Sunday, July 31, 2022


 Peculiarities- II

English tenses

I do not suggest that English tenses up the learner. Strangely, the indicator of time / period is referred to as Tense. Truly, learners grow tense while using the appropriate verb which fits the time frame –‘Present, Future, Past, Past participle.

For some, this is another nervous zone, for  the language has intricate structuring of tenses. For instance, students are taught [to begin with] that adding ‘D’OR ‘ED’ to a present tense verb would express the past tense as in several cases


Using such examples teachers make it appear that English grammar is the easiest under the Sun. [In our student days teachers would make us stand in the noon Sun if we do not properly use tenses. It was ‘under the Sun’ phobia that drove grammar into us]. However, a number of students used to cling on to the use of ‘D’ or ‘ED’ and wrote ‘WRITED’ [WROTE] EATED [ATE] SHOOTED [SHOT] from the oversimplification by some lazy teachers. However, there were some quite serious teachers who would impress up on learners the wide variants thereof, as in TAKE TOOK TAKEN and  GET  GOT GOT [THE BRITISH STYLE]. The Americans brought in GOTTEN as the Past Participle of GET, AS IF THE LANGUAGE IS FREE OF CONFUSIONS. Other examples are SIT, SAT, SAT EAT, ATE, EATEN,      WRITE, WROTE WRITTEN,               RUN RAN, RUN. MEET, MET, MET. There is no uniformity in formulation of words for tenses.  It is enough if we remember that the pattern is ‘non-uniform’ for us to safely tread the muddy track of tenses in English.

Another confusion is between the tenses for  FLY and FLOW

Fly, flew, flown [for birds] Flow, Flowed, Flowed [for rivers][as per British usage].

Much water has flowed under the bridge;[CORRECT FORM] but many choose to write        Much water has flown under the bridge [A WRONG PARTICIPLE AS PER BRITISH CONVENTION].

APOSTROPHE  [’] Quite some unwanted dilemma [ or confusion?] prevails among learners  in using apostrophe. Usually, it denotes whose possession an article is. This is Gita’s house = The house belongs to Gita. Its gate is damaged. The ‘its’ here refers to the house; Gita’s is a reference to the house owned by Gita. Though in both situations [its] and [Gita’s] indicate possession. BUT, APOSTROPHE is used in respect of Gita, but not for its, though the it here also relates to the house. His, its need not be used with apostrophe. But many wrongly use apostrophe for ITS and write “it’s” . When written as it’s, it means either It is or it has as APOSTROPHE is used as abbreviation for ‘is’ or ‘has.’

In North India apostrophe is employed indiscriminately. Many signs on display carry information for some commercial publicity. Even a  name like Lewis is written  LEWI’S. Some conditioning of mind tells the user to add [‘] whenever ‘S’ appears in a word. So, the purpose of apostrophe   gets defeated by irrational use of it.


Another inexplicable twist in English language relates to the pronunciation in the view of the spelling.  


COUGH, TOUGH, ROUGH, rhyme with cuff, tuff, ruff by the letters G and H, but, THOUGH is not THUFF, PLOUGH is not PLUFF, and Bluff does not spell BLOUGH, Hand cuff does not spell HAND COUGH.

Also, CHEF and PARACHUTE are pronounced –shef AND parashute CH= SH by sound.


Prof. K. Raman

Saturday, July 30, 2022



Let us be clear that the ‘peculiarities’ suggested herein are from our patterns of use in Indian languages. In other words our perceptions are at variance with those of native users of English. We are not ‘native’ users but are rather naïve ones. Yet, we sustain ground saying ‘this is wrong’ that is not correct’ and so on. At the same time we use words rather effortlessly, with little concern for what they ‘convey’ to the native speaker/ writer. However, I do not intend defending the ‘peculiarities’ in English, as recognized by us. It calls for sustained effort and patience to ‘understand’ the true implications for words, though we feel happy [unduly proud] of the ‘rich’ vocabulary that we have acquired. Quite often we do not abide by’ the real meaning for certain usages. We cannot rush to judgment about our prowess or vocabulary on the mere assertion ‘all words/ their meanings and ‘usage’ are perfect and so ‘acceptable’ to the native users of the language.  The most essential practice should be routine consultation of Dictionaries/ Thesaurus or such other authentic references on connotation/ usage to note if our ‘perceptions’ tally with those suggested   in such references.  In view of such disposition to English, we tend to use language rather casually with the assumption that we know the words clearly; but, major differences do exist between native users and non-natives. The difference is largely in terms of connotation.  

Any average Indian tends to call ‘good looking girls or children ‘beautiful’. Natives seldom use the word, as they prefer to call them ‘pretty\’ Another Indian practice relating to value or pricing is to call it ‘costly’ Natives prefer to use the term ‘expensive’. Things priced low in Indian usage are named 'cheap' ,while the natives use 'inexpensive'. Cheap does not fit well here as it implies substandard merit. There are many such. In fact, natives generally make use of slang; but we stay more grammar-oriented, as slang are not in our repertoire; also, slang is  variable in use among different regions of a country. We need not feel depressed of our ‘not knowing’ slang. But, our not knowing the legal, parliamentary expression for an emotion or occurrence deserves being regretted about.


