Tuesday, May 31, 2022



Serendipity is a kind of ‘Eureka’ in its own right!

To put it in plain terms, ‘serendipity’ is just tumbling on something that proves useful for all subsequent times. Quite a few definitions are available; some of them are as under:

‘Some pleasant happening by chance 

‘The fact of finding something valuable/ interesting by accident’

Perhaps the best definition of ‘serendipity’ reads thus: “An unsought, unintended, and or unexpected but, fortunate discovery and or learning experience that happens by accident.

Thus, it is an unplanned, fortunate activity.

The name ‘serendipity’ seems to be a derivative of a Persian fairy tale, where Three princess of Serendip, keep making discovery accidentally or by sagacity ,though they never meant to look for such findings. [Though a deviation, it is opportune to recall the Tamil writer DEVAN’s   novel -‘Thuppariyum Sambu’ in which Mr. Sambu deciphers several crime plots by sheer accident or a ‘leading utterance’ which provides a clue to unravel the complexity].

Instances of serendipity are quite a few indeed.

The first noted Antibiotic Penicillin came to be recognized for its antibiotic property by an accidental finding by Alexander Fleming [1928]. On a culture of Staphylococcus plate, Fleming noticed Penicillium growing and no other organism could grow in the presence of Penicillium. Penicillin thus came to be recognized for its ‘Antibiotiic’ potential to inhibit several bacteria.

The Micro wave oven [credited to  Percy Spencer] was conceived from an observation that emissions from Radar equipment had melted the candy in  his pocket.

The ‘HOOK’ and ‘LOOP’  FASTENER was developed [George D  Mestrel from his observation that Cockleburs[ a plant with fruits of spiny surface] that had stuck to his person , had several hooks on each bur; it prompted the idea of design   of VELCRO- now a popular device to bind / relax two edges in dress or in foot wear.

Several other phenomena or utilities have been understood by acts of Serendipity. These are existence of Radio activity, Atomic nucleus, X-ray imaging of bones, Vulcanized rubber and Microwave Oven to name some.

If systematic research was the lone mechanism to discover /invent, Humanity would have to wait for too long; it is Serendipity that delivers solution in quick time, however unplanned the efforts have been. The ability to observe the unexpected in the course of an effort is the key to success – may be a providential guidance on time.

Prof. K. Raman 



Tuesday, May 17, 2022

BELUGA WHALE [White whale] [On suggestion by Mrs. Padmapriya Devanathan]

 BELUGA WHALE [White whale]

[On suggestion by Mrs. Padmapriya Devanathan]

ZOOLOGICAL NAME:  Delphinapterus leucas

The name reveals that it is a marine animal [a cetacean] found in Arctic / Sub Arctic oceans. In view of their snow-rich surroundings, these whales appear fully white, though at birth they are grayish and progressively changing shade, to ultimately turn ‘snow white’. The oneness with the surrounding by skin colour is a natural protection from hunters, polar bears and predator whales.  Even in such uninhabited zone, animals camouflage themselves for fear of being hunted. Time taken for maturity is about 7 years for females and 9 years for males before they   attain white / whitish gray. Reports on life expectancy of of  Belugas vary; some suggest 30 years and some 70- 80 years or more.  Belugas do not have a dorsal fin [a wing like extension from upper surface]  as it can obstruct moving through columns of frozen water during winter.  These whales are kept in Dolphinarium / similar arrangements and are held in captivity. Like Dolphins, these animals are human- friendly. There are also claims that these whales are friendly with humans than even Dolphins.

Belugas have an excellent ‘hearing’ capacity and have well-developed  special structure [the auditory cortex] to perceive sound in the frequency of 1.2 to 120 KHZ as against that of humans [0.02 to 20 KHZ] Such a capacity of hearing through water / ice layers in winter is a notable facility. The sound waves generated by these whales travel through water/ ice [at 1.6 km per second [4 times that of speed in air] and reflect as Echo. Using the echo, these whales detect distance, nature of the object for its size, shape / internal structure. This unique capacity for reading/ interpreting different features from Echo is named Echolocation. Echolocation offers the instant advantage of locating unfrozen water / air pockets or air holes for breathing through water in arctic winter. Such wild life parks nurture these animals in North America/ Europe.

Their ability to make sound waves has further been observed to ‘whistle’ squeak and squeal making noise. So, the whale is called ‘Sea Canary’. A report of a research from a Japanese observer suggests that the Belugas can communicate by sound; a whale in captivity could ‘speak’ imitating human voice.  It shows that these animals observe, remember and repeat sounds heard from humans.  These whales are highly sociable [among themselves] and playful withsome whales blowing off bubbles and others playing with those bubbles. These whales move in groups called ‘Pods’. Each pod can be of 3- 30 members or more.

Studies have shown that the pod groups can be classified into 3 categories.  1. Nurseries [mothers and young ones], 2. Bachelor pods only male members and 3 Mixed pods   male/ female members.  Several pods congregate near river estuaries during summer; these are vulnerable to hunting.  Even in captivity, Belugas keep interacting among themselves; they show interest in interacting with humans. They swim alongside boats which explore the area. All underwater explorers in cabins find the Belugas peeping in through windows. Belugas can dive down to 600 m below sea level and can swim backwards

As early as 1861, Beluga whales have been held in captivity in USA. Just to keep them healthy and responsive, Belugas are trained to perform ‘entertaining’ play for visitors. That they are amenable to training implies intelligence and grasp as innate abilities of the animal.

Interesting [though unconfirmed] reports suggest that ‘Trained Beluga whales’ helping Russian Navy guard the fleet of Russian submarines; no intrusion /interception of the Russian naval submarines is possible because of these whales. They are too well trained to spot, stop and send off signals to HQ of the impending intrusion. Observers believe that the Russian Navy is a feared outfit in view of such infallible defenders under water.

Another interesting case was that of HVLADAMIR, a male Beluga whale.

