Thursday, June 30, 2022



There is a general detachment from learning languages even in levels of higher study.  Leaving aside the current situation in our country, even persons with substantial grip over their ‘vocabulary’ particularly in English/ French/ Spanish would find some terms quite ‘unheard of’. From what I understand, some of them, per se, may not be English or at least the words appear to be social coinages reflecting some preference in portrayal of an idea. There is reason to believe so, since those terms do not figure elsewhere in general practice of using the language.   If you find them irritating, please pardon me.


Cattywampus is a term to suggest ‘things moving in wrong direction or progressing awkwardly’.  It is also a reference to ‘ill-kept place’ or a place of poorly organized state. A reference is drawn to the wide difference between how things are [strewn] in a post-office, as against what is generally known of ‘organized’ arrangement in a library.  In this case, such a post office represents ‘CATTYWAMPUS’.


It is another American usage ‘referring’ to the ‘confused’ or ‘perplexed’ state of the mind. It attempts to show the situation where the person is unable to perceive anything clear due to a burdened opinion. The word seems to have been derived from the old English expression ‘DUMFOOZLE’.


Gardyloo  means ‘a warning cry’. An expression ‘imported’ to English from Scottish usage. By its sheer funny ‘sound’ it should have drawn attention of ‘passers-by’. In parts of England, the inmates from upper floor used dump off ‘unwanted’ buckets cautioning ‘GARDYLOO’ , so that the ‘unsuspecting’ pedestrian could move to safety from being hit by the ‘dropped object’. Though not the sound, the caution sounded reflects culture of concern for others.


A careful scrutiny of the word reveals a minimum of three components like ‘A’, ‘BIBLIO’ and ‘PHOBIA’. Phobia generally means fear of something. ‘BIBLIO’ refers to citation/ reference / book; while ‘ABIBLIO’ suggests ‘WITHOUT book’ or ’ABSENCE’ of book. Any voracious reader, who finds self ‘left with no book to read’ gets to have a fear or worry from ‘nothing on hand to read‘, expressed as ‘ABIBLIOPHOBIA’. It also applies to the state of uncalled for fear or anxiety from ‘no work to do’ as during a long flight.


 Collywobbles refers to a sense of discomfort [like butterflies in stomach] from some fear like of success in an examination or an interview for a job. It is an expression to refer to discomfort or disturbed state or ‘wobble’, in the belly or stomach area of a person. During the outbreak of Cholera, many people felt disturbance [wobble] from infection [hence ‘colly’ a reference to ‘cholera’. Very few words lend themselves to be deciphered while several do not offer clues.

Prof. K. Raman

Wednesday, June 29, 2022



From one of contemptuous status, if an act has assumed significance of contemporary value, it is Tuition. It is an elegant game of playing on the nerves of the ‘consumer’ to his or her ultimate tolerance by mind and money.  I am reminded of our days in school. It was the ‘surest Sin’ to undertake or undergo tuition. Any boy or girl who had real cognitive inadequacy alone was deemed eligible to receive coaching – more as an exercise of systematizing the learner by devoting time to learn under the immediate supervision of a teacher. Those days teachers were not too inclined to undertake such work and generally used to ‘discourage’ the parents from trying to put the ward on coaching. Also, they would readily offer to help the boy/ girl for any clarification in the lunch hour, instead of ‘reading’ an opportunity to make an income. Certainly, the then teachers were in financial penury, but rich in abilities to teach. Honestly, they would take it an insult if his /her ward were to be given ‘extra-coaching’ implying that the teacher was not effective in his/her classroom effort.   

There is a huge shift in trends. Is it a paradigm shift? Really, I find it hard to decipher as to what drives the teacher-taught ensemble to readily settle for ‘tuitions’ right from second standard onwards. None feels it shameful to be under a round the clock vigil of some teacher or the other. Many people are driven by mass-psychology and fear that my child would be left alone, unless put through the same exercise of being at school or tuition except for hours of sleep. Tuition teachers are very smart. They make the student attend to all home work in tuition teacher’s home, with no complaints from school of the student’s default to such assignments. Parents are effectively silenced and the teacher profitably engages self. What an arrangement is this?  Parents tell their neighbours, ”after putting him/her to tuition, [s]he has become systematic and has no time to TV or friends”. They seldom realize that  all his mates are in the same place most of the time continuing with their schedules as ever except that they do not carry ‘dues’ on home work.

It is a marginal gain for the ward to have picked the habit of doing assignment work in time. But, does the cost input over a tuition justify the returns thereof? Beside the inadequate or disproportionate input to output equation, a psychological uncertainty gets unleashed in the minds of learners. They get to develop a fear that “unless tutored, I may not be able to learn anything on my own”. Undoubtedly, it is the most undesirable state of mind for youth; inadvertently, the boy/girl assume that they must receive’ personal guidance’ from teachers. The basic ability to distinguish right from wrong and other approaches of ‘associational learning’ and the strategies of using those skills get weakened and murky as age advances. Never for a moment imagine that ‘the merit’ of a person is related to the sore[s]he achieves in examinations. Many students who were ‘less promising’ in early part of life reach the zenith of skill –as most of them  are late bloomers. Have you heard of ‘gold medalists’ making a mark in their life in office or family? They score high in examinations but not in life. Provide for child’s all round development instead of ‘targeting the child’ to what you consider supreme. World is a huge stage full of opportunity for those who play their game by instinct and do not look around for instructions from coach or tutor.

Prof. K. Raman




‘Tinker’ is a commonly used term in reference to a worker who mends kinks, shallow cavities, blemishes from physical impact / abrasion especially in Cars or similar vehicles.  In the Indian context, visiting a tinker is common as vehicles get into abrasive proximity under the compulsion of voluminous traffic. At the same time, we view tinkers as ‘god-sent’ men as they do a reasonably good job at a really competitive pricing.

Authorized service stations make a fortune out of every unfortunate vehicle that has had an unpleasant impact. Such stations take advantage of the car owners’ desire for ‘blemish-less looks’ of the vehicle. Even for small setbacks of approximate 3- 5 square inch area, the service station may demand 7000 to 8000Rs in the pretext of ‘working’ finely to restore the surface and secondarily paint the ‘affected’ zone to restore its pristine  looks. To keep a car with dents and damages is unpleasant even by a liberal consideration. In all such situations, people necessarily look for a good craftsman to set the metal right and keep its ‘new look’ with the most appropriate restoration of paint and sheen. It is quite interesting that such works of caliber are handled by un-lettered workers who do a meticulous job of restoring the looks of the car and the prestige of the owner. It is no mean feat considering the intricacies of work, in finely restoring the surface for its uniform contour is by careful dent removal using the ‘right pressure’; any extra pressure may cause new dents.

