Thursday, November 24, 2022


                               19    EDUCATION: THE RIGHT APPROACH                         

The value of education is empowerment of the ‘educated’. It is opportune to draw a line between the qualified and the educated in India. Such a distinction owes itself to the process by which our students ‘learn’ their lessons or subjects. Some have learnt the mechanism of learning while many have mastered the mechanics of clearing examination. The former is brain-related and the latter mind –related. These are respectively the grasp and the memory. Grasp is an asset in that it recognizes the basic ramifications and interrelationships of components to information. Memory on the other hand tries to retain information without ‘understanding’ the innate relationships. Anything understood is clear; things memorized are not clear and have to be brushed up now and then. Unlike understanding, memory is saturable and can turn taxing. Memorized data do not help logical deduction or cohesive argument. It is useful to take advantage of memory and understanding as mutually inclusive strategies of knowledge acquisition. In fact, ‘understanding’ promotes memory; the converse need not happen.

Learning is a process of clearly understanding any idea. Memorizing does not mean learning. The line of distinction between these seems to have been ignored in an overzealous effort of scoring marks. So, appropriate learning begins with proper understanding. In plain terms, grasp begins from correct gathering of meanings.  At this point, avoidance of error needs emphasis. Errors in understanding can arise from ‘assumed’ meanings, while authentic meanings are far different. The issue is complicated for languages like English, as we tend to draw meaning by relating new words with those already known. This is how we slip into errors and persist with them, as we do not verify facts. Use of standard Dictionaries and facilities of Thesaurus must be taught in the formative stages. These sources must also be utilized for learning syllables and pronunciation of words. Once we get into the habit of clear usages, our grasp improves. There is no burden of holding things in memory; understanding helps better retention and encourages any effort of learning.  Comprehension is a delightful experience and it helps to learn with delight as it does not burden the mind with confusion, fear and contempt to the process of education.

                                                           20        MEMORY

Memory is integral to higher living systems, though varying in degree as a part of the species. This faculty is crucial for analysis, evaluation, assessment and judgment. Memory comes to play rather effortlessly and keeps track of varied happenings that had gone by and related to the present event. In this act of supreme alacrity, no computer can ever stand a scope of comparison with the human brain. What makes the human brain an admirable asset is its ability to operate several channels and coordinate all the inputs even as the person is engaged in conversation. So to say, evaluation and assessment begin spontaneously without our having to consciously call for these processes to begin. Equally, blocking their operation looks beyond one’s decision. Memory is an excellent protector from fallible commitments.  Truly remarkable facility is –‘memory’ which needs only some well-deserved rest at the end of the day. Many other expressions – ecstasy, joy, anger, calmness of mind are derivatives of memory-related response.   But, memory needs grooming, in the sense that one has to involve self with matters in understanding completely or at least the crux. How well a matter is understood determines the extent to which the item stays in memory for ready retrieval. Therefore grooming the memory is a process by which one has to condition the mind to be receptive to items of importance to our activity. Necessarily, trying to recall items frequently, helps to remember better in place of vague or shady memory. Memory is also a silent trigger of confidence, as it enhances the freedom of interaction- official or social, any time.


   17       PICKING UP SKILLS                                                  

Life is a theatre full of opportunities to groom or doom one self.  Yes, the choice rests with the individual. Like in a drama, things unfold ‘later’, by which time the individual is too committed to change course. Pursuing the right course is a superior option to attempting mid-course corrections. My earlier reference to ‘decision-making’ [through analysis and evaluation] holds answers to such predicaments, if we stick to objective assessment. So, the first ever skill to be acquired relates to analysis-based evaluation. It comes by getting to details that may not meet the eye. Yes, it is a process of going beyond the face value. Objectivity requires deciphering the intent as much as the content. It is a skill vested in humans to read all information deep. Those who avail of this skill stand better chances of reading things clearly. Grooming the young minds to ‘process’ information in an objective way is the strategy for all life. Children have enough skills to observe and learn; elders should avoid interpreting ideas and bias the thinking of kids. The kids may err in judgment to start with; soon they would come to terms with items of immediate relevance to them.  Permitting them to tumble and gather themselves up is the exercise of learning by trial. Things personally learnt last longer and serve reminders to avoid pitfalls of judgment.

Having said so, it stands to logic to suggest what the parents need to do. Every parent wishes that the child comes up good in life. So, monitoring the child for his or her associates on or off school is essential. Often it is the social company that shapes taste, attitude and disposition. Personal skills must be ably supported by positive attitudes – helping others or reaching out. These need inculcation from childhood. At this juncture, it is relevant to consider the aspects of learning that hold the key to skill-building.


Certainly, the culture in learning has shifted focus. Yes, scoring marks is deemed a priority over those of skill and knowledge acquisition. The euphoria of ‘scores’ has reached a crescendo that young boys and girls are endlessly tormented by parents, teachers, schools and training centres to focus on cornering all the marks prescribed for a paper. From the day the candidate enters X standard,[s]he finds self surrounded by ‘ring masters’ of varied hues, ready to crack the whip; it is an effort of forcing the child achieve ‘what they say’.  The ‘bandwagon’ approach to scores has made deep inroads destroying the natural abilities of grasp, comprehension, assessment and appreciation. The volume of matter to be studied is vast enough to overwhelm any one. LEARNING shall be by PLEASURE and not by PRESSURE.  Pressure is a kind of duress, making mechanized approaches which ruin grasp and deliberation.  The blind adoration of ‘scores’, ignoring the fine nuances of mind building is not the spirit of learning. Slowly, the culture has percolated down and parents assume that the low-scoring child is an idiot [honestly the parent seems to be one] and put pressure on him /her by resorting to special coaching [tuition]. In plain terms, some parents believe that ‘extra coaching’ helps the ward to learn. The paradox is the parent is more eager of ward’s high scores than the ward’s correct learning. Overzealous efforts of pushing lessons down the throat of the student begin and keep growing by the day. With the ‘round the clock’ vigil, the boy or girl resorts to ‘memorizing’ words, formulae, steps of derivation of answers to problems, without realizing the logic behind any of these. If the memory serves right, [s]he manages tall score to make it to profession studies. But, unfailingly fails at higher levels. So, gross errors of learning methodology need to be rectified forthwith, lest should generate ill-equipped crowd of graduates, who have not gathered or bothered of ‘comprehension’-the vital tool of learning.        