On 26-04-2019, the whale appeared north of Hammerfest, with a tight-fitting camera harness labeled 'equipment St. Petersburg'; the animal was keen to get rid of the attached strings. Even after the whale was freed off the shackles of the camera harness, it kept seeking human help for food; the implication is it is a trained animal and has lost the habit of hunting preys. Careful upkeep of the whale restored health and activity for the animal. On 4th May 2019, one of the visitors accidentally dropped her I-Phone in to water; the whale simply dived in and brought the phone to surface.

The belief that the Beluga whale was a trained one with a camera strapped on, prompted the natives of Hammerfest to name it  HVLADIMIR; H= Norwegian Hyal [whale] and Vladimir a veiled reference to Vladimir Putin.[ The presumption being that it was trained by Russian Navy

In another instance of human–friendly  attitudes of Beluga whale, during  a Chinese game show a woman diver plunged into water afflicted by stroke; the Game show Beluga  sensing the plight dived  into deep water and picked the diver up by clasping her feet in mouth and quickly put her ashore saving the diver from the clutches of death.

Man –animal interactions are items that need critical observation, emotional binding   for persistent relationship/ interaction. It would be nice if some animal scientist makes a detailed presentation for us to learn.

Prof. K. Raman  

Monday, May 16, 2022



Mnemonics are some specific assemblages that help us to remember the sequence in which a concept or an idea has to be presented. Indeed it is a useful tool to quickly recall the item of interest / importance in any subject. So, a mnemonic can be a word/ poem or a ‘planned’ statement that is easy to remember. Using a mnemonic, the student can present the correct idea devoid of typical misgivings among learners.  Obviously, one can ‘formulate’ a mnemonic to remember /recall  the idea at times of need.

There is a variety of situations in ‘learners’ life’ when [s]he has to muster and master the skills of presentation. On all such occasions mnemonics rescue them  from ‘taxing’ the memory by an artificial effort of memorizing. Practical advantages of mnemonics pertain to their utility in generating answers that are rich in ‘mesmerizing’ fidelity to the original, in place of labored writing from memorized content. Memorized information can turn sublime and leave us in lurch for convincing presentation.

Let us try some cases where mnemonics lend excellent support [not just for] remembering/ gathering the spirit of the information.

LEARNING is a common word whose meaning is understood; but to make it meaningful, the word itself can be used as a mnemonic.

Lend    EAR     Never    Imagine ‘No   Gain It tells the learner of the value of ‘listening’ and the effect from listening



WORK = Mass x Acceleration  x Distance


Ideal gas law

Pure Virgins never Really Tire   or PV = nRT

Gibbs free energy formula         

Daddy Good Honey Tastes definitely Sweet    WHERE, D, d = Δ  and so, Δ G =H T ΔS


Ohm’s Law

OLD Virgins Are Rare:   WHERE, OLD = Ohm’s Law Determinants = Volt= Amp x Resistance


Roman Men Invented Very Unusual X-Ray Guns

Radio waves, Micro waves, Infra red, Visible light , Ultra violet , X rays,  Gamma rays


The sequence of Hexoses [ sugars].

All Altruists Gladly Make Gum in Gallon Tanks

All = Allose, Altruists= Altrose, Gladly= Glucose, Make = Mannose ,

 Gum = Gulose, In= Idose, Gallon= Galactose, Tanks= Tallose


Important elements needed by plants are presented in a mnemonic that reads:

C H  O P K N S   CA fe  MGnetic But, MneMo  Ni Cu znt? 

All elements in capital letters suggest major elements or macro elements; all other names in mixed form (capital + small) indicate minor or micro elements; underscores help to locate the elements. Recently Nickel [Ni] has been identified to be an important trace element for plant growth and its deficiency can cause necrosis [local death] through urea toxicity. Trace elements are those required in very low quantities; but their deficiency can disturb normal metabolism in plants.


System of Animal Classification


King= Kingdom, Philip = Phylum, Came= Class, Over = Order,

 For= Family, Great= Genus, Sphageti = Species

Some ask for ‘mnemonics’ to remember MNEMONICS.                God, please help them.  

                Prof. K. Raman

Sunday, May 15, 2022



‘IMPRESS’ is another term that stands parallel to ‘EXPRESS’ though the former has no genuine parallel. Why do I contend so?  If ‘express ‘ can right away be used to convey varied opinion on different contexts,  ‘impress ‘ can be employed to similar effect only by slight modification in spelling.

 Quite interestingly, ‘IMPRESS’ serves the ‘functional opposite’ of ‘EXPRESS’. When you ‘express’ something, you bring it out in the open. When you, use ‘impress’ the implication is –‘the opinion is an inward feeling [that is the idea gets into your mind and it goes out when you ‘express’ it.] So, I feel that  the  two words connote opposite effects and thus are ‘functional opposites’.      

When my friend Mr. Rangarajan expressed his ‘opinion’ on my previous blog posting on ‘EXPRESS’, I got the ‘impression’, why not try a write-up on ‘IMPRESS’. It may be argued that ‘impression’ triggers ‘expression’.

Though every impression need not trigger an expression, no expression emerges without an impression. Thus, the two terms have a functional relationship of ‘TOM and JERRY’ kind of functional association of one leading/ driving the other.

IMPRESS [As a verb]

Means to cause an effect on someone to respect or admire the performer

Those who desire recognition in their workplace have to impress the authority.

Mother was not impressed by our uncultured utterance in the Wedding hall.

Subtle questions raised in the interview impressed me to become inquisitive.

IMPRESS [As Transitive verb]

Transitive verbs are used with Noun/ Pronoun/ Phrase that refers to the person /a thing that is influenced or affected by the action of verb.  Example: Her words impressed me of her sincerity

His arguments impressed the jury

IMPRESS [Noun] Impress is to make an image by application of pressure [Rubber stamp]

Impressionist = a person who makes conscious effort to impress others [as in planned acting on stage].