Many techniques are employed to ‘restore’ surface contour to the most natural looks. Some dents are ‘pressed out’ using muscular push to ‘dome out’ the material. A shallow dent can be removed by application of pressure from underneath. The work may involve dismantling the metal shield from the place and correcting the defect. Some dents are corrected by specially designed dent removers with spider-like legs and a central shaft carrying a disc with a vacuum grip; the shaft is gently screwed down to sit over the ‘dented area’. By further inward slow thrust the vacuum head fixes itself to the metal. By gently pulling the shaft with the vacuum head, the ‘caved in’ metal is brought to its old shape.

Some dented metals are thin to take vacuum pressure of high order. In such cases the vacuum head is gently fixed to avoid shearing the metal. Hot water is poured over the affected part; it makes the metal more flexible by temperature ; at that stage ‘outward pull by vacuum head ‘ restores the metal shape. Dent- removal is an art and any material like wood, rubber or globe-like metal ball can be used to deliver the needed thrust to restore shape. Our tinkers are highly dexterous in application of right pressure to ‘relieve’ dent. If need be the surface may be suitably painted for sheen / fresh look. But, dictionaries for English language describe the ‘Tinker’ –unskilled / non-technical worker without right training. When certified ‘skilled’, the same persons would join ‘’authorized service stations’’ as skilled technician and a customer would only be handled by the ‘front office Engineer –Maintenance’ on specific terms of billing /payment. Never can  we meet the actual worker –the man to restore the looks.

Prof. K. Raman

Monday, June 27, 2022



Having touched the item ‘cine songs, it struck me as to why not on ‘TIMBRE’. Not many have the occasion to notice the term ‘timbre’. It is something that relates to the quality of ‘sound’ typical to a person [singer] or a musical instrument. Obviously, musical instruments stand out by virtue of their ‘tone’ continuous or discrete in flow. For instance, flute or Shenoy or Nagaswaram can be used to make a continuous stretch of tone though variable by amplitude. On the contrary, strumming instruments [string instruments] can be used to make discrete notes though the time lag between successive notes could be compressed to the minimum; yet they cannot deliver ‘continuous note’ in the true sense of the term.

While the basic features of different musical instruments help us to discern differences among them from their timbre, some instruments may camouflage each other unless the listener has a very clear perception of their differences. For instance, the tones from the strings of ‘VEENA’ and ‘SITAR’ may seem to resemble each other for many; those well-trained in recognizing their timbre can readily pinpoint as to when and where a particular instrument is played.  A similar confusion is likely between the tones of ‘Mridangam’ and ‘Dolak’ or between ‘BONGO’ and ‘Congo’. But all these examples are valid only for persons not familiar with the tonal qualities of instruments in each pair. While varied instruments differ by their tonal output, some human voices seem to resemble closely. Say for instance, the South Indian singers KJ Yesudas and P Jeyachandran share close resemblance, though discernible at certain critical junctures.                  Likewise some strong resemblance prevails between the voices of Mr. Mano and that of Shri. S P Balasubramaniam. There are some stage singers who manage to reproduce tonal quality near that of the original singer by apt modulation.

There are some voices that can never be ‘imitated’. Take the cases of playback singers –S.Janaki and Mrs. Vani Jayaram, their voices cannot be ‘reproduced’ by others. Some voices are unique by their high resonance timbre as those of Shri. M K Thiagaraja bhagavathar, Shri. PU Chinnappa. We have had the fortune of listening to some high resonance singers Shri. TM Soundararajan and Shri. Seerkazhi Govindarajan and quite a soft voice of PB Sreenivos. We can ill afford to forget the indomitable Shri. T.R Mahalingam or his high pitch delivery of songs. The moment the name is mentioned, we mentally recall the voice readily due to their distinct ‘timbre’. From those of typical timbre we appear to have slipped into a zone of TIMBER in voice. Yes, the current scenario is replete with rough and crude voices being fielded in the garb of reflecting ‘native style’. Several spheres including even the domain of higher education witnessing a decline by dilution, stringent selection of voices are items of by-gone history. No wonder Timber [in place of timbre] makes headway in recording of voice.

Prof. K. Raman

Sunday, June 26, 2022



Why this topic on all on a sudden- could be a natural response from any reader. As, my predicament would have it, daily I need to make some topic for blog posting. With other priorities looming large, I am caught between quality and urgency. So, it is just an ‘off the cuff’ choice as the day’s topic.              If there is something which is simultaneously appealing and appalling, clearly, it is the cine song. Consider this; a person born in 1940s has a certain preference for voice, song structure, content and relevance. The one born in 2000 or so has a totally different outlook to the idea of a ‘cine song’. The later born seeks to have a bewildering cluster of instruments -all playing different notes simultaneously. The final output of ‘sound’ passes for music for a youngster. The same ‘music’ causes anger to the old man for its ‘robust raw nature’. Who among them is right? The other is obviously NOT RIGHT in the perception of each other. It is the survival element important for making cine songs in whatever era one may evaluate them!

In my understanding the item called ‘cine song’ needs a sympathetic evaluation if we intend recognizing the intricate limitations that govern a song ‘creation’. Yes, all said and done, every song carved out for movie has to have contemporary appeal [however temporary the appeal is] for its marketability. Unless the stuff ‘looks’ fresh, the participants therein –the lyricist, the composer, the singers and the movie maker all head to a nosedive of ‘personal popularity’. They are perpetually under pressure to ‘give’ something enjoyably different. Despite ‘taste’ –a variable has to be catered to - a median line of common appeal has to be struck to stay in the lime light. Perhaps the closest parallel to such a demanding situation prevails in making tasty dishes to consumers who have varied tastes and preferences. Still, the culinary experts stand up to the challenge and win admiration of consumers. But, in food it is a ‘one-time’ test; but cine songs face repeat trials  from listeners over and over again.

Certainly, there are tools and techniques that ensure the ‘success’ of cine songs. Two of the components of value for success of songs relate to either melody or rhythm. Occasionally, the two elements may themselves register a dominant presence, making the song ‘reach’ glory in short time. Within the structure of a song, the rhythm component is manipulable, through  a combination of strings/ percussion. However, a lot has to go by way of planning for the most dexterous play of instruments to cause a ‘telling’ effect.

Such demanding execution of novel planning and assembly of instruments are not required for the traditional or classical music. Concerts of classical type are more respected for their keen adherence to prescribed pattern of reproduction for ages. Such simplistic ‘repeats’ are just ‘out of place’ in cine music. So, to keep making songs day in and day out highly imaginative ‘creators’ are sought after and it is no joke to keep delivering for decades.

Prof. K.Raman

Saturday, June 25, 2022



Before proceeding further,  from what Prof. K.Venkataraman has opined, I deem it apt to clarify what Prof KV has suggested of Aloe vera. The weed along rail track is “RAIL KATRAAZHAI” with longer flat ribbon-like leaves more green in tint. It is not fleshy.. The one with medicinal value is a fleshy succulent , dwarfy and is named “SOTRUKKATRAAZHAI” due to the fleshy semisolid colloidal glass-like Mucilage within holding water and several other biochemical factors of medicinal value.