When I say ‘some’ it should be understood that ‘some’ relates those who want genuinely to be accurate, but are unable to. Such a state has come about for them, for, they have not ‘received’ appropriate training by well-informed trainers or teachers. In later life, they find the going tough and find it even more tough to express willingness to correct themselves in that ‘in- service’ phase of life. Some are blissfully inadequate and happy of their ‘hollow’ repertoire and advance parochial justifications like’ we should speak in ‘our’ language. [Ironically they are equally poor in ‘our’ language].

LOOK AT THESE items of discomfort

Past participle can be readily applied in speech or writing, only if the three tenses for a verb are well pracised. When I scribe PRACTISED, my desk top PC displays loyalty to US English, by its red underscore. The idiot box has no sense of British expression OF PAST TENSE for the verb of PRACTICE. Our people would quickly take shelter under ‘American method’ as if they are 100% American in every other writing. Another hurdle for Indian learners of English relates to the use of the right ‘ARTICLE’. They tend to indiscriminately employ one for the other, A, AN, THE is beyond comprehension for them. ‘AN’ is taught to be employed for indicating singular of some object whose name starts with a vowel-A, E, I , O, U. There is a systemic and systematic failure on the part of teachers who have not planted the idea in learners’ mind that it is more a phonetical feature of the word than the mere presence of vowel. Or a consonant [non-vowel]

It is A University where as It is AN Umbrella. –Why? in the word ‘university’, U sounds as U  [AS in you]. But in “Umbrella”, U sounds as A [As in under]. ‘U’  sounding  [as you] is not treated as  a vowel.  

 “Brutus is AN honourable man “The article ‘AN’ figures here though ‘H’ is not a vowel. Does it mean that Shakespeare was a man of immense freedom to ‘misuse’ vowels /articles? No. Please recall my earlier reference [it is more a phonetical feature of the word than the mere presence of vowel or a consonant] In this situation ‘H’SOUNDS as AA [Honour =AANUR, HOUR = our,] Thus,     AN HOUR.        It is A Herculean task.  This time the article is ‘A’ for the word Herculean which is pronounced as HERCULEAN, [LIKE IN ‘HER’] So, article ‘A’ suffices and ‘AN’ is not applicable.

 Only sounds of A, E, I and O need to be preceded by the article ‘AN’, IF they sound otherwise, article ‘A or THE’ may be used as needed. ‘THE’ is used to indicate a specific item  while ‘A’ is a general article . He joined A college for UG and he joined THE [same] college for PG COURSE. Thus, ‘the’ is a definite article.


Prof. K. Raman



Friday, July 29, 2022



What triggers this topic? The very nature of the way some words imply some ideas is indeed a baffle for the non-natives to the language. While the English language is lavish in intricacy of terms, it is also bizarre as ‘look-alikes’ among words are just ‘looks’ and not alike in meaning. Let us try to look at my inference, based on examples.

The meaning for these words have been gathered from Standard Dictionaries, dedicated to convey the native meaning thereof.

CIPHER = a system of writing that prevents most people from understanding the message . In Indian par lance cipher = 0  [poojyam /shoonya].

DECIPHER = to discover the meaning of something written badly or in a difficult or hidden way.

ADDICTION= An inability to stop doing something, especially harmful

DE-ADDICTION= the act of ‘removal’ of habit of addiction

Deforestation=to remove trees or reduce the area of spread of forest

De= ‘De ‘ is used to add the ‘opposite’, ‘remove’, ‘reduce’ to a noun or verb.

Does it mean that every time ‘De’ conveys the opposite of something? So, it is not ‘granted’ to use ‘De’ as a prefix to indicate a negative connotation for the succeeding segment in the word. Now, please consider these cases.

Terminate= to [cause something to] end or stop but,

Determinate= fixed or exact

Cadence= the regular rise and fall of voice but,

Decadence= low moral standards and behaviour.

Feat= Some act that requires a lot of skill or Strength or courage to achieve it. But,

Defeat= to win against someone in a fight or war or competition.

Lay= to put something carefully in a position for a particular purpose, But,

Delay= to make something later than planned or expected

Liberate= to help someone or something to be free, But,

Deliberate= something bad [intentional], or planned

A set of DIFFERENT words which do not fit into the frame so far observed.

DEFUNCT, DELETE,  DEJECT, DEFT , DEMON, DEVIL DEFECT with no [de –minus] words as opposites like FUNCT, LETE, JECT, MON,VIL , FECT etc.,  Such critical features in word formulation make it somewhat a ‘doubtful’ territory for beginners to develop a sense of comfort in learning English.

It is not as if we try to use nouns/ verbs to present the variation, defending our observation. Some nouns vs nouns and verbs vs verbs also can be chosen to suggest the same or similar relationship. Between De+ and De -, words.

This type of ‘not-so firm’ culture in the language baffles the learners and puts them down in their efforts to learn. The best strategy in learning English would be to simply go by the meaning intended by native usage [as found in standard Dictionaries meant for the task and not in  some regional writings which tend to ‘simplify’ information at the cost of the most valid way of using the terms]. That is why, conjunctions, prepositions and such other standard prescriptions have been given a convenient go-by, by those who have no legitimate right to do so.