Apiece of work or writing which gives the impression of the person making it rather than giving details.


Young minds are impressionable [they can be easily impressed].

IMPRESSIVE [Adjective]

The building is impressive by its architecture [Creates a sense of importance /admiration].


The work has been presented impressionistically [WITH an idea to create certain impression].

Thus the word ‘IMPRESS’ can be variously utilized by spelling alterations to provide different impressions.

Prof. K. Raman



Saturday, May 14, 2022



A simple word “Express” can bring off a wide range of effect by application/ communication. Honestly, the use for this term is wide and varied and in a specific place or context it ‘imports’ a fresh but unambiguous specificity.

 Undoubtedly, it qualifies for being treated a ‘magic word’ as, on each occasion, it lends unmistakable credence to the idea planted through the word. As I was contemplating on some idea or the other for blog posting, I stumbled on THIS word, though we use it in most transactions of ours. Literally, one needs no alteration by way of ‘spelling’ or similar ‘modifiers’ to suggest the intended implication.

That is the beauty of this word. At the end of the ‘reading session’, I trust you would ‘express’ solidarity with my line of thought -portraying this word as rendering  a ‘Magical effect’.

EXPRESS [As a Noun]

A facility for ‘rapid transport of men / material’ – say a train or a bus

 Also,  EXPRESS  is a postal delivery system for quick distribution of ‘mails’ to addressees.

EXPRESS [As verb] Shows ‘opinion’ or ‘feeling’ or ‘fact’.

Means the idea is conveyed verbally or emotionally. He expressed his anger in words; he expressed anger through heavy breathing and red face.

Also, to Express helps to ‘indicate’ some fact. The interest payable quarterly is expressed in Rupees.

Oil is expressed from oil seeds by physical pressure of crushing. [To express= press out / squeeze out].

EXPRESS [As adverb]

Send a request by express.  Send a letter through ‘express postal service’].

EXPRESS [As an adjective]

An adjective form of ‘express’, expresses the idea clearly / unambiguously. The King’s wills ‘express desire’ to deposit the art collections of his kingdom to the Art Gallery or museum. 

Another usage relates to innately explain the function.  Express Train / Express Bus

So, the word “express” lends itself to express very many different expressions without change in its form.

Prof. K. Raman 

Friday, May 13, 2022



What does it refer to?   It is an ability to forecast in advance, the probable events that may happen later. We have heard of ‘premonition’ as an expression relating to items of occurrence in the near future. A far higher ambit and range seem to go with clairvoyance.  

Most of us are aware of Nostradamus –a well known French forecaster [a Clairvoyant] 1503- 1566 ]Later stages in his life brought out skills of ‘occultism’ in him. His published work LES PROPHETIES [1555] drew mixed responses from readers. But, slowly his image of a prophetic grew and till date he and his works are held in esteem. He has the distinct credit of having predicted many major events in the world. As is true of any ‘stunning skill’, academics dismissed Nostradamus –as of being vague in predictions and that any inference could be made from his work. Leaving aside the controversies thereof, it stands to reason to recognize that Nostradamus was a rather unique person in this ability. He was practicing medicine as ‘healer’ and was quite well known in many places.

After one of his visits to Italy, he deviated from medicine and entered the domain of ‘forecasting’. In 1550 Nostradamus brought out in print the first Almanac [something like ‘Panchangam’]; it turned out so popular that he, decided to make it an annual effort compiling his skills of ‘reading into future’.  From his works some 6336 predictions are said to have been made by Nostradamus. Based on the seeming accuracy of forecasts he received requests for reading into personal profiles / future of leading members of the then society from across the world.

He used to make two or three annual publications – Almanac [detailed predictions], Prognostications or Pressages [more generalized predictions].  Nostradamus is said to have claimed of his applying Judicious Astrology.           Whether or not he practiced any exclusive strategy to interpret or suggest predictions, an array of items credited to Nostradamus is indeed stunning.  A broad list shows a grand perception, considering the events credited to his occultism

The great fire of London, The French revolution,  The rise and fall of both Adolph Hitler and Napoleon,

The two world wars   and The nuclear destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Apollo moon landing 1969,   The Space shuttle Challenger disaster 1986

The death of Princess of Whales –Diana in 1997

World trade centre Twin Tower attacks on September 11- 2001

His detractors –especially the academics seriously doubt of the veracity of claims ascribed to Nostradamus as mere statements not backed up by any indisputable evidence to show ‘how the prediction was evolved or derived at all. However there are those who do earnestly admire the precision in his works one of which predicts WWIII in 2247 in a raging fight between religions.

 A real astonishment to learn of the powers of human brain, at least among such iconic minds as those of Nostradamus.

Prof. K. Raman

Thursday, May 12, 2022



Obviously, rear guard action –though used ‘as above’ is not a single word. Truly, it is an assembly of words – “action”, “Guard” and “rear”. ALL THE THREE are independent of one another and make ‘sense’ as individual terms. But, when assembled as a phrase/ an idiom, they connote a meaning ‘somewhat’ different from three independent terms.

In essence, RGA suggests a delayed action or response or retaliation as the situation may require.

In Battle field

RGA is practiced as a delayed defence or protection of sovereignty of the land; an army which is ‘retreating’ , unable to contain the advancing enemy  slowly retraces to mainland. During the ‘retreat’, the army chooses to employ skills of thwarting the enemy  by creating hurdles,  like cutting off roads, or damaging the bridges to baffle the advancement of enemy or planting explosives on the path causing disruption of movement of men and material for the enemy.  The action may also safeguard the communication system of the domestic forces.. This kind of ‘late’ reaction against the advancing enemy is named RGA.