Biochemical factors like vitamins, minerals , polyphenolic anti-oxidants, minerals and Amino acids. Together these components in their respective proportions confer the typical ‘odor’ to the plant. Polyphenolic anti-oxidants can interfere with cells showing ‘cancer activity’.

Antimicrobial role [antibacterial] potential for Aloe vera  are also said to be due to some of the polyphenols. In Ale.

The colloidal gel rich in antimicrobial factors works to ‘heal wounds’ by the complex chemistry in the aloe gel.

Interestingly, Aloe gel is suggested to reduce dental plaque; it indicates some degree of ‘acid’-like activity in Aloe.

Studies have shown that Aloe vira preparations can effectively fight ‘mouth ulcers’.

Preparations of Aloe vera are found tobe effective against constipation. especially the latex that interfaces leaf skin and the gel.

Enhancing the looks

Aloe vera contains typical chemicals which promote collagen production in our body and we do not discourage the desire to look younger.

Aloe vera helps to maintain sugar level in blood by triggering pancreatic functions and can exercise control over glycemic  load.

Sometimes consumption of Aloe vera can trigger diarhoea because of its latex that works as a laxative,

So many utilities are know for Aloe vera.

Prof. K. Raman

Friday, June 24, 2022



Aloe vera –a long ignored succulent weed has shot into global fame and respect in the last 20 years or so. It seems to hold a place of pride as a panacea for several human ailments and disorders. Interestingly, even the die-hard adherents to Western medical system concede    the value / significance of Aloe in medication.

Tamil= கற்றாழை, Hindi= MUSABBAR, Tel, Kan= = kalabanda, Mal= കറ്റവാഴ

As is the usual tendency in our country, only when the West began publishing the value of Aloe vera, did our society realize our ignorance for the ignored succulent. For quite a time lasting over decades, the plant was suspended in verandahs / corridors as a mosquito repellent. Its value as a medicine has assumed the value of industrial products for the range of human disorders that this plant can tackle effectively. Shamefully, we were too ignorant and equally shamelessly, we adore it as a ‘fair skin redeemer’. Industry is always smart to cash in on any finding and how can Aloe vera be any different? A variety of ‘beauty cream and conditioners of skin, based on Aloe are being sold like hot cakes. Not mere surface beautification, even internal disorders like digestion and related set backs are redressed by the potential of the complex chemistry of Aloe. Mind you, the plant is fighting for its living in dry land impoverished for water. Under the harsh state of living, the plant has acquired substantial adaptive methods of gel-like mucilage rich in biochemically active principles which drive off grazing cattle. The self defender comes to the rescue of humans facing health disorders. 

One important feature to take note of about plants in general  is that they arm themselves with defensive tools like latex, Gums, Resins, oils and Antioxidants –Polyphenols. Such compounds dissuade grazing animals through offensive taste and not-easy- to digest type of pungent smell etc., they defend themselves from being grazed, because the land does not provide ample water. Whatever quantum of water is gathered is under a potent threat by grazing; so, deterrent chemical assembly of bitter alkaloids, pungent fluids, sting hairs and coagulant matter like ‘gel’ are useful to store water even as grazing animals face harsh chemical defence from plant. 

Such finely formulated chemicals have anti-biotic potential besides different other molecules that serve as medicines against human disorders. That is why and how dry land species serve mankind in different ways. At least 9 different medicinal values are ascribed to Aloe vera products.   May be, later we can consider them in detail. As I had earlier contended, tropical climate makes the plants develop unique properties. None can ever assume that Humans are supreme. Painfully, they are supreme in assuming of possessing the power to subjugate others until something like CoVid- 19 strikes a blow. Then we run for life-saving medicines from the non-entities –plants, animals, bacteria or any other Nature’s Gift.

Prof. K.Raman

Thursday, June 23, 2022



Does the title look bizarre? Sure, for, the topic [English] is such. Yes, the language has the bizarre ‘structuring’ that learners ‘fall’ under two categories – those who fall in love and those who fall by fear. Of late in our country, among learners of English, the second category- [falling by fear] outnumber the former. What do I suggest by ‘of late’? Till about 1970s, those falling in love with English were in significant number. Coming to the caption “English and Running”, the term ‘running ‘indicates the attitude of learner to the language. While some ‘run into’, many ‘run away’ from it. What brings about such a variation among the learners?

The honest answer to the question hinges on ‘how well the nuances of planning the structure’ of statements is taught in the formative days. If not, at least the ‘rudiments’ of the rules of ‘positioning’ the subject, predicate and the use of verb relevant to the tense must be clearly explained to dispel the scope of fear in learners’ mind.  A few teachers cater to the requirement by liberal use of examples and slowly infusing the rules of grammar-working. On the contrary, several teachers try to impose the ‘rule’ of say so or write so without making the learner minds clear of the ‘parts of speech’. Unless such components are laid bare, the language ‘looks bizarre and the learner bewildered’.

How does it work?

Teachers who wish to succeed teaching English at the lowest levels ought to acquire the patience to ‘persuasive’ approach by taking care to repeat words in a slow pace as to help the learner shed inhibition for outright unfamiliar terms. The strategy of imparting ‘knowledge skill’ requires slow input, repeat trials to ensure ‘familiarity’ to the learner. Basically, the element of fear / apprehension emerges from strange voice/ vocabulary steeply complex by pronunciation. Systematic repetition clears the ‘surprise element’ from unfamiliarity. Teachers who lack skills of perseverance try ‘bull -dozing’,  causing frustration for learners. Once the pattern in the alignment and the way of using verbs are learnt by verification with examples, the effect of expression is picked up.  Till such time, patience can help better than aggressive implementation of rules of grammar.

The very planning of nursery rhymes merely rests on the above principle of familiarizing the learner instead of imposing rules of grammar. Though such rhymes may not serve ‘knowledge-building’, they do cater to build rapport between teachers and the taught. Any effort for teaching must consider the feasibility of approach for all its intricacies. The most useful approach is to place self in the slot of ‘learner’ who begins.  It would help our emotional sympathy to learners while tuning our practice of ‘familiarizing’ the language for its words, usage and grammar. Those who have gathered the right nuances run into the core and those who fail to grasp these elements determining the structuring of language choose to run away from it. Either way English learning can make our kids run ← or→.