Prof. K. Raman

Thursday, July 28, 2022



Certainly, it is not an attempt to pooh-pooh something by naming it JUJUBE. It is the well known item across our country, by vernacular names ILANDHAI [Tamil], YELCHI [Kannada], ELANTHA PAZHAM [Malayalam], BER [Hindi]. Botanically named ZIZIPHUS JUJUBA / ZIZYPHUS JUJUBA [FAMILY RHAMNACEAE]

The plant is fairly tall, thorny shrub growing 8- 10 ft mostly in dry arid lands. Despite its sparse presence, the fruits are popular among school children aged below 10 -12. Adults also eat the fruits that are not particularly any delicacy for anyone. My calling its association with school children is based on the marketing of these fruits in small clusters in front of schools. There are some preparations like Jujube cakes made of fruit pulp cast in small discs named ‘Ilandhai vadai’ in Tamil Nadu.

The product tastes sweet and sour which further tempts the children by its affordable price. This is an’ easy to break’ item and does not call for ‘crow bite’ a popular practice among children to share eatables in small pieces by biting a stuff covered by cloth –with a belief of ‘hygienic segregation’ of pieces. Well, my narration hitherto might sound a nostalgic narrative; but, it will throw up an astonishing value for this nearly ‘disrespected’ fruit, if we consider details thereof.

The stuff is certainly a longing for NRIs belonging to S. India. More than that, the fruits of jujube have much to offer for humans.

Value to humans

Interestingly, the fruits are consumed world over as a food and medicine.  In herbal medicine system, jujube fruits are known to help brain functions, inducing good sleep and Neuro-protective activity by suppressing neurotoxins.

 Cyclic AMP, Flavonoids in the fruit are believed to strengthen such biological controls over neural health. Now, the drug makers are eyeing on jujube products to help patients in need of such therapy [and fill their coffers too].

Certain polysaccharides, Flavonoids [anti-oxidants] and Tri-terpenic acids in jujube fruits may promote good sleep.

Helping digestion and combating constipation are also suggested for jujube fruits.

Nutritive values of the fruits [for 100 gm] are said to yield about 78-80 calories, 1gm Protein, Fat- nil, Fibre=10gms Carbs: about 20 gms, and daily values of 77% of Vitamin- C, and 5% of Potassium, the average need of humans

The fibre content coupled with low calorie yield of jujube fruits make them excellent health snack. Also, this fruit is a poor man’s answer to handle brain health.  Such nature’s gifts are any day superior to junk food we may stumble upon often by their sheer omnipresence, next only to God!

Prof. K. Raman


Wednesday, July 27, 2022



Though I have not seen any donkey devouring carrots, the traditional cartoonists choose to  portray Carrots – quite enticing to donkeys. There is no way of eliciting truth from the animal. Leaving aside those donkeys, we have a lot more ideas to understand of Carrots for their value to humans.

Carrots are underground roots [not rhizomes] with a typical conical form varying in hue from red to pale pink passing through levels orange shades. Accordingly, different versions taste differently ranging from muddy to sweet richly fibrous juicy ones. For those not familiar with botanical status of the plant named Carrot,                       [=Daucus carota], Carrots are cousins of Coriander. They are members of family ‘APIACEAE [UMBELLIFERAE]’. 

Interestingly, for Carrots the underground root is rich in pigments. Generally pigments abound in structures receiving sunlight.[Similar unusual features are known for Beet root, Turnip , Sweet potato and faint green tint  in Knol khol].  [Being unaware or oblivious of the name KNOL KHOL, in Southern Tamil Nadu, many conveniently call it ‘Nukkal’].

Carrots are cultivated in hill slopes after thoroughly loosening the soil, for roots to readily enter the soil. Likewise, harvesting of mature plants is done by plucking the whole plant , which when fresh, is a visual delight with green ‘divided leaves’ [as in coriander] in sharp contrast to deeply pigmented orange-red , yellow roots.  In places with naturally cool climate, whole plants are kept for sale, with leaves intact.

From what is known by general observation, there is a wide appeal for carrots, especially the raw fresh item over that of the cooked version. Some varieties of carrot lose the natural aroma when boiled and the level of consumption of grated salad of Carrot with some seasoning is far higher.

Quite an impressive advantage accrues to humans from consuming carrot either as juice or salad. For instance, the orange-red colour of the root delivers Anti-oxidants and the tissue possesses Vitamins, fibres, salts, some little fat and some more health benefits. Some of them are as under:

Energy [approx]= 25 calories, Carbohydrates =6 gms, fibre= 2 gms, protein= 0.5g Sugar=2 g. Vitamin A = the equivalent of 255% of daily requirement, Vitamin-C=23% of daily need , Vitamin-K=31% of DN ,Potassium = 15%of DN, Calcium and Iron about 2% of DN


These are pigments, BetaCarotenes, Lutein, Carotenoids and Anthocyanin [reddish]. Of them Luein can lower the risk of Macular degeneration [loss of vision]- an age-related disorder. Most antioxidants protect the cells from free radical release by undue oxidation –leading to Cancer.

Carotenoids [also yellow pigments] are said to protect liver health in humans.

So, enjoy carrots with greater involvement and doff worries.  

Prof. K. Raman

Tuesday, July 26, 2022



Melons are among the most popular summer fruits, for their rich watery tissues that can be eaten raw without the need to cook them.