                                           15        PERSONALITY                                           

Personality is a complex assemblage. It begins with the ‘looks’ of the person; but goes far beyond the physical realm into those of mind, brain, intellect, compassion and composure. Being so, how well a personality is understood or recognized owe themselves to the persons assessing the personality. Perhaps, how does the person appeal to a wide spectrum of people is construed as that individual’s personality. As is in any ‘subjective’ issue, ‘personality’ too remains an item of preference. Yet, there are venues and avenues which profess of ‘personality development’. Obviously, certain criteria govern the ‘acceptability’ of a personality. Much relates to aspects of disposition by which ‘interactions’ are carried out.

Personality development can be a pruning event rather than ‘development’. A large measure of one’s personality is ‘in-born’; so only a few items may be added to strengthen it. Transformations cannot be aimed at to bring forth radical changes. Personality is partly inherited and some peripherals may be derived by social interaction, education and tasteful preference of the individual. In short, it is the way a person practises aspects of interaction by listening, interaction and responses. That it could be ‘developed’ is somewhat beyond easy approach. However, niceties can be added to the aspects of interaction. Stated in simple terms, some approaches can be cultivated to improve the totality of one’s personality. Any way it calls for a precise assessment of the aspects which require attention. Personality development is not a step of training; it is rather a process of practising by cultivation. 


Conversation is an informal activity. It provides enough opportunity to grasp others’ points of view and style of expression. But, the opportunity rests on the group into which we enter. Obviously, people from different settings make a better team than those formed by members of like setting and age. Strangely, members of different age groups or social settings do not come together easily. So, one has to consider mingling with members of slightly higher age, as to be in a position to learn faster. There will be restrictions precluding the chance; an attempt to get into such groups is wiser than staying in peer-rich grouping. Though a little degree of freedom may have to be foregone, keeping company with elder groups can help learning expressions faster. It would be better, if such a group is comprised of persons from different language backgrounds.  The spirit of the suggestion is to look for opportunities of learning different forms of expression, as each language has a culture of usages. These reflect in the framing of statements and in the art of employing the vocabulary.

If we happen to get in touch with voracious readers, chances are we can find more avenues of learning, spread over an expanse of knowledge domain. So, the idea of ‘conversation’ is not chatting; rather it is an occasion to learn better ways of expressing ideas. In the final analysis, we are clearly perceived if our ideas are laid out with ease and comfort.  The general trend of indifference to finer aspects of expression is an impediment to ascension, as in official circles, talent of expression counts the most. Those who have managed to stay abreast of language skills are the most sought after and are held in esteem by the authorities. Those who have not equipped themselves with such niceties, tend to brush aside the skilled ones; but inevitably turn to them for help on hours of demand. Therefore, occasions of conversation must be utilized to learn and cultivate sophisticated expressions to perfection. Conversations carry the innate advantage of warding off inhibitions that shroud all formal interactions. Formalized schedules are far less permissive than are conversations.


                                  13        EXERCISING RESTRAINT                                                 

In an earlier piece, I have indicated the relevance for composure. At times, it is useful to dilate on how to sustain composure. Composure in general is the way a person stays cool during interaction. It is a vital element in silently displaying the undaunted state that one is in. Stated in a different way, it shows that [s]he cannot be provoked into disturbed display of anger. On the face of adversity, [s]he takes pointed questions and keeps replying well within the limits of decency. Though suggested in simple terms, it is not an easy exercise, as anger is an emotion- not ready to dissipate, proving hard to contain. Obviously, for staying cool, there must either have been an intense training or a genetic make-up unusual in general. A range of advisories occurs in writings of the knowledgeable, suggesting the value of containing anger. Anger does not require serious or persistent efforts of ignition. It gets sparked off by the way that one understands a statement. At times, persons imagine that a statement is a veiled reference to them; it irritates them and opens up outbursts. Therefore, one has to cultivate the habit of listening without responding unless invited to. One way of getting over the ominous prospect of anger is to consider if the utterance is worthy of a reply. Most often irresponsible statements have no value; let us not add value to them by responding. Should a reply be essential to clear the air of any suspicion, we need to wait for a proper moment to set the record straight and politely indicate the folly in the ‘provocative’ utterance already made by someone.  By attempting to interfere even on the first occasion, inadvertently, we confer credibility on to the observation. So, a rebuttal delivered at a later point invites greater attention than those of instant denials.   A set of carefully played words can show the critic in poor light. A certain degree of grooming can help in arming ourselves with both protective shields and destructive ammunition by way of clarifying exposition. Restraint provides time to react to a telling effect.


Evaluation and Analysis are mutually inclusive and influential parameters which help us in the process of judgment. Judgment is an all-important ability to determine right, wrong, good, bad, moral or immoral of our decision making.  So long as these criteria are objectively assessed, our steps would be in the right direction. Essentially, judgment or the error of it arises from the conflict between ‘right conviction’ and ‘personal convenience’. Obviously, treading to safety depends on objective evaluation of the components of an issue.  On items of day-to-day functioning also, analysis, evaluation and judgment come into play.

The limitation to this exercise is the urgency with which one has to draw a conclusion. On such occasions, indecisive minds prefer to sail with popular opinion instead of specific assessment. So, despite the apparent simplicity in leading our life, intricacies of mind-games silently control our decisions. Before a judgment is made, evaluation precedes, governed by analysis. To analyze, one has to understand the implications as a product of time- the present and the future. Implications may not be predictable on every issue. Despite this intricacy, judgment has to be exercised to stay safe and free of embarrassment by commitment.  The Indian custom of pursuing a line by saying ‘Leave it to God’ looks less cumbersome. In all such instances, the persons adopt a course innocuous and well –meaning, without giving in to the temptation of immediate advantage. Since, the process has not been ‘contaminated’ by greed or design; the person does not hurry to achieve the end. At least, [s]he enjoys the peace of mind essential for healthy living. Therefore, good decision-making comes to our rescue. None can escape the moments of decision-making. Doing it or leaving it to God is also a decision – making!