Prof. K. Raman 

Wednesday, June 22, 2022



As a nation, we have made grand strides in several fronts like housing, transport, health care and communication. Yet, somewhere along the line, small services of such requirements for mending foot wear, Children dress, lead-coating to brass / copper vessels and umbrellas with distorted frame of metals with-in, seem to have vanished into the oblivion. To use an expression from “Biology”, such services were marvelous examples of ‘Commensalism’ where two different organisms exist by mutual help. Honestly, there is a silent demand for such ‘mending services’ in most towns and cities. We have come under the penumbra of social habits which dissuade using ‘repaired’ or corrected items which symbolize poverty.  How much of usable utilities are discarded by the mere importance accorded to ‘social assessment’.  Let us not forget that on all major events of social gatherings like Weddings, we need those mega containers to hold high volume food items without spoilage. Friends may dismiss my contention that these days we get things done by agencies [Wedding contractors] and we need no such vessels. True, but how many of our ancestral vessels are lying unused in our lumber stock or have been dispensed with for a throw-away price of negligible value. Now we cannot hope to buy even a pair of them except by a hefty payment. To keep them unused or part with them for paltry amounts is a colossal injustice.

The vessel upkeep by lead-coating was once a regular routine done at our door steps just on the road edge by digging a hole to hold charcoal; the burning charcoal was ‘fanned’ by blowing air through a mini bellow operated by the person’s wife. Only if the vessel is heated to high temperature lead-coating can be done by spreading a   uniform layer of molten lead swiftly and deftly over the interior of the hot vessel to make the inner surface lead-coated and fit for food storing. In local parlance, the craft was named ‘kalaai smear’ or ‘eeya poochu’ the equivalent of ‘spreading or coating with lead’ A small family of 2 adults and two children , a bellow, lead metal stock, smearing powder[Ammonium chloride] , charcoal and tools to clasp hot vessel were the  kit of the Lead-coating artisan. The culture of using lead-coated vessels has already been given a ‘go-by’ and such families are rare to be seen now-a-days. With Stainless steel  as the most popular domestic utensils, the need for lead coating is a distant dream; naturally the craftsmen have had an unceremonious exit from the avocation. It is hard to locate such service providers even by man hunt.    


Another working group was that of the Cobbler, who used to sit along footpaths, with fond hopes of someone making use of their services. They prefer to stay at intersections of roads, so as to enhance the scope of picking up more work. As the customer has to wait for completion of work, they select platforms along corners and sit from morning to night. The then cobblers used to mend all defects in footwear, stitch together torn off pieces and carry out patch work to hide defects in soles of footwear/ shoes or replace buckles or drill new holes to facilitate use of buckles.  People   were not unhappy of having to use mended footwear. Their consideration was for justification to any expenditure. So long as the material was good enough for the purpose, they were mentally reconciled to their use.  All such practical advantages have no value for the present-day youth; they deem it apt to be the most ‘presentable’ at any cost. They are not unhappy to invest large sums of money on such outfits as footwear. There is a huge shift in attitude and even the ‘downtrodden’ feel it an insult to accept old dress, used foot wear and the like. In place of use and throw, the practice of use or throw has come about. So, the very working group [cobblers] has wound itself up from such activity.   In all metros, the urgency to rush for work keeps the clan [cobblers] alive. Along the route to stations and at the stations, these men sit in a row and have a long stream of visitors in the mornings for getting their shoes polished; the customer stands, planting the feet alternately on the ‘low’ work bench. By quick polishing they help the visitor to  catch the train in time. Other than this work force, there is a gross decline of them for want of patronage by consumers.

Prof. K. Raman


Tuesday, June 21, 2022




Of the different functionaries known to us, Tailors are a clan worthy of keen consideration. Times were when tailors use to push a trolley mounted with a sewing machine and look for assignments at our door steps. Even more common were the ones carrying a sewing machine with a hand rotor to propel the stitching device. They had in their kit, a range of threads of different hues to convince the women folk who would themselves ascertain if the man has the right shade of stitching thread; if not, would insist on the right material for assigning the work. More than the art of tailoring, carrying ‘tailor-made’ answers to the volley of questions flung at him was the first need for a tailor to win assignments.

Quite amazing it is, if we see how in a matter of hours, those tailors use ‘model’ items or sample items to adapt to the new fabric, cut the cloth and stitch them to dimension , fix the buttons/ button holes or hooks and catch and so on.  With all the intricacies of work and the stiff demands from those customers, the men used to stay under a shelter 2 feet wide and briskly churn out item after item. Whether intelligent or not the home-makers are clever. Peeping through the window they assess the working speed and the local patronage shown to the tailor. Once convinced of the man’s efficiency, 7 or 8 women from houses on either side of the work-spot, hand over work to the ‘unknown’ tailor. It all begins with two women who spot the ‘tailor’ and offer assignments on strict terms; those tailors are no less intelligent. The tailors have the nuances of quick working, amiable disposition towards prospective supports and try to strike a decent bargain of fair workmanship on terms of nominal wages. The strategy of cashing in on the opportunity relates to employing the most polite language taking utmost care in utterance of words even on the face of harsh bargains by women. This was the modus operandi decades ago.


Now-a-days women throng tailor shops devoted for women costumes. Of late, costumes for women are rich in vacant spots with windows, window bars and such criss-cross connections running in different directions. Cut and waste is the modern method in stitching of women garments. 

Men seldom try to make use of the services of street tailors and they prefer to visit shops where a team of men are functioning with no time to even look up. Their legs and hands co-ordinate to follow the stitch line and the coded info scribed in tailor chalk. Men rely on the ‘hear-say‘, about tailor’s ability and assign work to men recommended by friends. Friends are as much dull heads as the man himself. Men are tolerant to the vagaries of stitching; ‘enough if something is worn’ is their attitude. They don’t waste their time looking for matching garment. Imagine, what would it be if men were to wear exact match for pants and shirts? Would just look like class 5 civic services uniform. Looking for the ‘best tailor’ is also just a myth as everyone goofs up on and off.  This time it is for us. No one is safe.

Prof. K. Raman 

Monday, June 20, 2022



Though a number of birds like, Sparrow, Pigeon, Pea-cock are people’s delight, Parrots enjoy a place of pride in human minds. The bird’s moderate size, pleasant call, typical green feathers, cute curved beak reddish in colour and perfect round eyes and a black ring at the base of the near globose head and a flat top make a grand sight of the bird, besides a fair tail and an elegant lateral walk.  None can dislike the bird, leave alone hating it!

Most parrots feed on seeds, fruits, nuts and similar plant products. Some select species of parrot are known to feed on floral nectar / soft buds of plants. With very few exceptions, most of them nest in tree hollows [holes] or shallow cavities on brick walls or nest boxes when in captivity. Some reports suggest that about 50% of parrot population is held under captivity. A major reason for parrot trade relies on the unique ability of parrots to ‘imitate’ human voice with some training. People are attracted by the ‘speech ability’ of parrots and choose to domesticate them though by keeping them in cages – a sure ‘arresting’ of  bird.

Parrots are said to show ’Tripedalism’ – a capacity of using three body parts like feet, neck and beak, as limbs for climbing.

With some minor exceptions, most parrots are monogamous [the same pair of male/ female breed as a set]. The parental pair raises the young ones.