Botanically named- Citrullus lanatus  is a frail climber/ trailing plant of the family: CUCURBITACEAE –the gourd family of Pumpkins, Ash gourd, Bitter gourd, Snake gourd and a range of them --popular as vegetables. Most of them are watery but need being cooked for consumption.

Among these, watermelon stands a place of pride in that it is a much-liked summer fruit by humans of all age from children to the aged.  Curiously, at least 1000 varieties are known for watermelon. Disease-resistant watermelons have been generated by breeding trials –the world over. Many cultivars capable of yielding fruits within 100 days of planting have been developed.

A high water content [about 90%] and low sugar [approximately 6%] is common among these melon fruits. About 10% of Vit-C of daily value is available in them. The red pulp of melons has pigmented antioxidants-the carotenoids including Lycopenes. The fruit rind [the thick outer skin] has an Aminoacid- Citrulline.


The natural fruiting season for melon coincides with summer. As one keeps moving through towns/ cities, exposure to summer heat is inevitable. Humans tend to lose body fluid levels and body salts by evaporation under sweltering heat at those times dehydration in human body can occur. To avoid dehydration and retrieval through hospitalization, consuming watery fruits [with their ions /solutes] readily restores fluid balance in human system. Water melon helps to escape dehydration.

Supports health through nutrients and beneficial plant compounds                   Besides the already suggested ingredients, melon can supplement our health with about 1 gm –protein, about 0.2 gm fat and daily values of 5%- Vitamin- A, 14% Vit-C, about 4% Potassium, 4% Magnesium, on an average intake of melon slices.

 Anti-Cancer potential of Melon is suggested for the pigments there in   

The pink Lycopene helps to lower of insulin-like growth factor [IGF] essential for rapid cell division [cancerous activity]. Besides, Cucurbitacin –E suppresses tumour by promoting ‘Autophagy’ [self destruction] of cancer cells.

Healthy heart                                                                                                        Citruline- an aminoacid in melon can elevate nitric oxide levels in the system. It can cause expansion of blood vessels helping easy flow of blood. It can lower the blood pressure.

Melons can relieve oxidative stress                                                                            Lycopene,  being an anti-oxidant, can delay and suppress the onset of Alzeimer’s disease in ageing.

Helps in relieving muscle stress in humans.


Restoration of skin health and reversing or slowing down of skin-ageing can be helped by the contents- Vitamin- A and Vitamin-C in melons.

Promotes Digestion

The rich water content and a small quantity of fibre in Melons can promote the ease of digestion.

Prof. K. Raman

Monday, July 25, 2022



[Also- Spear mint]

Like ‘thulsi’ / ‘thulasi’ the plant ‘mint’ enjoys nearly the same vernacular name across India ‘PUDHINA’ or ‘PODHINA’ and nearly enjoys a like patronage among all cultures that differ in several other characteristics.

Botanically Mint is : Mentha viridis and placed in the family ‘Lamiaceae’. Mint is a herb growing to less than 2 feet high and can spread over large areas to the point of being called a menace. The leaves of Mentha are its pride being quite fragrant, inviting universal acceptance for the aroma from the fresh green leaves. Like all members of the mint family [Lamiaceae], mint has minute hairs which give off the captivating olfactory trigger-the aroma.

There are several mint varieties and most of them can be used fresh or brewed as tea or its oil may be used as concentrate.

Mint is traditionally used in treating problems in digestion, IBS [irritable bowel syndrome] and related issues.

Though not well founded, a perception that mint can be useful in upkeep of memory and good heal illness.  Mint is a low calorie food additive that does not enhance blood sugar levels protein or fat and just helps to deliver fibrous component in food. Vitamins A and C are found in fresh mint leaves. Manganese and Folate  in mint account for 8% and 4% respectively. Vit-A helps eye care and night vision

Mint is said to have ‘anti-oxidant value’ ideal for preventing stressful oxidation in human system.

Irritable bowel syndrome –[ I B S] a digestion dependent state of improper bowel movements in elder persons can be relieved by consuming Mint oilin small quantity.

Indigestion resulting from sluggish passing of food through digestive tract can be improved by consuming Mint oil with meal.  It can help to alleviate pain from indigestion.

Memory improvement in humans has been shown to occur from smelling of Peppermint oil for 5 minutes. Also, lowering of anxiety fatigue and moods of depression are said to be eased by smelling mint oil.

Application of mint to feeding points in nursing mothers is said to relieve feeding pain in them.

Persons sensitive to menthol experience relief from nasal block on inhaling Menthol –a derivative from mint oil.

Due to fresh breath, mint helps to drive off mouth odour.

Mint in creams is said to help skin care in humans.

Thus, the simple and common mint leaves offer a range of health benefits to humans.

Prof. K .Raman



Sunday, July 24, 2022



Ginger is a curious stuff in the sense that people start liking it as they grow older. What prompts this response could be that as and when we feel problems of digestion or feeling of dominant bile in the system, grand ma’s home remedy is Ginger. It is invariably a constant item among the vegetables as a fresh item.

Ginger shares kinship with Cardamom, Turmeric and Galang [அரத்தை] all being members of the family: Zingiberaceae. All have excellent medicinal properties and are inseparably intertwined with Indian culinary system and kitchen.