In any first interaction, a lot of silent inspection goes on to assess the composure of the aspirant to a position. If the person seems to be nervous, mature panelists allow for ‘cooling down’ time and avoid tormenting him /her for a few minutes. It is done by switching over to the ‘comfort zone’ of the individual for nativity, mother tongue, institutions of study and so on merely to ease off mental pressure. Certainly it helps the candidate in recouping his or her wits to face technical questions. It is important that boys and girls augment interactive skills essential for ‘formal situations’ of selection to higher studies or job. There has to be a systematic effort to keep skills pruned and ready to respond. Many candidates display physical agony [twitching of facial muscles], mental trauma [rapid eye movements/ vague looks], moment a question is flung at. Such signals convince the interviewer that the candidate is not fit to face ground situation. It is rather unfortunate that knowledge stays latent failing to bring out the talent. Selectors are pragmatic and cannot be sympathetic. Why should a qualified individual long for sympathy, when [s]he can seize the opportunity to reveal merit or calibre? There is no point in glorifying our merits in private conversation, while revealing precious little in a session of discussion.

Confidence is a virtue associated with ‘well organized’ minds.  None can put on looks of confidence.  Critical questioning can prick the bubble of looks. The suggestion is, confidence has to enshrine itself in the knowledge base of the person. Any inadequacy on this facet [which includes skills of communication], impedes the manifestation of authentic confidence. It will not be long before the individual stands exposed. Needless to reiterate that, as a part of learning, one has to augment good skills of presentation- physical and verbal. Together these bestow on the individual ‘authentic confidence’ In a nutshell the organized totality is what goes by the attribute ‘COMPOSURE’ essential for dignified living.                                                   

12    SOME DOs AND DON’Ts TO THE JOB-SEEKER           [7]        

Interviews are formal situations. So, the prospective employee should observe protocol in every act. Verbal communication requires being polite, parliamentary and ‘free’ of slang. Talking is an exercise conditioned by training; therefore, in all interaction, one has to cultivate right habits avoiding casual remarks. Persons lavishing in slangs would find the going tough on all formal contexts; often they fail to impress selectors. Let us train ourselves to speak in a tone that reflects decency and seriousness.

Another aspect revealing one’s personality is the dress. In dress, convenience matters but not convenience alone; yes, the dress we put on must evoke respect from its tidy and clean looks. The use of ‘casuals’ on formal occasions is not viewed with delight.

Polite and serious dispositions alone cannot win jobs. How does a candidate acquit self on the day of reckoning to draw the attention of the selectors? Apart from the physical presentation, the attitude to respond carries weight. Any candidate has to begin responding in quick time; [s]he cannot keep on seeking clarifications on the question. A common error is- the candidates show emotional gestures for questions they are comfortable with or otherwise. Outward enthusiasm in facing the questions must be uniform without suggesting personal preferences for questions.

Never cast vague looks of detachment to inconvenient questions; instead politely agree that you are not informed of all the important details.  State it a manner that your response appears genuine. It is here that ‘body language’ renders help. Body language is a convenient additive that enhances empathy in the listener. By trying to be extra careful on such occasions, the body language can betray by its obtrusive looks.

Answer only if ‘you’ are invited to respond. Never hurry through statements. Let the panelists grasp what you suggest.  Pacing the delivery takes the recipient to a comfort zone; it is vital to win their confidence.

Please avoid vulgar display of your credentials saying, ‘Sir, Sir have a look at these marks / certificates /medals’. For them medals are just metals. Permit them to have time for comparing different candidates. Always have a set of photocopies and updated Resume suggesting all your attainments; hand it over for their scrutiny. Do not wait at the corridor to collect your photocopy. Leave it with them and impress them of your state of preparedness.  The little money spent on this is a good investment and will pay back. Another unhealthy practice is trying to put pressure on selectors. Sometimes, it may work; nonetheless, it leaves the impression that the candidate is likely to bring pressure in future too if [s]he is selected. The employer should get convinced of the merits of the candidates. Certainly, ‘recommendation’ is no merit. If and when the ‘recommending agency’ has no stakes with the organization, candidates entertained to satisfy such agency would find the going tough and suffocating unless, they have proven efficiency in their work. Display of merit is more welcome than efforts to muster extraneous help. It stands to reason to accept that, on most occasions, employers feel secure to select candidates who do not muster the services of spokespersons. If we are in the position of a selector, would we not prefer personal choice over those of cases ‘recommended’ on considerations extraneous to the job?  Also, the genuine pride of selection by right efforts is far superior to ‘winning’ by influence. Always, efforts reward anyone who has the ingredients of intellect and timely wit to impress the authorities.       



While the broad philosophies of interview have been said, it really matters as to how one can make his chances of selection brighter. Everything begins from ‘how does one look’?  Present yourself in a dress that is not repulsive. Social acceptability is different from ‘official dress code’. In modern days, the candidates are observed for their disposition long before they come to the chamber for interaction. So, chattering in the lobby with fellow candidates is a thing to avoid scrupulously. Chances are fellow competitors may be our classmates; that does not confer the freedom on us to lustily chirping through the corridors of the organization. Also, better we avoid the attitude of speaking to peons and menials of the constituents of the selection panel and trying to find out their residence and contacts in a bid to influence them. These attempts throw the signal that we need someone’s mercy as we are not confident of ourselves. Till such time that your turn comes, stay in a place; never peep into the chamber through the window or the half closed door. Such a disposition suggests a sneaky behaviour, no matter how talented you are. Once into the chamber, wait for the panel’s request to get seated. Before taking seat say ‘Thank you’ to all members by individually looking at each. Speak in a clear voice and a decibel quite audible. Do not murmur. Respond to the panelist and to the question in the same language. If you do not grasp the question, never say ‘please repeat the question’. Instead, appeal ‘may I have the advantage of a second listening?’ For items that you do not know, simply suggest ‘I am not too sure’. Always look and answer face to face. Do not keep looking at a distant planet. Speak to the member who has posed the question. Please avoid displaying your Mark sheets, Sports / Conduct certificates as you feel high of them. Please do not try to draw attention to your ‘District First’ claims. Leave a photo copy to the panel. It is a polite indicator of your confidence.  While leaving the place, thank them for the opportunity. Fine nuances help.      