Some Grey parrots are known to ‘speak’ words; also know meaning for some words and form sentences. Beside the language ability, some kind of parrots [Kea] can handle tools and solve puzzles.

Among parrots, learning appears to be a social activity in the young age. Young ones learn in a group and from parents –the habit of locating and collecting food. Food-hunting training seems to last for a long time. Among parrots in the course of learning -2 categories arise—generalists and specialists. The latter have specific abilities. Young birds get trained for flight -- play flight /wild flight and for predator evasion [escaping from larger enemies like Eagle].


Most parrots are known to imitate human speech and also sound of other birds. In this faculty, Grey parrots rank first. A study by Irene Pepperberg – a bird scientist, suggested very high learning ability of 2 members [Grey parrots], Alex and N’ksi. Alex could identify objects, count them, describe them and would answer intricate questions like how many red squares, with an accuracy of over 80%.

The other bird N’ksi, is said to have had a vocabulary of 1000 words; had the ability to invent right words for the correct tense.

Parrots have no vocal cords; they generate sound by manipulating the wind pipe [trachea] opening. Why they imitate sounds is not known yet.

Parrots are temperamental. They need to feel ‘being cared’; lest should revert to aggressive /attacking behaviour. Maintaining them involves systematic spending of time and money to keep the ‘home happy’ for the bird and its owner.

Prof. K. Raman


Sunday, June 19, 2022



Though a common term, its authentic pronunciation is ‘SKVI-RUHL’. This tiny creature is dear to many for its sheer ‘fur pattern’, cute looks and brisk movements besides the shrill voice that alerts its clan of the presence of Cats and Snakes; possibly -they are predators of squirrel. Among other ‘rodents’, only these are tolerated by humans. At times they too may prove ‘nuisance’ by building nests inside our homes and deliver young ones in our territory. Such young ‘fledglings’ fall from the hide-out above , spreading all the 4 legs and stay static for a while before making timid clumsy movements , hiding behind items like TV or sofa causing quite some agony to humans . The human agony thereof pertains to safe-guarding the tinier animal from pets at home. For once, pets may turn disobedient at the sight of the young squirrel and ready to pounce on. Certainly, the very thought is agonizing.

With human settlements robbing off natural habitat for animals, squirrels have turned friendly with humans –more for food and shelter. Being timid, they keep off humans except when very familiar. If humans feed squirrels with food /nut/ eatables, the latter wait for such men and move to their proximity, more to gather food and [the squirrels] slowly shed fear and become quite friendly.

Squirrels are essentially [herbivores] vegetarian by food habits; they thrive on fruits and nuts and so depend on human support, especially with the shortening of the area of their natural food hunt.

Studies* have shown that Squirrels are intelligent and do have good memory.  Recall, how swiftly they run into your house when we are less watchful; also they run [without confusion] to where the young ones are left and start feeding them and again disappear in a flash until dusk. These ‘certainties’ in their route into your house signify the squirrel’s memory of topography, route and ‘intelligent’ avoidance of intervention by humans.

Researchers have found that Squirrels have a complex language [voice-based] and variety of sounds to convey ideas between / among them. At the University of Exeter a set of squirrels were trained to collect and store or hide the nuts in specific places. After near two years, the squirrels when brought to re-locate the buried stuff, they remembered the path involving a complex network of curves, bends, blind ends etc. With no hesitation [confusion] traced their way in and dug out the hidden nuts. There appears to be a native wisdom about hiding different nuts in different locales and getting at them when needed. Squirrels are said to do so [segregating different nuts and independently hiding them].

In addition to the great memory, Squirrels are clever too in hiding their ‘food collection’ from other squirrels / competing animals in reaching the hideout or store of food. Quite interesting it is to learn that if squirrels suspect other animals watching them bury the nuts, they simply pretend to bury them in a place; but actually bury them in some other place and later precisely retrieve them for use.

A combination of memory and intelligence make the Squirrels smart in understanding whether or not humans are friendly. Some ‘orphaned squirrels’ raised by humans prefer to be close to humans and also relish the affection shown to them. All said and done, better that humans approach animals with abundant caution to stay safe from bites /nail scratch or animal -borne disease.

Yes, squirrels are worth enjoying from a distance. Sometimes mood-shift may prove harmful to either. If squirrel- human interaction needs substantiation remember the Epic Squirrel in Ramayana – to have done ‘his part’ to ‘Ram Sethu’.

Prof. K.Raman       * Ref: Tree hugger. Com -5176188.




While ‘Responses/ Comments’ are WELCOME, in respect of my Blog Postings,

I am to caution our readers of the need to AVOID using Names of persons- either                       


Thank you                                                         .              Prof. K. Raman


Saturday, June 18, 2022




Again we take note of three words that connote unpleasant attitudes. This need not suggest that the language is rich in negative terms. Honestly, there are any number of terms that are positive, pleasant and soothing in effect. Such a prelude has been necessitated by the recent series of terms brought in our blog posts. So long as we treat blog writings as mere chances to acquire words, negative emotions need not creep in.


The term “scurrilous” refers to the habit of using abusive language or words that spread hatred about someone. It is in a coarse language- not easy of utterance for many. Using an Improper language, causes a degree of loss of popularity for the person referred to among people whose thought is influenced by such improper terms. ’Scurrilous’ is an adjective and its noun form is ‘SCURRILITY’. Scurrility refers to the quality or state of being scurrilous [abusive].


Of late, some critics of religion /religious practices are not merely noisy but are scurrilous as well.

Most scurrilous gossips about popular persons are mere figments of imagination.

Unfortunately, scurrilous references are not easy to prove and it helps the survival and flourishing of scurrility unhindered.


The term ‘salacious’ is an adjective and is used to describe the nature of books/ magazines or films which tend to field information or material concerning sex or details thereof. Merriam Webster dictionary explains the term as ‘arousing or appealing to sexual desire or imagination’.

The noun form for ‘salacious’ is ‘Salacity’. It means the tendency or quality of being salacious.


Society’s appetite for ‘salacious’ material has helped the emergence of publications bordering on ‘yellow journalism’.

If someone awaits ‘salacious’ stuff, this is not the place or session.


The term ‘Lecherous’ means ‘showing too much interest in ’physical pleasure’

‘Lecherous’ is an adjective and is synonym of ‘Salacious’ The noun form of lecherous is ‘LECHERY’.  It means a steep inclination to desires of basal instincts


Mr. Morris played the role of a lecherous villain in a recent movie.

It turned out that the counsel was himself a lecherous lawyer.

Prof. K.Raman

Friday, June 17, 2022



[Pronounced as: Shuh kayn uhree]

Chicanery is another bad trait in that it pertains to the practice of clever use of language for ‘deception‘ or subterfuge with a design to achieve one’s purpose . In plain terms it is an organized strategy of ‘word play’ to willfully make others believe and play into the trap.