Ginger’s Botanical name : Zingiber officinale

The chief item used in all the above spices is the Rhizome [underground stem which spreads horizontally unlike aerial stems which are vertical in growth]. The rhizome is put to a variety of uses, mostly cooking/ health care systems. Ginger is said to be one of the earliest items to have been exported from Asia to Europe.

What makes Ginger, what it is are the volatile oils accounting for 3% of fresh weight. The chief ingredients in Ginger are Sesquiterpenes-particularly- Betabisobolene and Zingiberene. The typical components making Ginger pungent are Shogaols, Zingerone and Gingerols. A surprising array of substances [about 400 in number]are known to be part of fresh Ginger. The other constituents in Ginger are dietary minerals, fibres, phytosterols, vitamins, monoterpenes and Amino acids. Enzyme ZINGIBARIN is integral to fresh Ginger.

Ginger is an excellent remedy against nausea and bloating of abdomen.

Among several conditions favouring the onset of bloating   are spicy food, low fibre diet, acidic drinks, fatty food, High sugar and high salt content in food.

So, better food practices may help in preventing bloating

These relate to ‘consumption’ of more fibre in food; total avoidance of fizzy carbonated drinks and intake of larger volumes of water.

It is advised to totally avoid chewing gums – a masticatory habit for many to keep self engaged by chewing always.

Urgent swallowing of food without slow chewing in mouth can cause bloating; so, slow eating of food is recommended.

 Regularity in sticking to schedules of eating is also a helpful practice in avoiding digestive disturbances.

In any case, regular use of Ginger can help to get over these disorders.

Ginger can help to cure ulcers due to its phytochemical substances in fighting against invading bacteria, cold virus and a general upkeep of immunity. 

Prof. K. Raman




Saturday, July 23, 2022



Tam:Kothavarai,  al: Kothamara, Tel: Goruchikkudu,                                                          Kan: Gori kayi,  Hindi: Gaur

Cluster bean  is a vegetable crop of the legume variety.  Botanically- it is named Cyamopsis tetragonoloba. The plant is well known across India. In semi-arid regions, farmers avail of this crop for its capacity to improve soil nitrogen through its symbiosis with nitrogen fixing bacteria. .The plant may grow to 5 feet or more; but, for reasons of comfortable harvesting shorter ones are preferred. Basically, the plant is a dry land crop and does not require cold conditions.

A variety of feeds for cattle, fish and poultry are made from cluster beans.

Several important characteristics are known for the seeds. The seeds are rich in protein and  have a gummy material used in different  industries. Besides, Galactomannana –a group of polysaccharides made of Mannose and Galactose occurs in the seeds; these are hydrophilic and can improve the viscosity of the liquid when dissolved.

Whole plants are ploughed back into soil for green manure.


Among its major values, the glyconutrients of the fruits are known for low Glycimic index:  so they do not cause fluctuation of blood glucose levels of humans,

The Calcium-phosphorous association in the fruits helps to strengthen the bones.

Cluster bean helps to lower the low density lipids[LDL] and helps to regulate cardio-vascular complications. The presence of Potassium, Folate is useful as fiber in diet. Iron and calcium, Vitamin K of these fruits are of value to expectant mothers –particularly for the fetus during development

The fibre content of the fruits helps to improve digestion.

Due to its hypoglycemic capacity, nerves are protected and brain is not seriously disturbed [maintains calm].

Despite the variety of advantages from the sheer composition, cluster beans are not among the delicacies for many persons. This vegetable is among the low cost items and therefore also, it deserves attention for our own favour/ advantage.

Prof. K. Raman



Friday, July 22, 2022



CURRY LEAF [KARI VEPPILAI] [Kan: kari soppu ][ Hindi:kadi patttha]

Botanically named Murraya koenigii, in honour of Jonathan Gerhard Konig, who for a long times in India and is among celebrities in the field. The plant can be a big shrub with leaves resembling those of Margosa [Neem] hence veppilai and ‘kari’ refers to its utility in culinary additives.

Besides its value in cooking, the curry leaf offers abundant medicinal benefits to humans.

The rich and inimitable aroma of the stuff is from the glycosides, Phenolics and Alkaloids that abound the leaves. In view of a range of such components these leaves are able to deliver ‘anti-oxidants’ that neutralize wasteful oxidations within by scavenging potent oxidants that promote cellular level disorders.

Startling revelations from animal studies indicate that the leaf extract helps to suppress disorders in Kidney, heart and brain.

The leaf extracts are rich in ‘Mahanimbine’ that ably handles lipid[fat] related problems and helps elimination of fat-related disorders.

Potent anti-ALZHEIMER’S activity of curry leaves is ascribed to specific substances like Glutathione peroxidase, Glutathione reductase and Superoxide dismutase in them.

Memory functions in animal systems are also said to get stabilized by a steady use of these leaves by restricting the steps leading to ‘dementia’.

Laboratory experiments have shown ‘anti-cancer activity’ of curry leaf extracts in cancer cells of cervix and breast in humans.

The alkaloid ‘Grinimbine’ OF CURRY LEAVES is said to inhibit colon cancer in laboratory studies

Anti bacterial activity of these leaves in handling Corynebacterium and Streptococcus is known.