Cricket reporting / commentary

Another situation when RGA finds verbal expression is during the description or commentary of the’ on-going’ events in a cricket match. Yes, sometimes the most recognized batsmen on a team , fail to make good scores  to make a big fight of the match. For a paltry 103 or 104 runs 6 or 7 0f the top order batsmen have been dismissed by the rival team. Surprisingly, the lower-down players 8 /9 launch an offence by sound performance and pile up another 80-90 runs raising their score to near 200 for 7 , results in a respectable performance , besides frustrating the opponent’s  desire to bundle them out. Such late fight to save the match and pride of the team is described RGA in cricket description.  

Another instance

The use of ‘commandos’ to combat the terrorists [who had laid siege over parts of Mumbai in an attempt to terrorize civilians] also can be described as RGA because, before any salvage could occur quite some damage had been inflicted. Such late actions are typically RGA in view of the time taken.


Quite a few institutions in our country slump into slumber almost as a routine and try to launch RGA more or less as a routine.


Many teachers visit classroom as per the work stipulated. Do they visit the lessons as often and stick to work in those hours of work. At least 15-20% keep talking to students through best part of the teaching sessions –on topics not prescribed for study. They earnestly ‘believe’ that they are the most sought after on the campus. Students relish such pedestrian teaching until the fear of public examination looms large  and ‘feel’ butterflies in stomach. Thereafter, they hate the gossip mongers among teachers. These teachers abruptly come to their senses and ‘rush through’ the topics[ RGA] , leaving everything in doubt, just keen to ‘complete’ the topics. 


Equally bad are some learners; they stay relaxed and less attentive till about a month before the final examinations. They too swing into RGA and TRY TO ‘memorize’ cartloads of matter and suffer ‘mental fatigue’. In teaching and learning, RGA  cannot  provide the advantages of systematic approach of steady  learning through daily efforts.  Like ‘healthy living’ learning has to be a daily exercise of balanced effort. RGA is no panacea and cannot be a substitute for progressive approach to any work.

Prof. K. Raman

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

CASHEW [Bot : Anacardium occidentale]

 CASHEW  [Bot :  Anacardium occidentale]

Cashew has two tree forms – Tall [45 ft] dwarf [20 ft ]. T he dwarf is preferred for ease of harvest and also for its higher yield over that of the tall variety. Seemingly, there are no special efforts to maintain these evergreen trees and they do not show fastidious requirements of nutrition  or soil supplements ; often these crops occur in semi-arid landscape overlarge stretches of land.

There are two major products directly derived from these trees – the Cashew apple [fleshy pink yellow part] and the highly valued ‘seed containing’ nut. The nut is the actual fruit and the fleshy fruit-like part subtending the nut is just the stalk  tamil ‘ Kaambu= காம்பு  ]. When fully ripe, the stalk is fleshy and has a typical fruity aroma and can be eaten fresh. If not fully ripe, the fluid from the pulp can cause blisters and burn like injuries to lips and corners of the mouth.

The externally ‘unattractive ‘curved shell holds a curved seed – the actual delicacy and pride of cashew nut . The seeds could be eaten raw or fried or as additive to a variety of sweet s- solids/ semi solids or fluids along with the mesmerizing gentle aroma of ‘saffron shreds’. In view of its place of pride in all rich preparations, somehow cashew nuts have acquired a status of aristocracy while the fruit-like part is treated as one of penury.


It is customary to brand any ‘coming forward’ to do something quite ahead of others as ‘ Mundhirikkottai’ , purely based on a wrong understanding that in cashew , the fruit stays behind while the seed is jutting out [far ahead of the fruit itself]. Actually, what is considered a fruit is not the fruit [it being the stalk [ காம்பு]] of the fruit and the seed is actually the fruit itself by all scientific considerations. ஆகவே, முந்திரிக்கொட்டை தான் பழம் , பழம் போல தோன்றுவது காம்புப்பகுதி என்பதை அறிவோம்.]

Three major trades revolve around cashew products.

1 These are the fruit pulp trade using cashew apple.

2 The crushed fruit pulp can be put through a fermentation cycle to derive an alcoholic beverage ‘Feni” or “Fenny” quite popular in and around Goa.

3 Cashew seeds an international delicacy by its sheer taste and aroma.

There are a number of nutritional advantages from cashew. These are as under [per 100 grams of cashew nut]

Energy = 553 cal, Carbs= 30.0 g, Protein= 18.0 grams.   Saturated fat =7.7 g, Poly unsaturated fat= 7.8 g, Poly monosaturated fat= 23.8 g, Cholesterol = 0.0 mg,  Sodium = 12 mg , Dietary fibre= 3.3 g,Sugar =5.9 g

Calcium = 37.0 mg,  Iron = 6.6 mg, Potassium =680 mg,  Vitamin- C = 0.5 mg

Roasted cashew is considered very good  for health as it provides rich fibre and supplies HDL or favorable lipid and does not elevate cholesterol level.

Prof. K. Raman 


Tuesday, May 10, 2022



Itch is a universal irritant. What?  Yes, itch irritates the person undergoing the agony and the on-looker gets irritated that the other person scratches every now and then and throws up a signal of ‘disrespect’ to the guest/ visitor. Honestly the sufferer never intends any disrespect to anyone; but the social disposition steps in uninvited and causes dislocations to interpersonal equations. Everyone, every now and then keeps scratching parts of self as a plain routine with no ‘conscious’ feeling that ‘I am scratching’. It does happen more or less unnoticed. But when the event turns ‘intense’, the victim suffers ‘stigmatization’ for unsociable behavior.

I place a hypothetical challenge.

