Saturday, June 8, 2024




Corruption’ has no definition though definite by its presence in every conceivable place and activity. In our country, it has entrenched itself deep, to resurge like the proverbial Phoenix, after every attempt to crush it. Obviously, the human network behind this malady is vast, self-protective, insulated and blessed from above [though not by the Divinity!].

Greed for the fast buck is the driving force. The sweep of greed is powerful to demolish any faith on Natural justice and equanimity. This is evident from the way a corrupt official fleeces the applicant for everything that [s]he is duty-bound to provide. The problem has reached a stage where most things do not work without bribe, making us wonder as to why the workers are paid.  

Despite the ‘checks and balances’, the practice of corruption goes on without check. Often the enforcement agencies meant to curb the practice are themselves involved in the offence.

We are at a loss to identify an appropriate corrective that can put an end to the menace. My calling it a menace is to indicate the ever-expanding scale and dimension of corrupt practices. Ironically, people are hypocrites; they are averse to corruption when it is their turn to pay, but shameless in asking for and accepting bribe to discharge their work!

Thus, our society is guilty of double speaking, taking different postures while ‘giving’ or ‘taking’ bribe. Two complements are identifiable. 1. Greed to build ‘wealth’, 2. the assurance of safety that ‘I am not alone’ and that by corrupting ‘I too can escape’.

In short, shameless greed dominates to suppress conscience which ‘on and off’ reminds the person of impropriety. Perhaps a feeling of sin is conspicuous by absence. End justifies the means-- is the lone explanation possible.

Slowly corruption ceases to be an issue and our electorate look forward to elections as a means of tentative entertainment and in some situations as opportunity   to collect freebies, some food and pocket money to faithfully elect an unfaithful candidate. Next to GOD corruption is omnipresent though not omnipotent though at times proves impotent.

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