From now on at least do not use them the ‘proverbial way’ by throwing them off; instead chew them well keeping in mind the range of benefits that can accrue from  appropriate use of curry leaf.  

Prof.  K. Raman

Thursday, July 21, 2022



The item goes by a variety of  names –Devil’s fig, Pea Eggplant plate brush, or Susumber [susumba]- a bushy shrub growing to about 7 feet or more bearing many  clusters  of  green, round berries –The Sundaikkaai [சுண்டைக்காய்]a name  which breaks ground from the less known names.[ Kannada= sundakkayi, Telugu-Kothuvashu, Hindi= Bhankatiya] The plant is a native of Florida, Alabama, South America and South Asia.

The seemingly insignificant tiny globose berries offer a range of health benefits to humans. Indeed its medicinal value is wide-ranging from setting right intestinal/ abdominal disorders, heart conditions and Diabetes.

Berries taste like Iron, as these fruits are rich in Iron. The less shiny varieties are used as vegetable and cooked in different ways for use as curry. Highly shiny green fruits are used for ‘dry pickle’ and could be roasted for making it edible and to escape its bitter taste.


Turkey berry has a chemistry rich in pharmacologically active compounds such as Sapogenin and Chlorogenin.

Water-extracts of Turkey berry can kill mice by weakening the blood constitution of them.

Fruit extracts of Solanum torvum  reveal Methyl caffeate activity lowering the diabetic characteristics in Rats.

Several disorders like pimples, skin disorders, Leprosy , cold , cough and hyperactivity in humans can be controlled by Turkey berry.

Other values include elevating the immunity. Can regulate Anaemia, Fever .

The berries help to promote kidney functions;  Manages Diabetes and heart activity.

The berries show insecticidal and repellent activity especially against some coleopteran  insects in grain storing facilities.

Anti-microbial activity against Staphylococci is shown by extracts from Solanum torvum leaves.

Thus, several benefits are known for Solanum torvum or Turkey berry

Prof. K. Raman

Wednesday, July 20, 2022




Pandiculation refers to a common act, though the term is not so common and not frequently employed in speech. The routine practice [habit] of physically stretching all limbs and torso as one wakes up from sleep. Generally it is accompanied by yawning.  Several animals also do it. For instance, Dogs, Cows and other animals simply stretch their physical structure and get back to normal in ;less than a minute or so. Pandiculation is said to activate muscles and certain brain functions related to muscular activity.


Bumbershoot –if we get to know the meaning we would feel ‘dwarfed’. Yes, it is an expression for ‘Umbrella’.  The second part ‘shoot’ appears to be the revised spelling of ‘chute’ as in Parachute. Like the opening of the parachute dome, umbrella too opens up the ribbed fabric dome to offer a shield from Sun and rain. Like the parachute –an emergency appliance, the Blumbershoot is also brought out from its ‘hideout’ and again put back ‘folded –up’.


The term Widdershins, though less common in our times, had earlier been   a common term in English writings. The term also connotes different but somewhat ‘related’ meanings. Good old usage of the term meant ‘moving in the wrong way’ or in the ‘opposite direction’. More recent usages of the term signify ‘counter- clockwise’ or ‘Anti-clockwise’ [which implies the opposite of ‘clockwise’].In any case the term is unusual in our times.


The term seems to be from 18th century. In British usage, it means a ‘pretty lie’. It also means ‘Pretentious Nonsense’. A small lie is called ‘tarradiddle’.


The term refers to the ‘knife for cutting or thrusting. The term also means ‘to fight with knife’. It also applies to ‘large knife’.                                     Prof .  K. Raman


Tuesday, July 19, 2022



It is well known that everyone recognizes well known flowers/ fruits or condiments by their aroma and taste. What does it mean in the real sense? No matter where one comes across these items, they obey a typical fidelity of colour, fragrance and taste. What is the underlying fact behind this ‘predictable feature’ in each plant species? Occasionally some hybrids may get to have ‘overlap’ of features interchanged between the members hybridized. Otherwise, by and large all plants steadfastly repeat the qualities suggested. Some details need being understood. 

For something to sustain –fragrance, taste and feel say –fleshy or fibrous is possible only by a precise structural / chemical constitution, so as to be repetitive irrespective of where the plant grows. However with in a broad category there are varieties, as in mango. Each variety repeats its taste texture and aroma typical of it because the chemical assembly is exactly the same all over in all its members.. It further means that –in any soil, a specific plant variety ‘harvests’ the same chemical moieties in same quantity from  everywhere of its existence.  This also indicates a high ‘selection’ capability of the plant.

When something is selected it also means that several other items may be either not selected or selected in specific quantities. Such a selection is largely IN THE INNER CELLS OF the root  which function as ‘selectors’. Roots of the plant species explore the soil for its mineral content and ‘pick up’ all including what is needed..  A few items may be left untouched if they are of no metabolic significance for that plant.  Does it mean that plant roots pick out ion by ion? No, the uptake is through watery medium or in a solution state in which ions are in the soil solution. When the soil solution is drawn in at select spots within the root cells, only ‘relevant ions’ are taken in [absorbed]. These are delivered to specific sites where they are deposited or ‘anchored’ to specific membranes before added to the chemical matrix during development of flowers or fruits.  Each of these steps is a highly precise action with no random chance. What triggers the most appropriate assembling of items is not ‘all-too-easy’ to explain. Again I reiterate ‘PLANTS ARE SILENT FACTORIES, with no wage disputes or protests of any kind.