Sit on the floor facing east. Watch the clock for ‘time now’. Take a pledge that for the next 5 minutes, “I shall stay steady and would not scratch my person, come what may”.  In a few seconds from the vow, you are shaken to your roots by the abrupt ‘itch’ on the tip of your nose. For a few initial moments your vow demands your sticking to determination. But, itch is more determined to knock off you and your vow together with consummate ease. Alas, you cave in; but re-register your vow to stay stoic for the next three minutes. Gladly you pass an eventless 2 minutes plus, when a ‘mega itch’ throws up on your chin and turns intolerable. With about 35 seconds to go, you succumb to the demand and liberally scratch your chin with all 4 fingers [minus the thumb] of your right hand. The moral is “never take a bet with Itch’. It can destabilize you, your pride, social status and anything else that you stand for.

If you wish to brand anything as an ‘inopportune intruder’, you can right away confer it on to itch.

Why do I suggest so?

Quite often we witness people passing through the agony of itch that tries to compete with the solemnity of the moment. In a gathering after the proceedings when National; Anthem is sung, at least a few  manage to take a few seconds of ‘scratching’ if they are in some invisible pocket in the audience. But those vulnerable to be ‘seen’ by dignitaries, soon after the session  run to a hideout to ‘kill’ the itch. The same plight had already been showcased In a COMMERCIAL CLIPPING’ promoting the sale of some ointment to quell itch; when the umpire in a play session is unable to display the intended signal , himself being under the nasty grip of itch. Such is the omnipresence of itch, that is omnipotent in killing both solemnity and personal dignity in one stroke and disappear for long thereafter.

The agony / frequency gets worse while travelling in humid crowded trains or buses , where one needs to have a hold somewhere to keep self from being thrown off balance for want of grip. Whether or not one scratches his/her head for solving some problem, [s]he scratches self almost next to breathing. That is the unanticipated arrival and unintended display of solution [scratching]  to itch.

Prof. K.Raman




Monday, May 9, 2022

BRINJAL, EGG PLANT, AUBERGINE [Botanically Solanum melongena ]

 BRINJAL, EGG PLANT, AUBERGINE [Botanically Solanum melongena]

How many names for a single item?  Brinjal in India, Singapore, Malaysia;  Egg plant in US/ Canada/ Australia and Aubergine in UK and Ireland. Used as a vegetable world over. The plant seems to have had its origin in Asia and Africa. This is a stuff of mixed reception among varied vegetables. Some like it, some aver it, some tolerate it and very few hail it. There is a restriction over the use of this vegetable by expectant mothers. There is an unfounded suggestion that Brinjal may affect the well being of fetus. Since, a lot of sentiments go with food prescriptions in our society, precious little can be achieved in dispelling notions.

Brinjal shares kinship with Tomato, Potato and Tobacco – all members of the same family[Solanaceae]. Curiously, Brinjal varieties differ in size, shape, colour and sheen of the fruit colour. Young fruits of brinjal are shiny and brilliant –especially the deep pink varieties. Though, a cousin of Tomato/ Potato, the fruit skin of brinjal cannot be peeled off except by steam cooking.

Fruits of brinjal are quite mealy with soft pulp studded with innumerable tiny seeds. There is no way of removing the seeds from the pulp and the total fruit is edible,including the green cap like vest [Calyx] atop the fruit. In fact, in several homes, the stub-like stalk alone is chopped off and the entire fruit with its cap is sliced and cooked.

Some varieties have fruits with pure white skin. These fruits hang like eggs in the plant. Thus the plant is called Egg plant; the fruits are also suggested to be ‘egg plants’ as discarding the suffix ‘plant’ would refer to hen’s egg .

From human health point of view, fruits of Brinjal / Egg plant offer a variety advantages through elements, fibres,   Antioxidants like Polyphenols, Lutein, Zeaxanthin and so on. Several ions as under are replenished by these fruits in our diet. About 100 grams of fruit can yield [ in milli grams]

Calcium= 9.0, Copper =0.08, Iron= 0.25 , Magnesium= 12-14 , Potassium= 117, Phosphorous= 14

The fruits do not yield high calories but are rich in Soluble fibre to about 9% Egg plants are suggested to control high blood cholesterol; also, the fruits do not enhance blood sugar . So, persons of all age can consume this vegetable.

Prof. K. Raman 

Sunday, May 8, 2022



Testing what? Anything can be tested.  Sometimes  testing is done by ‘Tasting’  At times some of our shopkeepers [from Hindi heartland] ask us to wait saying that the electric bulb will be given after ‘tasting’ though he implies ‘testing’. In this case, while he claims to b ‘tasting’ the bulb, actually he is testing our patience by throwing up a bizarre claim of tasting the bulb.

Another tasting of bitter feeling arises when the amplifier in the public address system is set for some political meeting, when the ‘all in one’ person comes through air in a language purported to be ‘English’. He would   always ‘shout’ into the receiver ‘ALO, ALO ,ONE TU, THIRY MYKKU TESTING and would repeat ALO, ALO, ALO, ONE , KOYNGGGGG;  again after a minute ALO, ALO, ONE, TU, THIRY , MYKKU TESTING. Of course you would have deciphered, ALO= Hello, TU= 2, THIRY =3 and that KOYNGGGGG = SHRIEK sound from the amplifier circuit which reveals ‘impatience’ while testing.

Physician advises you ‘go for a blood test‘ from a specified clinical laboratory and insists that you undergo the prescribed test only from that lab as it is the most reliable testing lab. But there you find girls in the age bracket of 12-15 , moving around in Apron- clad attire and drawing samples from everyone sitting in stoic silence from a lurking fear as to ‘what they would spell out after a few hours ‘about blood status . After the time a long report is given and the Physician proclaims everything is fine except that you cut down your salt intake. “No sir, I don’t eat salt”. The angered Doctor repeats ‘Tell your people to prepare low salt recipes and forget outright the pickle in your lunch. Can I take pickle for supper”? No salt – day or night. Now, who tested whom by getting on the nerves of the other man? Both tested the patience of each other. In handling a patient, Doctors need patience if they expect Patients to call on them. A patient ought to be patient though it tests your patience . If the patient is impatient with the hospital protocols, [s]he, may become IN-PATIENT from being one of ‘out patients’.