Subterfuge [pronounced: shub tuh fyooj] is explained as a ‘dishonest way of behaving’. Once again the easiest way of understanding the term ’Chicanery’ is to recall ‘rosy utterances of political outfits to hoodwink gullible voters by tall promises hard to ‘stand by’. It is a kind of ‘verbal blindfolding’ of voters.  ‘Hoodwinking’ is also an act of treachery on voters/UNSUSPECTING listeners through false promises

One of the definitions of “Hoodwink” suggests ’to make someone believe something that is not true’. ‘Deceive’, ‘trick’,’ defraud’ ‘misguide’ are other synonyms of ‘hoodwink’.  So, all terms associated with Chicanery are themselves expressions of varied forms of cheating.


People of all nations are fed-up with the political chicanery and no longer gather in numbers to listen to political promises.

The litigant has suffered twice from the chicanery of his lawyers in retrieving the property from the rival.

One of the trickiest is reading through the intricacies of statistical chicanery


Pronounced : ruh taw rik

Rhetoric is a statement spoken or written with the innate desire to impress recipients and so, is not sincere or honest.

Though ‘rhetoric’ is viewed as a skill of handling language to impress audience, it is dubbed ‘insincere’ / grandiloquent. Grandiloquent is viewed as big or bombastic. Grandiloquent is a product of merger of terms” Grand “and ‘Eloquent’

Grand suggests size or volume while ‘eloquent’ signifies free flow of words. Unlike Chicanery that aims to willfully misleading, Rhetoric has only the purpose of making an impression and is not intent on cheating.


Pronounced: kuf- kaw-fuh -nee

Cacophony is a noisy cluster of words and unpleasant to hear. So, cacophony is a jarring sound of words, that are discordant. It relates more to the volume than to the content. Often, rhetoric is delivered in a fierce noise that cacophony gets associated with it.

Though the words ‘chicanery’, rhetoric’ and cacophony mean different things, the three can come together in terms of effect.

Prof .K. Raman

Thursday, June 16, 2022

P… P…P

 P… P…P

Certainly, it is not any opening of a ‘Nadhaswaram' concert; Still, I choose to use it as a catchy title for the day’s blog post. I intend surveying three words –not so common in our daily usage. All of them begin with letter “P” and hence the title.

These are ‘Penury ‘, Parsimony’ and ’Parvenu’. Though simple, these terms have not had the users’ patronage for quite obscure reasons. If someone has any clue or suggestion kindly enlighten all of us [on this point]  is an ‘open request’.


Parsimony is a negative trend on matters of spending from resources even if enough justification remains for that expenditure. In plain terms it is ‘miserly’ behaviour. Some persons hide the money in their possession and turn the other way at the time of payment and force payment [therefore expenditure] on others. Sometimes we observe lavish spending by government agencies on propaganda; but the same agencies turn PARSIMONIOUS and hold back investments like transport or power supply schemes. Parsimonious is the adjective form as can be readily recognized. ‘Parsimony’ in use of ‘words’ [language] is a practice adopted by some teachers. It simply robs the students of the opportunity to learn and use better terms. To make things clear it can be said that ‘parsimony’ is a tendency of avoiding spending even a pie [paisa] more than what the person feels inevitable. Such persons painfully part with money for train ticket or cinema hall; for them popcorn is an extravaganza more than a luxury by itself.

PARVENU [Pronounced ‘paa-vuh-nyoo’]

If one gets to have the meaning of the word, no wonder we have not had the occasion to know, understand and relish the usage of the term. It is unusual by occurrence though not outright ‘ruled out’. ‘Parvenu’ applies to person[s] who have suddenly become rich or ascended power. There is more to it than mere wealth or position of power. Some sources like dictionaries, also indicate that besides acquisition of wealth or power, [s]he is yet to acquire the ‘presentation’ that goes with those parameters of social significance. So to say the [wo] man –though richer or powerful [suddenly] remains rustic or ill-refined in attire or utterance. Possibly, the best-fit states of ‘parvenu’ can be found among politicians who turn rich overnight but remain ill-organized and crude.


‘Penury’ is a noun and it refers to the state of extreme poverty.

All kinds of inadequacy, scarcity, dearth and insufficiency are classed under ‘PENURY’. Each of them also signifies the state of being below the level of adequacy.

A person in ‘penury’ may one day turn wealthy [‘parvenu’] but should not become parsimonious fearing the earlier penury.

Prof. K.Raman


Wednesday, June 15, 2022



Among the most orthodox elders of traditional households, the vegetable ‘Cabbage’ is just an item for garbage. All said and done, it has gained social acceptance as a vegetable in our diet except on days of observances of remembrance. Such a ‘treatment’ may be traceable to the vegetable’s western origin. The item has a patronage by house-wives for the ease of handling it and the high volume of dish that can be tabled in quick time.

If the item is put to vote, probably it may manage to win Yes and No –for, there are equal number of persons to like/ dislike. It is my basic understanding that the item does not enjoy huge following or any outright condemnation.

Leaving aside these peripherals, the item holds interest for its value in different situations.


Cabbage is a recommended item for those intent on ‘losing’ weight; the suggested method involves making a soup with certain other additives to enhance palatability.


It is recommended that about 200 ml of cabbage juice taken in empty stomach with a teaspoon honey can quickly relieve us of ulcers in about a week’s time. Simply shred a cabbage leaf to pieces, boil in water and when lukewarm add honey and drink as the first feed of the day, and get relieved of ulcers.


Cabbage can deliver Vitamins-K, C, B6, Manganese, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium; also contains small quantities of Vit-A, Iron and Riboflavin.


Cabbage has antioxidants to relieve us of inflammations


Cabbage has enough fibre to help digestion


Cabbage helps healthy heart through Anthocyanins


Cabbage provides sterols that reduce low-density cholesterols

In short, cabbage is a healthy diet supplement, though it doesn’t appeal for a delicacy.

Prof. K. Raman

Tuesday, June 14, 2022



‘Book’ is a common term. But, it may mean several disparate things under different contexts. Quite interesting it is to note that this word is common with not-so common applications in the English language.

Book: a collection of essays on a single theme or a series of articles catering to varied interests like political, legal, medical and academic topics and may include jokes and tit-bits besides advertisements, so long as the term remains a ‘noun’.

BOOK: a collection of unused pages to write on –as in a Note book. On this occasion the item has no author or editor, as anyone can use it for writing.

Another form of book is “TICKET BOOK“ or “Cheque book” whose pages are detached  for use in a defined system  like train or bus for a pre-determined value or in  MEAL COUNTER of a hotel. Except the person[s] authorized none else can write or sign them.


A SPECIAL DOCUMENT RELATING TO Commercial activities of a firm or company or a business house or a trader. It is supposed to ‘document’ purchases, arrivals inward/ delivery outward and financial information on Income/ Expenditure. The upkeep of the record is ‘BOOK KEEPING’.