Prof. K. Raman

Monday, July 18, 2022



If our times have witnessed an expansion in variety form and shape, easily washing soaps deserve being recalled. Times were when we had known only one kind, the yellow medium slab called the Sunlight.  That was the lone brand across India in cities and towns till late 1960s and beyond. Abruptly a new product named RINSO  stormed the market. Its format was quite new to Indian households in that it was in tiny flakes –a revolution from the rubbing version the soap cake. Later a competitor to RINSO was POINT another flake format. These were attractive to use as they would readily dissolve and enough to soak the linen for sometime before washing. Women felt relieved from the laborious act of individual attention to clothes. I am recalling the manual washing schedules as washing machines were then mere ‘hearsay’ items..For several years it was the situation in India. BY 1969 or so M/S TATA introduced a blue coloured detergent cake ‘BONUS’. This brand easily swept the market by its lavish lather and detergent action in cleaning dirt from fabric. Practically for about a year or more ‘BONUS’ kept most other brands at bay; however Hindustan Lever sprang a surprise by their version of detergent –RIN. Over a short time since introduction RIN  turned the most popular and keeps going still after nearly half- a century; Not that there have not been other brands; there have been some like SURF . Both RIN and SURF always have had powder versions too as by late 1970s and after more households installed washing machines as domestic gadgets as the item was recognized a necessity from its earlier status of a luxury.  Friends, so far we have just been recalling names of national brands on the trade.  It does not mean that there were no regional or local brands. There have always been a host of them ranging in names from that of an animal or bird or beetle to that of the ultimate –the Lord. This part of the information would be far more challenging to recall a host of names most of them confined to districts, yet had a glorious market due to their affordability to the  then poor Indian public who made use of local rivers for bathing and washing. Despite their low-cost, those soaps used to give off rich lather ideal to convince the consumer. Those days, the most common material was cotton widely used by men and women. Those materials should be washed well to maintain optimum quality. But, politicians of different hues used to use more of cotton material as a  mere sign of supporting  the weaver populations,/ as an apparent expression of austerity. As mentioned earlier , local brands did have a patronage. Let us recall them . When we were in our school days local versions of washing soaps were dispensed aslengthy bars measuring a foot and a half or more with short segments marked by ruling at distances of about 2+ inches. Buyers could have the whole bar or segments thereof.  The shopkeepers seldom used knives to cut the segments. Using a slender jute thread held taut around the right segment length would pull the thread ends from a side. The thread pulled so would simply cut through the soap shearing it at the right length.  These brands were either CAMEL or SIVAN. They too had two versions- the traditional whitish gold or a Violet one. To me its tint was more violent than any violet. The violet was so user-friendly that it would cling onto any surface be it your palm or dress or the rough stone at the river edge where dirty linen is washed by physical abrasion on to the rock. Similar versions of Madurai were marketed by CHELLAM soap company,  had a mega presence in the district. To keep the cotton fabric, presentably neat , a final soak in blue tint was done using a powder of that colour. In local par lance, it was KURUVI neelam.

Its brand name was Ultra marine Robin blue with the bird as the brand mark. Later, ever so many names have sprung up albeit their local presence. Some of them are ‘Pon vandu’, Discound , Powerlite, and several fake ones bearing the names of popular brands.. Incidentally washing soda has disappeared from the market having been replaced by some bleaching liquids marketed on brand names. The washing powder range for washing machines is far beyond the limited comprehension of the author.                       Prof. K. Raman


Sunday, July 17, 2022



Eyebrows may arch up in delight or despair as to why this item here. Having been meandering through a variety of topics for blog readers, why not on this –more as an appraisal than as any display of professional command has been my thought for a few hours now.

While, we keep moving through our towns or cities, we passively notice many trees or gardens in our vicinity. Just by long term familiarity we recognize a few trees distinctly such as Coconut or Neem or Banana and a few others. For most other items we do not even know their names or identities; of course there could be always a few exceptions. That being our disposition to plant life, it is far-fetched to expect the average citizen to know of the functioning [Physiology] of trees / plants in general.

It would be quite a surprise if we understand that each plant is a silent factory handling a variety of substances from the soil/ air / rain water and building up matter that makes our life pleasant on the planet. Each green plant big or small generates tons of Oxygen in its life time by scavenging carbon-dioxide from the air.

