make any impact, except on their wards.

Unless, the culture of updating is encouraged, there is little relevance to our courses of study.  Mine is no attempt of denigrating the teachers. It is a painful lamentation that personnel who should stay abreast of academic widening, choose to be oblivious and blissful.

When the system of education collapses and inevitably so, the society would only be a silent, clueless spectator. Our society would then be a huge body of incompetent men and women who can do precious little to themselves.

Mediocrity has to be perceived as an epidemic that can potentially inflict catastrophic wide-scale damage to the future  silently. Then re-building would demand drawing the human resources from some ‘outside’ resources. Placing challenging demands is a way of discouraging reluctance in updating. Let us wake up,  before getting drowned in the labyrinth of inadequacy.

Enough if, individuals ponder over a little and update themselves in their domains of study, as we are blessed with the services of internet and most can avail of the facility.



  1. Absolutely true. First I will take it very seriously to update myself sir. As you said we are mere clueless spectators now.

  2. Nice article sir. You have raised the alarm bell. If we don't wake up now, our society will face series consequences.

  3. Weii, I am unable to recognize "the boss"; if not inconvenient let me have the pleasure of knowing you.

  4. யார் இந்த பாஸ்? யாருக்கு பாஸ்?



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