                                 10       INTERACTION IN INTERVIEW                              

 Basically, interview is a session of interacting with prospective employers / employees. Much is expected on either side by way of ascertaining mutual potentials. Therefore, candidates need to make the best expositions of selves. At no point, protocols of formal addressing can be ignored. Despite being formal, information relevant to the employer must be clearly presented; in doing so ambiguity has no place. Assumptions that the tall scores in examinations and the sheaf of credentials carried would win accolades and jobs are  follies in themselves. Employers seek potential rather than academic claims. For them the ability to grasp and interpret an idea is more relevant.  Obviously, the ones who acquit themselves of brain storming capabilities stand appreciation and acceptance; quick witted disposition carries the person through as against those who struggle to impress the employer of their abilities to comprehend. Outspoken but polite in conveying ideas is the best bet to transform opportunities into offer. In corporate houses, Group discussion among peers in an interview is a strategy to study the competitors’ personality. So, every care must be in place to convince the panelists of ‘seriousness, commitment and willingness to go with the team and learn’ on the part of job seeker. Showing off would not pay; instead it may irritate the observers on the panel. Absolute conformity to decency in body language, verbal language and a firm but polite assertions do a world of good. All job seekers are obliged to know of the goals, protocols and priorities of the firm they wish to make to. Getting armed with the factual details about the firm is a signal of the commitment to the candidate’s approach. All these can be vividly brought out by meticulous interaction. Slipshod appearances, utterances and undue inquisitiveness destroy image and opportunity. 



So far, we have been considering items of grooming- physique, mind, intellect and personality of early life. All these must strengthen the character of any individual, provided the approaches are authentic and free of clandestine designs. The age-old suggestion ‘means shall justify the end’ is the best approach if we aim at lasting peace and indisputable supremacy of intellect. Often we witness ‘deviations’ from these tenets though apparently some individuals seemingly flourish in materialistic ascension. The present scenario [of violations of code in a bid] to be wealthy by hook or crook is common sight. But, the silent majority who still sticks to values does fight it hard to make ends meet. They have the blessings of the ultimate in that they do not fear of consequences at any stage in life; they need not run under cover for misdeeds. Morality out of fear is also welcome, as otherwise chaos would pervade to a point of no return. Slowly our society has lent itself to be ruled by desire than by desirability. Such members silently suffer though looking well off for all outward appearance. Greed has set in and seems to spread unabated.

The ‘greed’ silently destroys balance and induces more greed by trying to justify the acts of omission or commission. But, it can never substitute the serene peace of mind. Peace of mind holds the key to the individual’s well being. Of what advantage it is to be sickly wealthy or wealthily sick? The physical dilapidation and the mental trauma of saving the ill-gotten wealth are punishments without imprisonment. Nature is the best leveler. It waits for its moment of onslaught only to deliver a crushing blow ruining a whole edifice to shambles. Is ‘material ascension’ bad? No.  Ascension by hard effort does not carry the ignominy of clandestine or tricky approach. In brief, inability to curb greed, justifying the approach are products of poor analytic skills. Education must be used to prune analytic skills and not for locating loopholes in the system. If someone thinks [s]he is clever, my suggestion is Nature is wise and indomitable. Let us please remember this.              

                                             8    INTERVIEW                                                        

 Having seen the present situation, it sounds appropriate to consider critical elements in an interview. Interviews are occasions of value to the employer and the prospective employees. It is not a session to show up ‘what one considers of self’. The panel doing a selection is a group of mature minds, keen in observation and incisive in analysis. They can clearly segregate eagerness to present ideas from those that are aimed at putting up high profile appearances to win over. Caution shall be the watchword of a jobseeker. Please recognize that your presentation must drive the panel to draw inferences, instead of your making claims of supremacy. Speaking the minimum and ‘to the point’ are the two important approaches that one has to cultivate as a part of one’s personality.

Often the panelists on an interview are seniors. Candidates seeking jobs should not assume for a moment that the ‘old seniors’ are not abreast of current trends in Industry or Science. Indeed, these senior members are as much alert and their panoramic view is big and wholesome. On the contrary, the young jobseeker may be sound in theory with little or no specific training in operative applications. Keeping these in mind, every jobseeker should respond to questions in a revealing manner that the candidate is sincere and open. It is not wrong to submit that ‘I do not know much’; please avoid telling ‘I will learn it in no time’. Such utterances reflect poor attitude and calculated gamble to win over the selectors. The bottom line is the jobseeker should reflect ability, politeness of disposition, willingness to learn. These will evoke the correct level of admiration from the panelists and would help the candidate in a suitable way. In exercising the caution of modesty, candidates should not sound submissive / slavery, which no one likes.      



The remedy to the on-going perpetuation of inadequacy in learning is not far to seek. All that one needs to do is to change the strategy of learning and develop the skills of comprehension. Comprehension is a natural ability vested with all humans. To bring it to life, understanding must be encouraged. It begins from understanding of words, terms, meaning, construction and related processes of memory. Remembering the related items keeps the memory intact. Forced learning [learning by heart] can fade away or bring about confusions due to lack of clarity. On every session of learning, the student has to apply the mind to clearly understand the spelling, the phonetic component, the usage by way of word- assembly as a part of primary learning. Mere repeating of a sequence of words [bereft of their significance] may at best help clearing of examinations. It will never substitute the authenticity of true learning. Therefore, formative days in schools are the critical ones in pruning the skills of language / communication.  It is the duty of elders to oversee the progress in language skills appropriate for that level of learning. The best bet is to cultivate the habit of learning from the text [not from the poorly drafted ‘notes’], accompanied by academic support from Dictionaries, Thesaurus, Atlas and such educative aids. Once groomed on those lines, young minds explore the explosive possibilities of ‘knowledge acquisition’ in place of the present scenario of ‘laboured study’ for the sake of examinations. Because they are unable to grasp the message, boys and girls take to memorizing- a path leading to endless doom.  Before long, the priority for correct expressions must be emphasized and enforced. All other abilities need to vent themselves through the elegance in expression. Learning as many languages is a right approach to build confidence- essential for competitive edge.