Why should a green plant be releasing Oxygen by removing carbon-dioxide? It is nature’s arrangement in which all animals and non-green life forms can only use oxygen; they cannot release oxygen. Using the oxygen of the atmosphere all life forms [green plants too included] perform the act of ‘breathing’ [Respiration]. Unless they breathe they cannot digest the food consumed. When the food is ‘digested’ tissues are added, all growth substances are utilized and some residues are left as waste. The gaseous waste is carbon-dioxide. The oxygen –carbon-dioxide cycles which occur  through all life [plants and animals] is the key to  life itself. For living, all need oxygen to digest food; and so, they liberate carbon-dioxide as a waste. The carbon –dioxide released from living systems should be harvested; otherwise, the carbon load will upset the breathing process. The carbon-dioxide removal from the air is done by green plants during day time. At night they do not take carbon-dioxide [there are exceptions-no doubt]; this is because, the carbon so taken must be ‘assembled’ to form carbohydrate [the staple food as Rice/ Wheat/ grains]. In doing so, the green plants release Oxygen by removing carbon from air. This event is ‘Photosynthesis’ –as it utilizes the energy of sunlight to fix carbon into carbohydrate. Within the green plants, photosynthesis is linked to many other internal reactions forming proteins, fats and so on, all of which are used as food for humans and fodder for animals. In a nutshell, the entire operations of Agriculture, serve only to help life of humans and all animals domesticated.

If we imagine a world bereft of green plants, human and other forms of life to stay on the planet, a vast complex of global network of factories for food production, oxygen release and carbon-dioxide removal from air would have to work round the clock,  at a recurring cost of several trillion dollars annually. Then life would not be worth living, paying several million dollars for breathing and eating. That is why advocacy of green plant cover for the earth is an absolute necessity. Green plants are SILENT FACTORIES, mercilessly felled by greed of humans. That in brief is the vital physiology of plant life.

Prof. K. Raman.








Saturday, July 16, 2022



As and when convenient we use the term Ass or Donkey as the case may be. In either case the animal is the same. Then why we call something Ass or Donkey? Ironically, we castigate someone as Ass or Donkey merely to show our displeasure about the person or his styles of functioning. To be called an Ass or Donkey is insulting to the person while the animal in this name roams about as the happiest one. If only the animal gets to know with whom we equate its name, it may too feel insulted; till then it stays insulated. All attempts to delineate the two names to distinguish the animal as ASS or DONKEY remain futile; yes, the dictionary states that the two are synonymous and that Ass is an old term. It doesn’t anyway mean that a Donkey is more modern an animal than the Ass. Only the name is old for the Ass and the name Donkey is less old. I too have observed that old timers used to liberally use the term ‘Ass’ than the other option. That way Ass seems to enjoy preference over its later name. In fact in the British parliament once a member was called an ‘Ass’ AND THE OBSERVER was forced to tender an apology. The person elegantly apologized telling” I said the honourable member is an Ass and I feel sorry for it”. Apparently, it is an apology; but is more a reiteration, if one carefully observes the phraseology.

Leaving aside such animals and utterances, we have enough to understand of the quality of the animal.

Asses roam in the hot Sun –no matter how harsh the summer is. While Horses and Asses are domesticated, their cousin ZEBRA is not easy to handle and so hard to domesticate. Relative size of the donkey stands the animal in advantage, lest  humans should have readily tagged it to a cart for ferrying men and material. Why I feel so? Donkey is an inexpensive animal demanding no food or rest from the master. You may be surprised to learn that –beyond certain volume of work/ time, horses may refuse to work and may even destabilize the cart and its contents including all passengers; once it turns reluctant it will refuse to work, unless the animal is used to work at those hours. A cart-tied Horse may simply raise its forelegs menacingly high, tilting the cart to a steep incline to discard all men and material inside like a pack of cards. Any attempt to punish the horse would cause even harsher responses including ‘biting’ the men around. Horse is both intelligent and harsh;  can read too much and can violently react. That is why humans Shield the animal’s lateral vision by a bridle and permit only the view of the immediate few feet ahead for the animal to see and run. Seeing certain specific landmarks, the animal knows the vicinity of its home and can simply drag the cart homeward with all the commuters. Horse owners know this too well and take the cart through some other path to safely off-load the commuters. As a young boy of of 10-12 years, I have learnt of these horse habits from a horse trainer cum master who had his horse-cart for livelihood.

Let us recall how RK. Narayan –the famous author has critically reviewed Donkey’s activity pattern. He says “Donkey identifies the abandoned old homes of poor people and stands parallel to the mud wall in the mid noon, sheepishly watching his own shadow with neck lowered to the floor. Even if two of them stand they stand parallel but facing opposite directions”. [An observation par excellence –I should endorse]. When, these donkeys leave the place or what do they eat are items requiring keener study. They may drag posters stuck to walls and devour them. They avoid turbid waters to drink and prefer clear water for drinking.

Among the domesticated animals Donkeys are let free and never fettered; at best the fore-legs are tied together to contain the animal from running. If disturbed, donkeys can run quite fast even as they bray in delight or despair. Despite freedom to move off they faithfully visit the master’s place by the morning to carry the day’s linen for washing heaped in bundles on their backs and wait at that spot where the master /mistress wash these clothes. They don’t rid themselves of these bundles, till the master does it. The donkey is a very loyal animal with no demand for wages, food or leave; but a very obedient creature. Yet, anger in people tempts them to call anyone a donkey, though the animal is not guilty of any misdeed. Thankless are the humans and shamelessly so.

Prof. K.Raman


  P B SRINIVAS   3 பி பி ஸ்ரீனிவாஸ் -3 வாழ்க்கை படகு படம் பலருக்கு ஒரு வகையில் முதல் படம் , விஸ்வநாதன் - ராமமூர்த்தி முதலில்...