Another Testing area,  where one needs monumental patience is ‘OPHTHALMOLOGY’ [ Eye clinic]. Real testing of patience happens here with the addition of a liquid to your eyes as ‘Pupil Dilator’. You are asked to keep your eyes shut [also your mouth]. The pupil dilator is a liberal irritant though for a few seconds. With eyes closed, the patient murmurs in pain to the white clad person visible as haze’ sister it irritates’. The sister [the white attire] reacts,” I am brother, not sister” [ he is a clergy awaiting his turn for test]. After 10 minutes or so, the assistant shines a torch into your eye and again adds dilator to the eyes, as the dilation achieved is inadequate. This time it is less irritating. One needs to go through a stream of testing stages to pinpoint the type and scale of defect in vision and the therapy needed for restoring normal vision. In eye test, everything is a testing time and testing the patient’s patience. Actually, the time spent on surgery table is rather brief if we recount for how long we had to undergo varied tests to ascertain the best course of action.

Another nightmare of test is the Entrance test for eligibility to join Profession studies. We find whole families under tree shelters [perhaps without the domestic pets] keeping their fingers crossed as to the prospect of the son/ grandson into Medicine/ Engineering or for some overseas University.  

Real testing of PATIENCE happens during Job selection Interviews.

A volley of questions is thrown to the candidates; they [the job seekers] triumphantly visit the chamber, as if the management cannot ignore his/ her  ‘candidature’.  Once the session begins the candidate slips into coma-like silence, with no firm answer to any question from Subject or GK / Current affairs or International diplomacy etc., Many are mortally afraid to open their mouth , as the fear of poor communication lays a siege on the faculty called ‘speech’. Actually, the interviewers feel cruelly fatigued by job-seekers’ silence. Life moves on /on by tests, trials and tribulations.  

 Prof. K. Raman


Saturday, May 7, 2022



Currently, we are through Mango season, marked by the arrival of a variety of mango fruits big and small, yellow, greenish yellow, Greenish red, Reddish yellow, nearly ball like, bell like, perfect globose, and so on. Each of them is marked by a typical fragrance known for the variety. In all some 24 varieties are identified as best fruits; the subcontinent is said to have over 1500 varieties, owing to the best fit climate for mangos. Mango has the status of a product for an industry, in view of the massive network handling the fruit from its origin to its ultimate destination in markets - local, provincial, regional, national and International.  Proudly, India is a major exporter of mangos to near and far continents, obliging the needs of mango-lovers, as a national event of marketing.  A large number of mango varieties are cultivated and fielded for consumption –right from the state of early formation [the ‘vadu’ stage], unripe green state for pickle making, ripe fruits as delicacies and completely ripe ones for industrial fruit pulp production for export in cans. Undoubtedly mango is a ‘darling’ of our country’s population who throng markets to buy the item. In northern states, mango marketing is an elaborate activity and about 10 fruits are ‘packed’ in hay containing cartons with the name of the variety prominently printed. Families buy any number of cartons for different varieties. Somehow, southern India continues to follow the old practice of selling by vendors and pricing prescribed by weight in Kg or per dozen fruits. People buy in limited number by weighing the fruits and pay for the weight.

Since mangos hit the market right from the juvenile state to the ripened state, the season for mango lasts from March to early or mid July. As the season progresses, different varieties come to market and a few varieties appear simultaneously.  Buyers in Southern India prefer to pick fruits by their choice of pieces and not as a pack. Another general happening is, some years witness mango boom while some years find low yield. The high and low yield seasons occur in successive years.  Also, Tamarind and Mango years for rich yield occur alternately. There is an observation that if Mangos abound, Tamarind yield declines and vice-versa.  Possibly, factors ideal for mango by way of shine / rainfall are not helpful for Tamarind yield. Also, there are some mango varieties that flower once in 2 years and thus, those varieties yield only in alternate years.

Yet another criterion that determines flowering in Mango orchards relates to late evening ‘lightning’ during late October/ November / early December. Why is it important?  Late evening ‘lightning’ means that in dark, a sudden pulse of lighting [a very brief spell of light] disrupts the dark cycle. That is, instead of a ‘Dark continuum’ the dark phase is split into 2 distinct phases interrupted by a quick flash of light from lightning. Disruption of dark phase induces the formation of flowers and all branch tips are rich in flowers, inviting insects to flowers from the fragrance of flowers. Some such insects have intimate link to fruit cycle of mango ; they leave their  eggs in flowers . Later when we open the ripe fruit the beetle/ insect emerges.  It is a case of excellent co-ordination of plant-animal life cycles.

Besides its popularity as a delicacy mangos do help human nutrition through Proteins, Copper and some antioxidants and vitamins. It would be opportune to indicate here that ‘please do not cast off the fruit skin for obliging your tongue buds. The fibre and associated components there of help your digestion.

 Nutritional value

Mangos –though a ‘forbidden item’ for the Diabetics, the fruit does have its own value as a nutritive supplement.

 Approximately Mangos can provide

About 3 gms fibre, 24 gms of sugar, 1 gm Protein, about 25%of our daily need of Vit- A,  about 75% of our daily need of Vit- C, Potassium about 250 mg and 0.2 mg of Vit- B6  and about 105 calories energy. That it does not add to our Cholesterol, or any other fat or Sodium is a virtuous feature of Mangos.

Prof. K. Raman

Friday, May 6, 2022



The current item is a deviation from the present series addressing some aspects of plants in our daily life.  More as a ‘relief’ from rigidities of Science information, I thought of bringing out the ‘seemingly alike but not so' items “SPOONERISM” and” MALAPROPISM”  known in the English language.

These two relate to practical ‘defects’ while speaking.   Are these deliberate are just ‘slips of the tongue or a ‘ploy to mislead’ any recipient can be tricky to decipher. Quite some confusion persists [at least among ‘non-native’ speakers of English] as to when to use which name for the phenomenon.  At the outset, let us figure out what the definition for these terms suggests.