The term means ‘as per rules or by stipulations of Law’, or by the rules of the game. Players who play the game or shots as per definition are said to play in ‘copy book style’.


The term refers to issues or events of which not much is known in public. The life of XXX was a closed book; it may also mean an eventful life of secrets.  Sometimes ‘closed book’ may also mean that some ideas or principles are not clearly understood. As for instance Mathematics is a closed book for me , much as English is for some people.


The expression ‘good books’ is a reference to positive influence between persons or between a person and a firm. For instanc : He is in the Good Books of the Top leader [ He can be influential with the leader= can achieve support]  or He is in the ‘bad books’ of the leader     [His attempts to get some help are bound to fail].


The expression ‘on the books’ suggests that the idea or statement or information is recorded. So, later the person cannot retract if his/ her statement is on the book. ‘ON THE BOOKS’ is an idiom.


The expression means ‘as stated by me in writing’ or in my opinion or contention


The expression suggests to ‘make people answerable before law or court’.


The term refers to the possibility of our indicating different titles like Medicine Astronomy, Agronomy, Literature, Fiction, Travelogue , History, Biography, Autobiography and so on.

Though a common and a simple term, ‘book’ as used in different formations may mean far different things and ideas; each of them has a definite implication.

Prof. K.Raman

Monday, June 13, 2022

Why some plants disappoint us?

 Why some plants disappoint us?

It is a painful sight to see friends lamenting that the Jasmine cuttings / Rose cuttings so affectionately carried to our place in Nainital or Simla, lack the distinct fragrance [known for their flowers in their places] is missing despite superior climate and all agronomic care bestowed on to them. I can only sympathize with them because, they are honest in their care of the plant; but, the plant is not any disloyal to the caretakers. Either are performing to their best.  But, what goes wrong? To put the record straight, some clarity about plant growth and the role of climate over their ‘products’ m nature deserve understanding.

Humans seldom review themselves for any change in them since their settling in some place like England/ US A/ Australia from their original abode at Paramakkudi or Uththirakosamangai down South. But, they want Aruppookkottai Jasmine to bear fragrant flowers in Minnesota or Vermont. True the plant taken from our tropical homeland are gregarious in foliage in new place but disappoint us by flowers. Why+?

One more disappointment of which migrants to US from India avoid discussion [like the proverbial scorpion-stung thieves] is the less tasty vegetable from US departmental stores, fielding massive Brinjals, cute Ladies finger and similar stuff [home-grown in US]. Back home some of them muster courage to fight with the wife that ‘you are no good a cook compared to my mom’; obviously many lament in silence , lest domestic peace should get torn  to pieces and a ready retort  as to “why not you get your mom to cook for us here?”

Another occasion when these India-born Diaspora let their emotions emerge at a weak moment –tasting the items –‘rasam’, ‘Murukku’ or similar stuff served in weddings ; after a sumptuous tasting of them, they reveal – ‘whatever we may try , the taste of Items in India’ are indeed mouth-watering’ and the same TASTE does not come about in USA. People who are on a high key decibel talking about living conditions, civic quality and silent society around in their area, drop into eerie silence to speak about the inability in improving the taste of food even by the most accurate recipe.  The missing factor in all the above instances pertain to soil minerals and climate. These two determine a variety of plant features.

Yes, biological systems –plants/ animals tune themselves to the conditions of soil and climate prevalent in the ‘new home’. Plants obtain the elements from the soil and assemble their structures through proteins and generate carbohydrates, proteins and sugars typical for their species. It is the precise assembly of such minerals that is responsible for the ‘fidelity’ in taste and aroma of each vegetable. However, the size of the fruits or flowers of a species get determined by the water content and ‘freedom’ of growth permissible by climate. Tropical climate [warm through the best part of the year] places a restriction over fruit or flower size. General freedom for such growth is a balance between genetic potential and the freedom from climate. Conducive cold climates encourage bigger dimensions for structures through accumulation of water and consequent enlargement in size. Recall how the massive brinjal fruits give off water when put in the frying pan and attain a low volume upon cooking.

Tropical warm geographic territories restrict growth in size and the water content thereof. At the same time the fruits, vegetables or seeds have minerals and low water content. In order to hold the water in the cells, the flowers /fruits have water-binding substances. To attract pollinators, the flowers secrete ethereal oils with typical fragrance. Also, when fruits of tropical plants ripen they give off ‘fruity smell’  by the evaporating substances and ethylene. In cold climates, the oil content and the readiness to evaporate are  very low and so hill station flowers and fruits do not draw attention by fragrance. The problem is compounded by an inherent low content of evaporable oils. We can try to grow plants / flowers / fruits in our territory with no control over their mineral uptake/ quantum of water held within and the assembly of rich oils of  vapourizing ability. Better not to lament over what cannot be altered or alerted by us.

Prof. K.Raman

Sunday, June 12, 2022



Punct [noun] and it means a point or a dot. Interestingly, punct is the root word for several other derivatives in English language. It is quite a revelation that a variety of usages appear to have emerged from this word. Let us try to recall some of them.

Punct means ‘point’ which means a critical issue in a discussion.

Punctal refers to any item relating to a ‘point’.

Punctuate [Verb] which implies the writing custom of marking pauses, separation of clauses or ending of statement.

Punctuation [noun] which suggests or refers to the act or process of punctuating.

Punctuative [adjective]-which refers to the relationship to the process of ‘punctuaion’.

Punctuator[ noun]  refers to a person who takes care of appropriately ‘punctuating’ the book.

Punctiform [adjective] -a reference to the appearance like a ‘dot’ or ‘point’.

Punctilio [noun] Exactness or precision in form

Punctilious [adj] refers to the habit or tendency of being precise

Punctographic [ adj]- relates to the act of printing for  blind [ braile]

Punctual [ adj] the act of sticking to time schedule

Punctuality/ Punctualness  [noun] the habit of adhering to time.

Punctum [noun] a dot or point

Punctate [adj]  - ending in a point.

Puncture [verb] to pierce with a sharp instrument.

Thus, the root-word ‘PUNCT’ serves to formulate several derivatives, each of which may have a precision to a context. It is profitable to get armed of such usages and their utility thereof. Quite an array of terms is based on ‘Punct’. Use them to advantage and make a mark in your sphere of activity. Good luck.