                                             6      COMPETITIVE EDGE                                                    

Competitive edge is not how much one knows. It is how well one makes others recognize the capabilities of self.  So, it is a complex ensemble of grasp, analysis, associating cause-effect relations, offering solutions to problems and so on. All these are, concurrent influences centering round perception. Perception is not an emotional response; it is a logical derivative from assessing facts relevant to an idea. Competitive edge does not arise overnight. It is a product of ‘intellectual grooming’ for analysis. Analysis owes itself to ‘dispassionate evaluation’ and derives from logical deduction. Dispassionate disposition helps to keep off preferences and bias. Preferences and bias disturb the process of objective assessment. Objectivity is the most essential condition to ensure the best package of advice while seeking remedy to a problem. These many ‘influences’ get associated with competitive edge in any discussion. Discussion iterates the ‘weight’ for pros and cons.

Though stated in several terms, it brings us to the essence of ‘perfect comprehension’. Perfect comprehension rallies round the ability to ‘decipher’ information to the last of details. Therefore, the much-needed comprehension has to be acquired from lower classes of study as a part of learning. It can never be added in later life by any ‘new’ training. Comprehension is the foundation for competitive edge. In a functional group, persons with competitive edge stand taller and get to enter the realms of decision-making for their quick grasp and unbiased attitude of evaluation. Education must lead to intellectual refinement and confidence borne out of conviction.




 Even as life is a game of chances, it is also full of scope for errors. Unfortunately, everything cannot be learned by ‘trial and error’. Certain trials are better ‘not run’, as escaping to safety at a later point may prove more complicated. For instance, bad company and bad temptations –gambling, drinks and drugs are easy to come by; extricating from those is a task by itself. The society is a place of mixed facilities. Divine grace is perhaps the most needed through our life to desist from temptations. Children who are not under the watchful eyes of affectionate parents run greater risks of getting drawn into minor temptations which may potentially amplify to disastrous scales. Children are receptive and quick to grasp. So, the elders ought to observe discipline in what they themselves do at home. It includes language, food, drinks, smoking and entertainment –cinemas, TVs and the like. Practising is a better alternative to preaching. Parents need to stay moralistic, to advise children on values /healthy practices.  Obviously, corrections have to be made in life at every stage. For this, the first available opportunity must be properly utilized. As and when some ‘wrong’ is spotted in any member of the family, ‘educate’ the individual as to how it is wrong and suggest a better alternative- no matter at which age the error is spotted.  If this code is uniformly observed in the family, children get to be analytic and slowly recognize ‘the value system’ which holds the key to the styles of living. With such a domestic arrangement in place, children understand what and what not to do. There are bound to be minor slips as children grow; make tender corrections by cautious advice instead of injurious reprimand. Advices work slow but make a lasting impact, if the preacher truly practises.

4   EDUCATION AND THE CHILD                           

The surest way of sustenance is education. Let there be no compromise on this. Education does not mean passing an examination or scoring very high marks. Education is an empowerment of the individual. Honestly, true education is not the popular notion of entering Profession studies. Rather it is studying professionally. Learning has to be professional; it should help a clear understanding of the intricacies of any subject. Clarity in grasp and vividity in expression accrue to the student who develops the correct skills of learning. Learning is not memorizing answers for specific questions. It is co-ordinating knowledge to information or vice-versa and acquiring skills of articulation by analytic evaluation. Acquiring marks is not acquiring skills. Toiling to achieve tall scores is itself an impediment to learn. If appropriately learnt, any question can be answered with clarity and zeal. Learners should not be harassed by parents /teachers for making it to professional institutions. A balanced learning is far more important than reproducing ‘pre-meditated’ answers; such a culture of memorizing would prove empty when the faculty of analysis has to come into play. The remedy to the syndrome [of memorizing for marks] is quite simple. The learner has to ‘understand’ every piece of information to its finality; should avoid practising the habit of ‘reproducing’ words without being aware of their relevance in a context.

In recent times, there is a greater out cry of concern against the trend of prioritizing scores over that of comprehension. So far, agencies have remained spectators, with no clues to arrest the malady of learning without understanding.  The impact of memorizing has a telling effect on our boys and girls during any genuine competition. They suffer inhibition by their inability to express themselves, even if they understand the issue. Certainly, the mark-centered, methods of rote have robbed these youngsters of their freedom to win jobs, stay at par with others of like-attainments for leading a life of dignity.



Children delight elders and demand attention by play, cry, mischief, pranks and every other expression known and unknown to us.  They are tender and require being handled with utmost care. The care suggested includes nutrition, health and habituation. In our zeal to keep the child nourished, some of us overstep and offer a variety in food which may not be conducive for the upkeep of child health. The ability of the child to draw attention gets entrenched and keeps expanding as [s]he grows. Our bondage to the kid overpowers our faculties of enforcing control. We readily give up or relax in our bid to keep the child happy. Children amplify their skills of drawing and sustaining attention to the level of ‘here and now’ for all their demands- food, dress, toys, play time, watching items on TV and so on. They know our break point better than ourselves and keep pressing the demand till we concede. Not bad, if we pamper the child in the early child hood. But, at some point, the child has to recognize that nothing comes for the asking except by justification. It is our duty to impart basic discipline without imposing our decision. It is a task indeed. Necessarily, a paced control has to be in place; it is best done by the practice of ‘reward for effort and recognition for performance’. When the child seeks a favour, advise him or her to do a certain work like keeping his /her desk tidy, carry out a home work or some such relating to the child. Better we do not engage children for our work. Such an approach infuses the idea of ‘my work’ into the child.

Once the child gets to know ‘my’ work, [s]he understands the need to finish the pending items before seeking a facility or favour. In due course, the parents must inculcate the ideas of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ by explaining the broad basis of those. Over a time, the boy or girl understands the family traditions, behavioural patterns and also identifies the feasibility of an action under his or her domestic conditions.