Spoonerism  gets into a conversation or a stage play when the character[s] commit or seemingly so  make phonetical error of mixing sounds of different words leading to  a feeling of humour  apparently unintended. But playwrights use it as a method of portraying some characters as ‘slipshod’ ones. The words uttered are made to look slips of the tongue; they are presented by mixing of sounds from different words.                 Examples

Wave the sails [is uttered] but it should have been ‘save the whales’.

‘It is kistomary to cuss the bride‘  but, should have been ‘it is customary to kiss the bride’

‘Three cheers for our queer old dean’ but should have been ‘Three cheers for our dear old Queen’

‘Pain is roaring’ but should have been ‘Rain is pouring’


Malapropism has acquired its name from that of a woman stage character named ‘MALAPROP’. The character used to interchange words and deliver them in sounds appropriate for the old world in place.

Malapropism is a non –sense by   utterance but humorous in effect.

For instance

 ‘A blushing crow” for ‘A crushing blow’

‘Eat meeting people’ for ‘Meat eating people’

‘Banging hell‘ for ‘Hanging bell’

Cady in lurch for ‘Lady in church’

In stage plays, such seemingly casual utterances have been conceived well and executed to perfection so as to bring forth spontaneous laughter. As for a Tamil example ; actor Baliah in that movie ‘Kadhalikka neramillai ‘ said “Thambi gunam irukke - ‘Thamba kkambi’ for Thangakkambi and quickly makes amends describing the merits of a youngster –presumed to be his own  ‘son-in –law’ to be.

Prof. K. Raman

Thursday, May 5, 2022



Every living system should ‘understand’ what is happening around. The term ‘understand’ as used here refers to several levels of ‘recognizing‘ the events in the immediate surroundings. As such, ‘understanding’ may be by contact stimulus, receiving the physical pulse of light, responding to thermal variation [temperature] and action of gravitational pull and so on. One or many or all of these together cause ‘understanding’ by a biological system.

 Accordingly, the system may respond slowly or quickly based on the strength of the trigger and its impact on a select component like cell[s], pigments or on select enzymes and so on. Each such response can help ‘development’ in a plant or animal. So, different plants or animals respond differently to a common signal or pulse. Unravelllng the role of different signals is a complex study named ‘Developmental biology‘   [DB].DB itself constitutes a multi-disciplinary domain involving biochemistry, physiology, Genetics and cell biology/ molecular biology.  Biology has made rapid strides, availing of the advancements in several domains like Electron microscopy, membrane chemistry, electro physiology , energy processing moieties and energy transduction schemes and pathways. In view of the intricate balancing of interdisciplinary concepts, students from India are among the sought after across USA research laboratories in view their clarity of the overall processes as taught in some Indian universities especially in research schools / Biotechnology laboratories. We need to acknowledge the innate ability of our boys and girls to co-ordinate several inputs to derive or infer a gross picture by synthesis. Not without reason students from Northern states/ Kolkata/ Andhra regions and also from Bangalore, Mysore manage to gain research placements in US / UK / Australia. Select institutions in these places offer excellent training in all essential concepts that matter in domains of higher research.  Drug-designing / formulation to ‘personalized therapy’ is gaini9ng ground and is an interdisciplinary domain in its own right. Alert students would do well to look for such venues for study and avenues for research or employment

Now, it should be clear that ‘overseas assignments’ are not the exclusive domains of Doctors, Engineers or Software professionals. Even among them, only those who reveal outstanding functional merits stand a chance. Science education along proper lines is another area to explore for contributory research efforts.  Dear parents, please keep options open and let your son / daughter pursue domains which interest them. Avoid imposing ‘your preferences’ on them. In the ultimate analysis , any knowledge- acquired by right learning and to its full potential is better than ‘half baked ‘ incomplete acquisitions  even if in  frontline  subject domains of job –seeking. Learning languages is not any inferior either, provided the learner goes all out to be among the best in that field.

We –humans [biological systems ourselves] should sense the signal that ‘learning is not scoring marks; rather it is for soaring high in advanced areas of knowledge. Shake off your mind any imaginary feeling that xx subjects are superior to yy subjects or zz domains. Encourage your wards’ ability to communicate and provide for learning as many languages.  No knowledge can help our ascension unless we prune our skills for excellent communication.  I trust the message is clear.                   GOOD LUCK

Prof. K. Raman 


Wednesday, May 4, 2022



Having understood the problems that erode confidence, it is logical to review the necessary correctives which may help us to retrieve some ‘lost ground’ if not to raise us sky high in no time. First of all, let us realize that we are recuperating our confidence level by appropriate amends to the earlier inadequacy that was nurtured by ‘assumptions’ of accomplishments that were just non-existent. So, it begins with a reorganizing phase of ‘giving up’ all wrong learning by re-checking every item which we imagined to have learnt. We need to put every idea to ’validity’ assessment; if invalid let us throw it off and regroup our information to reorient the idea to its correct value by amending  our understanding.  

While the subject matter of our profession must be updated, we also need to strengthen the profile of our delivery module. It begins with the apt technical jargon presented through a legitimate lexicon. We can ill afford to be lax, poorly organized especially in diction and phonetics.  Too often regional whiff dominates even our expressions in English. These are best corrected by a strenuous and systematic  approach, utilizing the right / accepted norms of pronunciation. Never listen to parochial critics who have no value for anything. They neither laud nor applaud any effort to acquire lingual prowess. But, if you manage to hit headlines one day, the very same detractors would shamelessly rush to display kinship with you on flimsy criteria like your place of birth or your mother tongue or similar points to justify their claims of proximity to you!