Prof. K.Raman  


Saturday, June 11, 2022



I am no conjurer nor do I intend becoming one. Still, such tongue-twisting labels become favourites of students of Biology for naming their Biology teachers; Students are baffled by liberal use of such terms in Biology ; they tend to believe that the teachers are intent on baffling. If properly laid out , Biology is among the most fascinating branches of knowledge by virtue of the innate ‘design’ of structures ‘formulated by the creator or Nature’, conceiving the probability of immense potential essential for survival. As one keeps getting into the deep corridors of the subject more awe and admiration for Nature’s ‘forethought’ keeps amplifying by the hour. Yet, almost till date Biology is looked down upon as a segment with ‘nothing to learn by effort’, as there are no  formulae  to derive or equations to solve. Honestly, such formulae and equations unfold before us when we try interpreting a range of biochemical interactions, by-products, metabolites [substances derived from usable matter] and their value to humans. On the face of it Biology is dubbed as an exercise of memorizing names/ terms/ spelling and drawing diagrams –as a mundane duty of learning.   Somewhere along the line such an impression has set in and keeps many minds and brains from venturing into Biology. If my contention needs proof, may I draw attention to the fact that several students and parents deem it fit to opt for Biotechnology course in Engineering institutes. The ‘bait’ for them is the term ‘technology’ though tagged to the ‘untouchable’ biology.  The honesty of truth should alert us that with no strong foundation in the domains  of Physiology in Biological systems, any technology would just be a claim; it cannot obviously help the cause of Biotechnology as the very purpose of this branch of knowledge  aims at alleviating human suffering by evolving the most tangible solutions without the attendant ‘side-effects’. The ‘euphoria’ for technology has swallowed the ability to delineate urgency from accuracy or precision in knowledge. Leaving aside such social malady of our times, let us revert to ‘ABRACADABRA’ –the title of this write –up. Why I chose this title needs explanation. The title is a magician’s expression before performing any magic [ಮಾಟ ಮಂತ್ರ ಲಿಪಿ= Kannada சூ மந்திரக்காளி=Tamil , മാന്ത്രികപദം=MALAYALAM  మాంత్రికుని మంత్రం TELUGU,

As such, the word appears new and seems to wield some mystic power which helps the magician to carry the audience. Also, the students in I B.Sc [Biology] see a magician like behaviour of biology teachers who utter such terms effortlessly and keep students on tenterhooks by unabated leashing of terminology. Unlike ‘abracadabra’ of the magician, terms in biology are rich in meaning and are judiciously coined for precision.

The nightmare gripping the student is almost the handiwork of injudicious teachers who never explain the meaning / significance of such terms. Instead they bulldoze statements with very little concern for the learner. It is traceable to the impoverished communication skills of teachers who have no skill or inclination for ‘paraphrasing’ statements to help the student grasp the idea. Indirectly, it also suggests that such teachers are not adept in ‘deciphering’ technical terms by appropriate identification of components therein to derive the intended meaning. Instead, they perform ‘parrot repeats’ without making ideas easier for grasp and remembering. Ideas not well understood promote traits of fierce memorizing and senseless repeat of terms in examinations. If terms are well explained on the first occasion of their usage, learning turns simpler and delightful. Teachers of low skills take oppressive postures causing both fear and disdain among learners.

It is quite puzzling that if Biology has an abracadabra –type language the same should apply to Law since the latter too makes use of terms framed in Gk or Latin. I am not aware of any murmur about Law terms or their rigidity in functional application. Commonly we find terms  “Suo motu”, “Sine die”, prorogued, “Fait accompli”, “Mutatis mutandis”, “ex-parte” and so on. The sanctity of law seems to sustain itself from the strength of rigidity that goes with the ‘legal parlance” Same is the need and validity for technical terms in Biology. Any teaching to be worthy, ought to stick to the moral duty of appropriate clarity and instant explanations of terms, making the exercise of learning free from anxieties / uncertainties. I hope the ‘ABRACADABRA’ is relevant only for the magician and not for any sensible learning. How could Biology be any different?

Prof. K. Raman      



Friday, June 10, 2022



As a logical corollary to the previous item [Pen], it is important to recall the item named “INK”. The present generation has to be apprised of such items as pen and ink, as in daily life these items are out of use now. Most official work, including documents were   hand-written till late in independent India when Typewriters were used for Document writing. Now the type writer has turned obsolete and only old timers realize the meaning of these terms. India and China have had a long history of inventing and using Ink as a writing fluid.  When India was under British rule, the black ink was called “Indian Ink” probably as a slur. Be that as it may, India served their ends well until Freedom movement assumed unmanageable dimensions.

Inks of Blue, Black, Red and Green were used in varied institutions and occasions more as a code of authority such as Officials, Judges, Police officers and other cadres. So far as students were concerned examinations for above IX standard were to be written in Ink either blue or black; Using Of other shades was not permitted. Turquoise blue was not for students due to its closeness to light green shade.   The most popular brand of ink was IRIS. For several years Iris was a leading brand followed by NAVY brand. BY 1965 Iris witnessed some partnership disputes and was abruptly discontinued. Later, the partners independently fielded their products BRIL and NURIT. To recapture the market, both brands designed their looks and dispensation packages, especially on the same lines as IRIS. However market fortunes were such that BRIL survived better and to date holds some market.

Another parallel contender , but of a higher brand value was Parker’s QUINK which had a special niche for their Turquoise blue version, though they did market all other shades as well. With some Indianisation strategy for product , Parker’s Quink was rechristened “CHELPARK with every other issue as ever.

There was a sudden spurt in the products of Art and Writing by an Indian brand CAMEL who specialized in drawing Ink –jet black [ he so-called INDIAN INK]. Alongside with those, they brought out Drawing pens, Drawing crayons and gadgets like Stencils. Pencils and similar items under a new name “CAMLIN”

Talking of Pencils, my memory runs back to 1960 s  I vividly remember as a student of B.Sc  - Biology, where Record work of very high volume and Order was the then norm. All drawing in Record had to be by a specific brand from England named VENUS. The pencils were of a very high standard and had to be sufficiently long not less than 4” to facilitate the correct   grip  for  the best free-hand drawing in sharp lines like etching. Short of these the record paper would the mercilessly destroyed by mutilation or by red ink preventing its presence in the final assembly of RECORD.

Those England pencils were meticulously manufactured by M /S V PERUMAL CHETTY and Sons of Chennai. They had a reputation of catering to specifications like H [Hard], 2H [Double HARD , 3H , 4H …. UP TO 12 H with corresponding hardness of the writing graphite, besides HB [Hard-Black], B [Black], 2B, 4B etc  were available. The data engraved on those pencils were thoroughly reliable and those pencils were the most sought after by students of Biology / Engineering for excellent diagram quality. With ban on imports and FOREX restrictions these brands vanished from the Indian markets. Slightly inferior cousins like “APSARA’ were marketed. Good products like KOHINOOR and ENGINEER pencils  were available for quite some time. With a steady drop in Laboratory work culture and upkeep of quality, students and staff are just happy with a stub called Pencil, with no concern for H or HB –the two Angels for traditional biologists of the previous millennium. 

Prof. K.Raman



  P B SRINIVAS   3 பி பி ஸ்ரீனிவாஸ் -3 வாழ்க்கை படகு படம் பலருக்கு ஒரு வகையில் முதல் படம் , விஸ்வநாதன் - ராமமூர்த்தி முதலில்...