 2   SPARE SOME TIME FOR THE CHILD                             

Of late, a trend of leaving the child fully to his or her routine pervades our society; i.e., parents deem it enough to feed the children and entrust them to school care for the best part of the day. The trend has its root in the present-day situation of both parents being ‘employed’. For reasonable living, financial well being is a must. Under the dispensation, compounded by nuclear family, children are under ‘non-parental care’ for the best part of the day. Being so, their outlooks get shaped by most influences other than those of the parent. Slowly, the parent-child relationship is tending towards sharing a roof with very little by way of emotional bondage. I do not suggest that there is ‘detachment’ on either side. But, definitely, there is an eerie silence at home, imposed by mere exchange of words and acts of discharging moral obligations to and from children. Largely, it is due to non-interactive hours every day except on holidays when all members of the family stay at the same place and time. This robs the children of their legitimate demand of ‘enjoying’ parental affection, care and guidance. With the nuclear family arrangement in place, children do not have ‘domestic’ interactions of the yester decade’s grand-parental grooming. Gradually, children get trained to be aloof, self dependent and are left ‘high and dry’ to face situations unexpected.

Bewildered by unexpected ‘temptations’, children fall prey to the designs of the cunning. The psychological limitation is, the kids have not been appropriately ‘tuned’ to distinguish the bad and good, as they get very little time to interact with the parents. Left to the care of persons who have no emotional bondage to the child, there is a tendency to accept what comes by. At a later point in life of the boy or girl, it is impossible to impose restrictions or induct values. Therefore, parents must spend more time with the child to make him/her recognize that parents show genuine affection which others cannot to the same degree. It is the best exercise to groom kids from childhood on, instead of trying changes mid-course.

K. R 



For a few days to come, I intend offering episodes that pertain to the theme “Glimpses of life”. I hurry to state that the present effort is more to keep the blog alive by daily postings till I  re-establish internet link from my new place Chennai after my re-location there. But, as all of you know, picking up a service-provider on considerations of network efficacy and responsive services involve some time and effort of assertion. Honestly this topic has been in my possession for years now; it appears opportune to make use of it at the present juncture since I cannot continue with my usual mode of writing just prior to posting with no net service to avail of during relocation.


Human life passes through a pattern, full of challenges and opportunities. Yet, it carries the innate scope for doing wrong more in urgency than by design. Perhaps ‘designing’ and ‘scheming’ come about once the persons recognize the easy paths to material ascension. But to steer clear of the peril, judicious judgment borne out of analysis alone can help. Analysis is an exercise of objective review of facts and situations. These accrue from grooming, training and adherence to value system. These require being infused into the mind from childhood. A survey of the territory is all that the work aims at. Views expressed are personal and the judgment stays with the reader of course.  

Herein we try to look for specific situations where, we are at times unable to draw the limit. If we manage to have clear limits, probably our activities would yield results better and avoid embarrassment. It is not my premise to assume wisdom upon myself; rather the present exercise of mine intends suggesting ‘how it could be’. I am obliged to be critical of our general attitudes, with the intention of making right amends to our approach. Under the circumstances, chances are, I may sound unrealistic or even pessimistic till such time that one is able recognize the logic behind. So, a degree of selfless review of the suggested opinions would help the reader in arriving at the real value –essential in coming to grip with the issues on hand.  Essentially, life is a game of ‘right choice’. Our problem begins at determining what is right and what is not. Confusion grips our decision-making, largely because we have limitations in our ability to judge. It drives us to ‘accept’ the popular notion without being analytical. A common folly is we analyze an issue after fixing a priority; i.e., we look for favourable pointers to strengthen our notion. In plain terms we rush to a ‘preconceived’ decision instead of arriving at it. Much of this can be properly dealt with by ascertaining the ‘right’ and the ‘wrong’. Extending defence to our ‘wrongs’ is another malady that has far reaching impact at domestic and social levels. Dispassionate analysis is the lone option to tide over the risk of committing grave errors. Having said that, it is ideal to spot items of our life where erroneous approaches are common. An exercise of the present kind demands the ‘pre condition’ that moralistic approaches must be all-embracing, in the sense that we cannot adopt ‘morals’ only when convenient. Obviously things begin from childhood.

TO CONTINUE             Prof. K.Raman 

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

ஓ --மாம்பழத்து வண்டு

  --மாம்பழத்து வண்டு

மன்னிக்கவும் இது பாடல் அல்ல, தகவல்.

மாம்பழத்தினுள் வண்டு எப்படி வந்தது? பலர் இதை ஒரு பொருட்டாகவே கொள்வதில்லை. வண்டு வந்த பழம் , கிளி கொத்திய கனி என்றெல்லாம் உவகை கொண்டு அவ்வகை பழங்களை மகிழ்வுடன் சுவைப்பதைகாணலாம். வண்டு வந்த பழம் பற்றிய விளக்கங்கள் சில உண்டு.

1 இறை மாட்சிமையின் விந்தை

2 நல்ல பழமாக பார்த்து வந்து வண்டு குடியேறும்  

3 மாவடு நிலையிலேயே வண்டு நுழைந்திருக்கும். [ஆனால் பழம் சுவையாக இருக்கும் ஏனெனில் வண்டு இருப்பதோ மாங்கொட்டையின் உள்ளே தான் -என்றொரு சமாதானம் கொள்வது ] இன்னோரன்ன பிற விளக்கங்கள் உலவுவதை நாம் அறிவோம்.

மாம்பழம்--வண்டு  தொடர்பு உயிரிகளின் பரிணாமத்தில் ஒரு பின்னிப்பிணைந்த நிகழ்வு. ஆம் குறிப்பிட்ட வண்டு -மாம்பழ வகை இரண்டும் ஒன்றை ஒன்று சார்ந்து வாழ்பவை. அந்த வகை வண்டு உதவி புரிந்தால் மாமரத்தில் மகரந்த சேர்க்கை நடைபெறும். அதே நேரத்தில் அந்த வண்டினம் தொடர்ந்து உயிர் வாழ குறிப்பிட்ட மாமர வகை அவசியம் [ நீ இன்றி நானில்லை   நானி ன்றி நீ . இல்லையே -வகை உறவு].

மகரந்த சேர்க்கை நேரும் போது பெண் வண்டு முட்டையினை மாவின் காய் வளரும் பகுதிக்குள் வைத்து பின்னர் காய் வளர்ந்து கனியாகும் பொழுது மாம்பழத்தினுள் இருந்து வெளியேறும் வண்டுதனைக்காண்கிறோம். இது ஒரு விளக்கம்

பிறிதொரு விளக்கம்

இளம் மாவடுவில் தாய் வண்டு நுண் துளை இட்டு அதன் வழியே முட்டைதனை செலுத்தி பின்னர் வண்டாக வெளி வருகிறது   என்போரும் உளர். . 