Never look back if progress is what you desire.  I do not suggest that you disown your land or language; be alert enough to keep such ‘new found allegiance claimants’ off your territory.  After all, such ill- conceived ideas in [y]our early phase had knocked off the spirit of learning in youth. It must dawn on everyone, even if late, that there is nothing of any collective wisdom on matters of learning. Learning and success are items of personal effort and reward. There are no shareholders in either of these.

There could be joint ventures between Governments or agencies of distinct identities in projects; not in processes of learning and equipping self. Collective efforts in a way impede the drive for acquiring skills. In every aspect of life, like eating, sleeping, facing examinations etc., the individual matters the most. How can ‘learning’ be any different when it is an item of equipping the individual? 

Unless, everyone realizes the need to be ’equipped’, possessing degrees or titles would turn mere rituals of long schedules. None of those claims of ranks / scores can win a job for you. Your prowess to convince the employers would matter the most, especially if your aim is to win high placements. Right from middle-school stages, students must devote time and effort to learn as many languages and work skills, so as to stand an edge among fellow competitors. Competence is a determinant of scope to success. Confidence blossoms in minds enriched by correct information and ability to express ideas fluently.

GOOD LUCK.                           Prof. K. Raman


Readers respond and I too

Readers respond and I too

Teacher –a creature

All my answers are in italics. Observations invite more serious issues for blog writing. Thank you all. Prof. K Raman

Dr. R. Kannan  over phone] pointed out from the blog post on                                      ‘Teacher – A creature’

“For several years they were the least paid, which was another reason for their being ‘down-ratied’ even by lesser mortals”.

Yes, a stupid typographic error by one vehemently advocating appropriate language/ use of Dictionary / abiding by lexicon and what not. A typical case of Homer nods [the English equivalent for “யானைக்கும் அடி  சறுக்கும்” though I do not deserve imagining self of any elephantine scale”] I owe the usage ‘’Homer nods’ to Dr. Kannan – a brilliant exponent of English. Thank you sir. Correction made in my text.


Cdr V Krishnan

Well written article, bringing the plight of the teachers today. Teachers are like catalyst, who are instrumental in nurturing a student and help them come up in life. They need due respect and position in the society. All of us owe our success to teachers at all levels.

Mr V Krishnan your observation presented in bold should after all be realized by teachers by trimming their professional presentation  to one of respectability, instead of resorting to cheap gimmicks assuming that students are naïve and incapable of reading through. Students read and rate their teachers faster than the fastest computers and some stupid teachers play to the gallery as they can do nothing better.


I agree with every view of yours. Very well said. Teaching profession requires passion. It should be supported with a motivational pay package. There's a dwindling % of teachers who are revered and respected.


I think you have responded only now. I am not aware of your opinion on other pieces.

I read your observation on my blog post. All teachers are aware of the duties but a few are devoted.  Your observation that a dwindling % of teachers is respectable, owes it to teachers themselves. All respectable teachers have always been respected; if not respected, it is due to non-respectable trends in the teacher individual.

Priya commented on "THE CREATURE NAMED ‘TEAC

These days we are coming across student appeasement by some teachers. These teachers try to become overtly friendly with students... sharing information that need not be shared with students. The rot is at all levels

Teachers must be chosen based on 2 major components – Comprehension and Communication. Precious little is done to ascertain these 2 vital facets. Agencies like UGC advocated fielding of only Ph. D qualified personnel as teachers in Colleges and Universities instead of appropriately evolving guidelines for picking the best-fit talent. Getting a Ph.D by hook or crook [often by the latter] for recruitment opened the Pandora’s box ‘rot at all levels’ . In fact several Ph.Ds have miserably failed as teachers as to have invited an expansion “ phenomenally dull’ as performers. Incompetent teachers buy class room peace by appeasement through winking at mistakes, award marks by liberal donation irrespective of the answer quality.

K. Venkataraman commented on "THE CREATURE NAMED ‘TEACHER’"

22 hours ago

Your statement holds good for teachers who are ill equipped. In many schools and colleges we come across with teachers who are nick named.Giving respect to teachers inside or outside the class is all the days of yore. I remember that we go and hide if our teacher passes through our street.Yet there are teachers who are worshipped and revered. K.Venkataraman

Dear K V

Even good teachers also are nick-named on non-academic parameters. If ill equipped teachers are nick-named –no regrets. It is only in academy that the learner makes fun of the learned. That is my observation

K. Venkataraman commented on "CONFIDENCE BUILDING"

5 hours ago

Get any degree and get a job , This is the motive of 90 percent students. Those days if you get a BCom degree you are likely to be appointed in banks.But now we come across with students with PhD degree working as clerks in banks . Those who study an apt subject for an apt job students get some confidence hoping to settle in life. Confidence development is a separate subject to deal with. Those days in schools moral science was a period in which all aspects of good things are taught. The absence of this results in decay in educational system. In foreign countries mentally retarded students are cared separately. Seat allocation in all fields is also a factor for losing confidence among students. K.Venkataraman


Dear Dr KV

A labyrinth of criss –cross ideas is presented in one stroke, as they came to your mind. But, the issue is, people aspire for more but do not equip self to deserve the aspiration. Conflict begins from the gap between desire and desirability.

Dear Readers,

I profusely thank all who have presented their views on select aspects of the topics. It is real pep to know the minds of readers, especially the ones who are not personally known to us. It is a form of encouragement for the writer to strive for better. Please do not hesitate to present your view points. My earlier appeal for suggestion of titles for blog write-up stands; anyone can suggest. But, unless I am confident of providing justice to the theme, I shall not venture without justification thereof.   I earnestly thank everyone of you who have spent time for me to grasp perceptions of others. Thankfully I remain—K.Raman. 


  P B SRINIVAS   3 பி பி ஸ்ரீனிவாஸ் -3 வாழ்க்கை படகு படம் பலருக்கு ஒரு வகையில் முதல் படம் , விஸ்வநாதன் - ராமமூர்த்தி முதலில்...