Sternochetus mangiferae  என்பது வண்டின வகையின் பெயர்

இன்னோர் பழ-பூச்சி உறவு அத்திப்பழத்தில் நிகழ்கிறது. தற்காலத்தில் FIG எனும் அத்திப்பழத்தில் பூச்சிகளே தோன்றாதவாறு உருவாக்கப்படும் பழங்களே விற்பனை செய்யப்படுகிறது..இவற்றில் தோன்றும் ficin எனும் பூச்சிக்கொல்லி  சுரப்பு பூச்சிகள் வருவதை தடுக்கின்றன.. இதனால் உண்பதற்கு ஆரோக்கியமான பூச்சிகள் இல்லாத அத்திப்பழங்கள் சூப்பர்  மார்க்கெட்   விற்பனைக்கூடங்களில் சந்தைப்படுத்தப்படுகின்றன. ஆனால் மாம்பழம் போன்றே அத்தி -மற்றும் பூச்சி உறவு நீண்ட தொடர்புடையது.

பூச்சியின் பெயர் : Blastophago orientalis                                     

அத்திப்பூவில் ஏரளமான முட்டைகள் விதைக்கப்பெற்று அவை இளம் வண்டுகளாகவளர்ந்து உருப்பெறுகின்றன. அவை வளரும் இடை நிலை "லார்வா" எனும் புழு போன்ற வடிவம் அத்திப்பழத்தில் புழுக்கள் என்பதாக பேசப்படுகிறது. அத்தி பூத்தாற்போல் எனும் சொல் வழக்கு     தவறானது. அத்திக்கு பூ உண்டு. ஆனால் அதுவும் காயைப்போன்றே இருப்பதனால் அத்தியில் பூ இல்லை  என்ற தவறான கருத்து நிலவுகிறது. அத்திப்பழத்தினுள் ஊர்ந்து திரியும் புழுக்கள் அப்பழங்களின் பொருளாதார மாண்பை முற்றிலும் குலைப்பதால், தீவிர ஆராய்ச்சியின் உதவியால் ficin எனும் வேதி உற்பத்தி மூலம் தரமானபழங்கள் உற்பத்தி செய்யப்பட்டு மக்கள் பயன்பாட்டிற்கு உகந்த வகையில் உருவாக்கப்படுகின்றன.   

பேரா ராமன்

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Oh! What a change ..6

 Oh! What a change ..6

Talking of Madurai none can ignore the chain of education hubs be it at School or at Collegiate level; later came into being the Madurai University subsequently renamed as Madurai Kamaraj university which made a mark for academic excellence in select domains –most important were Biological sciences, Biochemistry, Cell Biology and Chronobiology. As early as 1970s the University began its efforts of global presence and reckoning.Indeed the affiliates to MKU had made rapid strides in the domains listed above and it was an education stream far ahead in content as against of other centres in adjoining territories affiliated to other universities. The present state of affairs in the university are none too happy with the old guards having retired and have attained heavenly abode after a vibrant service as teacher/ research guides. What remains of the University is just its physical infrastructure and prcious little is known of any major strides in research. Once there were just 3 Colleges of reckoning .The American, The Madura and Thiagarajar Arts college for men; 3 women’s colleges were Fatima college, Lady Doak college and Government Meenakshi College for Women. Subsequently several institutions devoted for Women / men sprang up though all colleges had to forego their Pre-University stream; Still several colleges  were catering to B.Sc level  while the premier ones offered PG Programmes.

As for schools imparting quality instructions a large number can be identified. Major ones were OCPM, TVS LAKSHMI, RAILWAY MIXED SHOOL and each College administration had its own school stream. Till well past 1980, Colleges were in high esteem among the students and the general public owing to dedicated performance. Slowly the status of these institutions have dropped several fathoms with no semblance of quality among the teachers and the taught.

The Chithrai festival of Madurai has always been a magnetic event attracting devotees from all neighbourhood. Being held in April- May, a natural gaiety  gripped the city with students and parents freed from the clutches of X /XII examinations. Temple procession along the Masi streets was yet another toll-free entertainment in those days.

Madurai has always had the benefit of excellent health care systems largely under the private sector including those for Ophthalmic care , while the GH / Rajaji hospital/ the former Erskine hospital is under Government care and has had a reputation for providing  decent medical care to poorer sections of the society. 

Weaving has been a well known activity in Madurai with several mills in the region. Most of them have left the trade like- Meenakshi mills or have shrunk their activity to minimum like Madura Coats, Thiagaraja mills and the defunct  AlaguSundaram chettiar’s mills and so on.

The city is witnessing change in social composition with Marwaris and Gujaratis handling several trades like textile products electrical goods etc; still the place is good enough to live in.

Prof. K.Raman        

Monday, November 21, 2022

பெரும் மனங்கள் /ஆளுமைகள்—7

 பெரும் மனங்கள் /ஆளுமைகள்—7

நாளாம் ,நாளாம் திருநாளாம் ..continued

இத்தொடரின் அடுத்த பகுதி பாடகர்கள் மற்றும் பிற தொழில் நுட்ப ஆளுமைகள் பற்றியது. பி பி ஸ்ரீனிவாஸ் மற்றும் பி. சுசீலா குரல்களை விளக்கவோ விமரிசிக்கவோ போதிய ஞானம் இல்லாத என் போன்றோர்  வியக்கத்தான் இயலும் விளக்க அல்ல. ஒன்றை மட்டும் சொல்லலாம் அற்புத குழைவுகளும் சங்கதி களும் தெளிந்த நீரோடை போல இயல்பாக பீடு நடை போடும் ராக பாவங்கள் நிறைந்தபாடல். இப்பாடலை லேசாக கடந்து போக இயலாது. இசைக்கு என்றே பலராலும் போற்றப்பட்ட ஒரு பிரமிப்பு .

தொழில் நுட்ப பிரிவில்     முதன்மை காட்டிய ஆளுமைகள் ஒளிப்பதிவும் ஒப்பனையும் எனில் மிகை அல்ல. இவற்றை ஒன்றிலிருந்து ஒன்றை பிரித்துப்பார்ப்பது அறிவு பூர்வமான செயல் அன்று. ஒப்பனையின் குறைபாடுகளையும் ஒளிப்பதிவின் பலவீனங்களையும் மூடிமறைக்க இயலாது. அவை இரண்டுமே சிறப்பாக அமைந்துவிட்டால் அவை குறித்து பேசுவதே இல்லை. குறைகளை மன்னிப்பதில்லை நிறைகளை மதிப்பதில்லை என்பதே விமரிசகர்கள் பற்றிய விமர்சனம். விமரிசகர்கள் பலருக்கும் ஒப்பனையுடன் அமைந்த யதார்த்தங்களை பகுத்துணரும் தெளிவு எப்போதும் வெளிப்பட்டு நான் கண்டிலேன். சரி சொல்ல வந்தது என்ன?

இத்துறைகளை நிர்வகித்த வின்சென்ட் -சுந்தரம் [ஒளிப்பதிவு] மற்றும் சிவராம் குழுவினர் [ஒப்பனை ] பற்ற சிறிது பேச வேண்டும்.


அப்போது என்ன கருவிகள் பயன் படுத்தப்பட்டன / ARRIFLEX  காமிராவும் அல்லது MITCHELL காமிராவும் தான். ஆனால்; ஒளிப்பதிவு எவ்வளவு நேர்த்தியாக செய்யப்பட்டிருந்தது. ஆரம்ப காட்சி சென்னை பல்கலைக்கழகத்தின் கிழக்கு சாலையிலும், மெரினா கடற்கரை சாலையிலும் நீலக்கடலின் விளிம்பும், புல்வெளிகளும் பூச்செடிகளும் மிக இயல்பாக காட்சியோடு ஒன்றி பயணித்தது ஒளிப்பதிவின் சிறப்பு. படம் முழுவதிலும் காமிரா கோணங்களும் வண்ணக்கோலங்களும் சென்னையின் முதல் வண்ணப்படம் என்றால் நம்ப முடிகிறதா? பாடல் காட்சி ஒவ்வொ ன்றிலும் , காமிரா பேசியது என்றே சொல்ல வேண்டும். நாகேஷ் +பாலையா கதை சொல்லும் காட்சியின் திகிலை மேலும் வலியுறுத்திய குறைந்த ஒளிஅமைப்பில் படப்பிடிப்பு மிகுந்த கவனமாக நிறைவேற்றப்பட்டிருக்கவேண்டும் .


அந்த 1964 காலகட்டத்தில் இன்றுபோல் உபகரண ங்களோ, உயர்தர பூச்சுவகைகளோ இருந்ததில்லை. எனினும் முகப்பூச்சில் தீவிர கவன த்துடன் அனைவருக்கும் skin tone balancing வெகுசிறப்பாக செய்யப்பட்டிருந்தன என்று ஆணித்தரமாக சொல்ல முடியும். "நாளாம் நாளாம் " பாடலில் ராஜஸ்ரீ / ரவிச்சந்திரன் ஒப்பனை உதட்டு சாயம் போன்ற நுணுக்கமான வேலைப்பாடுகள் இப்போது பார்த்தாலும் வியத்தகு வித்தகமென்றே சொல்லத்தோன்றுகிறது. இதில் எனது பார்வை யாதெனில் முத்துராமன்/ காஞ்சனா , .ராஜஸ்ரீ / ரவிச்சந்திரன், நாகேஷ், சச்சு என்ற ஜோடிகளின் உறுப்பினர்கள் மாறுபட்ட நிறம் உடையவர்கள். அவர்கள் டூயட் வகை காட்சிகளில் பெரும் வேறுபாடு காணும் அளவிற்கு எந்த ஏற்றத்தாழ்வும் புலப்படாத ஒப்பனை செய்வதென்பது  மிகச்சிறந்த தொழில் நுட்பாளர்களுக்கே  சாத்தியம் . அவ்வகையில் ஒளிப்பதிவு மற்றும் ஒப்பனை செய்த கலைஞர் கள்  மற்றுமோர் அசுரக்கூட்டம்


பேரா. ராமன்

Friday, November 18, 2022


Success in speech

A  successful SPEAKER,  also makes the best use of the opportunity by summing up the key elements suggested in the course of the speech.

 Summing up:

This is an essential component any good speech. The speaker has to elegantly touch upon the territories in a simpler style, avoiding a repeat performance. [S]He should recapitulate in a manner that benefits those who came late as well as the compere to sum up the topic. If there are any standard sources that could be referred to for greater clarity and the speaker should make it public. Now-a-days people use “Power Point” presentations to ‘cover’ large segments of a topic. There is nothing wrong about it if the speaker is well equipped. The “equipment” of the speaker reveals itself the moment power supply goes off. How often a speaker keeps interacting without repeating from the “slide” is a measure of depth and familiarity of the person to the topic.

What a does a speaker need to do [if success is desired]                                                    Speakers should remember that better brains are on other side of the podium- even  as they address the gathering.

Please ensure that the topic suggested is ‘clear’ to you and do the precise home work needed thereof .Make it a habit to be punctual to the venue. The status of ‘main speaker’ accorded to you is no freedom to be a late comer to the event.

Address the audience from the podium and keep visually surveying the gathering in an orderly sequence; it  keeps the audience attentive,  DO NOT GAZE at anyone; it embarrasses that person.

Ensure that you are always audible; never murmur.  Lowering and again  raising the voice is a strategy to draw attention to a POINT or two It cannot be oft-repeated.  Should you need to quote, quote in clear tone and in a slow pace to facilitate the interested persons to note down the actual quote. Better still, say ‘I quote’ and then quote to help the cause. Whenever convenient acknowledge the source.

Please avoid vulgar eulogy of the organizers of the event in a bid to attract more opportunities from them.

Always stick to the domain of the topic if you are keen to win respect among the listeners.

Articulate all ideas in a neat language punctuated by quality expressions and clear pronunciation. 

Kindly avoid any political overtones in your talk ; lest your image of neutrality should suffer. 

Prof. K.Raman 


  TM SOUNDARARAJAN-38 டி எம் சௌந்தரராஜன் -38                    POSTING NO. 1225  திரு டி எம் எஸ் அவர்களின் குரலில் வெளிவந்த பாடல்கள் ...